Agricola de Cologne

Curated projects

The curatorial-networked art creations
How to Build a Museum

About curating

For Agricola de Cologne, curating, as well as networking forming the basis for curating, is representing his specific kind of art expression, it is virtual and physical art alike. Curating is no “job” and does not represent an institutional task based on scientific research, but an artistic interaction based on the need to approach art from a different point of view, but like doing any other kind of art, exclusively from his very personal point of view.

In fact, he started curating in 1990. Although he was following courses of art history during his university studies in Munich (1971-1974), he had, however, no education in curating, courses in curating did not exist, yet. He did it, like anything else, by doing, because the given situation required from him to curate. In this sense, he did it rather like a museum curator without the ambition to do an artistic action via curating.

Agricola de Cologne’s curatorial activities can be divided in two parts 1990-1994 and 2000-. As W.O.F.Agricola he was cconcentionally curating the activities of ARCHA Society – 1989, he started the Project “German Re-unification” on 9 November 1989 by founding ARCHA Society Foundation (ARCHA e.V. – Archives and Research for Contemporary Humanism and Art), which he was running as its President and curator until 1994 – and since 2000 new media as Agricola de Cologne.



Starting in 2000 his third life from point zero, dedicated to the new artistic (electronic) media, using the Internet as an artistic medium was automatically enforcing curating as a primary activity. Agricola de Cologne was combining all kinds of responsibility in one person, the programmer, the designer, the director, the artist, the curator, the public relations manager, thus the entire staff of a production company or museum etc. This aspect that everything Agricola de Cologne was doing since 2000, was exclusively the work of one single person, whereby his project, as typically Internet specific works, were, differently from usual art works, ongoing after their initialization, so the creator was always running different projects and platforms, at the same time, influencing each other progressively.


When Agricola de Cologne initiated himself as a brand and virtual artist, he had no idea about the consequences. In one way, he actually wanted to continue his ideas of an artistic commemoration on a virtual level in Internet, which had started in physical space years ago. On 1 January 2000, he released as his first artistic manifestation on the net ” A Virtual Memorial”, the counter part to his physical project “A Living Memorial” (1995-1998), but expanded to a global level adressed to the online audience on all parts of globe. He started a kind of diary posting at first daily, later weekly and monthly his reflections about incidents global-wide which he was thinking to be worth to be commemorated by creating smaller Internet based interactive works. He initiated his first calls for artists participations, not being aware that he was starting curating by inviting the first artist to participate and contribute.

Projects like “JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art, A Virtual Memorial or The New Museum of Networked Art give evidence of the ambition to simulate in Internet such established cultural structures by doing it in an Internet specific way via partcipatory and networking aspects, by including curators, artists and cultural institutions. Curating was not restricted to take responsibility for a physical art collection or an exhibition, but the contents, the artists, the curators, artworks, networking partners – institutions or organisations and not to forget, the virtual and physical space.

By realising his projects by inviting artists, curators and institutions he was continuously creating and generating virtual and physical artworks visually and sensually perceivable by the users. Via the interactivity of these projects, the users became curators, as well. In this sense, curating means for Agricola de Cologne also basically activating the user or viewer and eliminate the passive consumer position.

Although the curatorial activities during the first phase (1990-1994) had retrospectively seen, also highly interactive components by encouraging the audience and enforcing dialogue on different levels, they were nevertheless quite conventional compared with that kind of curating which the Interet was generating, enabling and enforcing, and Agricola de Cologne did that kind of curating not define, yet, as an art creating of itown, which he became aware only later. So, curating became part of his artistic concepts born from the necessity the Internet as a medium of art was generating.

One has to consider, when Agricola de Cologne started in 2000, only short time before, the Internet had become only popular, the computer was not recognized, yet, as a serious art tool, and the established cultural structures like art museums, were generally refusing the computer, the Internet and new technologies and the artists using these tools.. The Internet connection was at the lowest speed of 28 Kb-56 Kb, streaming video was still an utopia, nevertheless, Agricola de Cologne recognized immediately the relevance of streaming video, and generated from his own digital video sources a kind of low-tech streaming video by programming, which became obsolete when the technology became more advanced some years later.


Of course, Agricola de Cologne was not the only artist or cultural activist, who was dealing with the virtual art works in virtual space, nevertheless projects like “JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art” were pioneers in many concerns, as a new cultural structure such a project was curated in any concern, by designing a museum acting in virtual space for virtual art, designing interfaces and curating virtual space, developing the projetcs (departments) incorporating Internet based art works by active artists, keeping close contacts to the artists and encouraging them to continue, creating and maintaining networks. Until 2005, he curated in total 18 projects for JavaMuseum to be followed by two big shows in 2007 and 2010 . All of them are still running online, but were many times installed on monitors as a part of physical exhibitions. As a designer of culture, Agricola de Cologne got many privileges because he was dealing with the artists directly and it was obvious that the project of the museum or platform was representing an art project itself.


In 2003, Agricola launched on the day when the Iraq War began, his project “Violence Online Festival”, a curatorial challenge running until 2005. The global-wide effects of the manifestations of violence were representing an occasion to deal with violence and war, but the real cause was, of course, to reflect the own affection of violence via the art works by other artists and curating.



A particular mark is representing the year 2004 for Internet based art, it was a high time and cumulation point before its decline, and 2004 was for Agricola de Cologne a changing point, as well, because invited by Biennale of Electronic Art in Perth (Australia) he created the global networking project [R][R][F]200x—>XP – featuring different plafforms for different digital art media like VideoChannel – video project environments and SoundLAB – sonic art project environments.



While he realizsed in the context of SoundLAB until 2010 annually in total 7 huge sonic art projects, featuring the best sonic art works by the most prestigeous sound artists – giving evidence of his privileges compared with institutional instances, in VideoChannel he was realising dozens of curatorial projects, whereby Agricola de Cologne started curating curators from the beginning in 2004. which was at that time an enormous provocation, while it is usual nowadays. VideoChannel was also the starting point for a new type of curatorial activities in a new field “art and moving images, resulting in 2005 CologneOFF – Cologne Online Film Festival , to be renamed in 2007 to CologneOFF _ Cologne International Videoart Festival, a kind of mobile festival without a static festival location – a consequence was the multi-dimensional CologneOFF – International Festival Network – – consisting of a wide range of internal festivals run by artvideoKOELN and the global-wide network of festival partners, so curating meant in trhis context also curating the festival partners.


Focussing his activities after 2005 on CologneOFF was representing also that big change and new challenge in the curatorial activities, realising projects in an exchange between virtual and physical space, generating that kind of dualism, which made Agricola de Cologne’s projects so successful on long term. It became also evident, that not all artists were following the open structures of the Internet, also because institutional instances and major festival structures were demanding a kind of exclusivity.

While during the first years (2000-2004) the virtual space of the Internet was the basic medium for Agricola de Cologne’s curatorial activities, the exchange between virtual and physical space required new curatorial strategies by including physical networking partners, so the new curatorial aspect became – curating networks, curating curators, festivals, organistions and create and generate new type of virtual & physical “images”.


Consequently, Agricola de Cologne established in 2005 his own publishing platform, named: “netEX – networked experience”, curating & promoting selected activities of “Third Parties”.

One of the major projects, created for an exchange between virtual and physical space was entitled: ://Selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem – a show for Peace,
a media art exhibition incorporating different digital media like video, photography, soundart, multi-media etc.

In 2009, he also launched, the project “Draft title: Shoah” and in this context “Shoah Film Collection” and as a result of it “Collective Trauma Film Collections” – world-wide unique merdia art contexts.


In 2005, artvideoKOELN international” was launched as an idea for the curatorial platform running all projects “dealing with art& moving images”, releasing later in 2009, CologneOFF as a nomadic pfestival roject in collaboration with networking partners around the globe, in this way and due its experimental character, CologneOFF became not only an artistic and curatorial, but also a networking challenge.

By starting his projects in 2000, Agricola de Cologne established his social network long before Mr. Zuckerberg estalished Facebook. Differently than Zuckerberg, Agricola de Cologne had never commercial ambitions, instead of this he created artistic structures for artistic purposes. Although the Internet as such was generating social networks through itself, Agricola de Cologne has to be considered as a pioneer in creating at the early stage of 2000, already his network, which ist still ongoing and growing, despite of countless followers on the artistic and commercial field.


A special relevance got the nomadic festival project “CologneOFF 20XX – videoart in a global context”, an experimental tour around the globe on the search for the ideal form of presenting videoart to an audience. It was an extraordinary curatorial challenge preparing and creating for each of the numerous annual venues an individual screening program, showing the artist’s/curator’s ambition to create virtual images inside of the audience via curating and activating the audience, this way.. In these terms, curating had not the intention to present the best films or videos or promote the most famous artists, but those videos and artists which fit at best into the artistic concept behind the respective screening program. It was intentional to disturb the audience this way, as well as giving unknown talents a chance to enter a most complicated art system. In 2012, he extended CologneOFF about some new formats like One minute films, animations and experimental documentary.


In 2012, Agricola de Cologne restructured and redesigned his project environment “A Virtual Memorial” as a foundation and a center for commemorative interventions –, an experimental event framework for “Draft title: Shoah”, with manifestations in Riga, Warsaw, Vilnius, Phnom Penh, Milan, Timisoara, Tel-Aviv between 2012 and 2014.

After 10 years rapid and exciting media development, after 10 years being an active part and witness of new technologies in art, Agricola de Cologne transformed CologneOFF as an individual festival into the International Festival Network of the same name – consisting of an internal and external network – generating new curatorial platforms and event structures like artvideoKOELN – audio-visual experiences, d//light Darkness Into Light Festival or The W:OW Art Film and Video Festival.

Agricola de Cologne’s artistic/curatorial activities, and in this ways a carreer in this field, was not planned, but came up by actively doing following an internal creative necessity. It is now the task of “artvideoKOELN international” to work in future as an “operating system”, and as such a new challenging art work.

Many of his curated projects incorporate artists and other instances from many countries on the globe, and one might call Agricola de Cologne the first virtual and global curator, since he uses the communicating media for creating a world wide net of art activities and projects of different kind.

His projects are presented and realised in cooperation with numerous art institutions and organisations and he is also invited to join external networks by co-organize and co-curate festivals and media art exhibitions in different parts on the globe.

As his specific type of art working, curating takes a particular influence on the perception of the artworks through the audience, since they follow the classical idea of the “collage” resulting most complex and dynamic constructions of different identity and authenticity in the framework of an interactive context. But the way, he was curating during the past 15 years, eg. taking responsibility for art from a continuously changing point of view, means also consequently to return to his own physical art works one day under a completely different point of view., this is good for the art creations before 2000, as well as for those after 2000.

And a final note. Agricola de Cologne started operating from point zero in 2000, this means also in material terms.. Behind all activities is and was standing one single person, which was not paid to do a job, but was organising its own survival as an artist. While other artists were continuing painting, sculpturing or creating installations, Agricola de Cologne was exploring his abilities, possibilities and opportunities in new kinds of artistic fields. He used technology and exploring unknown territory in the same way as a tool, as a painter is using brush and colour for making a painting.
While after the initiatization of Agricola de Cologne as a brand on 1. January 2000, nobody knew what would come, and at least the artist hinself, now after more than 15 years, it can be stated, that “Agricola de Cologne” made an unusual carreer as a virtual artist and curator, and only now actually one can speak of “Agricola de Cologne” as a project itself – and consequently – the artist was curating himself very successfully.

Social - networked - individual art working

Social & individual artworking

Agricola de Cologne’s art creating can be divided into two sections – socially networked artworking, manifested in the processes and results of curating and networking related to the numerous platforms and related projects on one hand, and on the other hand his individual artworking manifested in static images like photography, moving images like video and interactive images like netart or networked interaction with amd between other curators and other artists.

Agricola de Cologne’s course of artistic life was poinzing already before the coma 1998 to the neew for interaction as a fundamenmtal component, however the concentions of that time dod not allow the think consequently into new artistic directions. While workong comcentionally as a visual artist, he was never happy that working lonely on his art studio, the results of his artworking was not the typical isolation, but this isolation the artist was feeling as a fundamental form of violence, became also topic of his creations.

Already before the wall in Berlin was falling 1989, Agricola de Cologne had been setting his course into a new direction by founding ARCHA Society, an association conisting of a number of founding members whose aims were dedicated to interacting in this framework. The new political situation was offering the chance to look for networking beyond the iron curtain which was separating East and West since the end of World War II. But the time was not mature enough, yet. It was the coma 1998 and the temporary complete loss of the memory representing that caesura allowing him to start something new without rooting on ancient conventions.

By establishing himself as a virtual creator on 1 January 2000, he set the signal he wanted to overcome the isolation of the freshly born artist by entering the Internet and communicating. His artistic creations were the tools for communicating, and consequently the result of it was networking and curating – something far beyond of any conventions at that time. Agricola de Cologne’s activities followed from the beginning a kind of genetic/evolutionary necessity – by learning by doing.

Curating as Networking as Artworking
The Network-a challenge in new mediaNetwork(s)~artists~curators~venues

Ambassadors panel @ International Conference of Holocaust Museums – Academy of Sciences Riga 4-6 June 2012

Curating as Networking as Artworking

A Virtual Memorial Foundation

JavaMuseum & NewMediaFest

AGRICOLA de Cologne – an Utopia?



All project platforms realised since 2000 have to be considered as netart (Internet based art) which have their roots exclusively on the net, they are non-linear, as well as linear.
All platforms represent each one individually media art by simulating of institutional contexts. Each plaform represents a network for itself, but its real meaning it gets in the conte4xt of the entire project network combined withe the complementary networks of artists, curators und cultural and institutional instance worldwide as networking partners.

All platforms, as well as al incorporated projects and sub-projects are meant to realized in an exchange between virtual und physical space, optionally they can be installed as an exhibition according to individual concepts.

By realising these works, Agricola de Cologne combines all thinkable functions, like a programmer, multi-media developer, curator, director, etc in one single person, so as The Network himself he is the best representative of the networking idea.

All project platforms, containing a variety of subordinatedprojects and their networked activities – operated by artvideoKOELN – form

The New Museum of Networked Art

also downloadable as PDF


  • Central News Platform
    The Blog @ The New Museum of Networked Art
  • Bild1abc

  • Agricola de Cologne
  • Bild1abc

  • artvideoKOELN
    artvideoKOELN – audiovisual experiences
  • Bild1abc

  • A Virtual Memorial Foundation
    A Living Memorial 1995-1998
    11 September Terror Memorial
    AIDS Memorial
    Tsunami 2004 Memorial
    Rainforest Memorial
    AVMCI _ A Virtual Memorial – Commemorative Interventions
    A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012
    A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012
    A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013
    A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012 & 2013
    A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Timisoara 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Jaffa 2014
    The d/i/light Memorial
    iTERROR Memorial
    The Sonic Memorial
    The 7 Memorials for Humanity

  • Bild1abc

  • ENGAD – Engaged Art Directory
    Argentina Memorial 2005
    Women: Memory of Repression Argentina
    Family Portrait
    Selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem-a show for Peace
    Draft Title: Shoah/Arbeitstitel: Shoah
    Draft Title: Shoah: Blog
    SFC – Shoah Film Collection
    SFCIP – Shoah Film Collection Interview Project
    CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections
    The Cambodia 1975-1979 Memorial
    The Hiroshima-Fukushima Memorial
    The Refugee! Memorial
    The WAKE Up! Memorial
    ://self~imaging – artists show face against Populism, Intolerance & Racism
    The W:OW Project – We Are One World
  • Bild1abc

  • JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
    JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Project
    JavaMuseum 2007
    JavaMuseum 2010 – Celebrate!
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  • NewMediaFest
    NewMediaFest 2007
    NewMediaFest 2010
    CologneOFF – Cologne International Festival Network
    CologneOFF I
    CologneOFF II
    CologneOFF III
    CologneOFF IV
    CologneOFF V
    CologneOFF VI
    CologneOFF VII
    CologneOFF VIII
    CologneOFF IX
    CologneOFF X
    animateCOLOGNE 02
    animateCOLOGNE 03
    animateCOLOGNE 04
    VideoChannel – international curatorial platform
    VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
    SoundLAB – sonic art projects
    SoundLAB Interview Project
    soundOBJECTS 2008
    The Sonic Memorial soundCOLLECTIVE 2015
    Interview Collections
    RRF200X – Remembering-Repressing-Forgetting
    Violence Online Festival
  • Bild1abc

  • The New Museum of Networked Art
    Blog @ The New Museum of Networked Art
    AND – Artists Network Database
    Open Archives @ The New Museum of Networked Art
    netEX – calls & deadlines
    netMAXX – networked magazine
  • Bild1abc


    Between 2000 and 20, Agricola de Cologne collaborated with about 5000 artists

    JavaMuseum – Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
    director & chief curator
    Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    JavaMuseum 2000-2010

    12 associated curators

    Calin Man & Stefan Tiron (Romania), Anna Hatziannaki (Greece), Gita Hashemi (Iran/Canada), Winston Yang (China), Wilton Azevedo (Brazil), Branca Bencic (Croatia), Eugene Umanski (Russia)
    Fran Ilich (Mexico), Raul Ferrera-Balanquet (Cuba), Vincent Makowski (France), Darko Fritz (Croatia), Elena Maria Rossi (Italy)

    500 net artists

    Yael Kanarek (USA), Jody Zellen (USA), Doron Golan (USA/Israel), Jacki Danielchuk (USA), Ian David Aronson (USA), Marilyn Watelet (Belgium), Giacomo Verde (Italy)
    Toni Mestrovic (Croatia), Fernando Llanos (Mexico), Patrick Lichty (USA), Eldar Karhalev (Russia), Atle Barcley (Norway), Jaka Zelesnikar (Croatia), George Alamidis (USA)
    Leander Seige (Germany), Roman Minaev (Germany), 80/81 (Italy), Brooke A.Knight (USA), Yifat Gat (Israel), John Cavendish (UK), Christina McPhee (USA), sfear bebopanaut (USA)
    Digital Sisters Indeed (Italy), Trebor Scholz/Carol Flax (Germany/USA), Wolf Kahlen (Germany), (Croatia), Marek Gibney (Germany), OXIMORIS, Armelle Aulestia (France)
    Tiia Johannson (Estonia), Nicole Stenger (USA), Olga Kisseleva (France), Alexandra Globokar (Croatia), Robert F. Krawczyk (USA), MEZ [mary-anne breeze] (Australia)
    Ashley Holmes/Matthew Hawker (Australia), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (Mexico), Maya Kalogera (Croatia), The Red Team (USA), Myron Turner (USA), Calin Man (Romania), (Germany/USA), Tamara Lai (Belgium), Xavier Cahen (France), Victor Vina (Brazil), Tjader Knight.Inc (Finland), Jader Rosa (Brazil), Coniglioviola (Italy), Andrea Polli (USA), Avatar Project (Italy), Lane Last (USA), Frieder Rusmann (Germany) Pedro Fernandes (Brazil), Simon Norton (UK), Robert Kendall (USA), Barry Smylie (Canada), Sergio Maltagliati (Italy), Isabella Bordoni (Italy), Nicolas Clauss (France), Gregory Chatonsky (France), Cendres Lavy (France), Christophe Bruno (France), Pascale Gustin (France), Erational (France), Antoine Schmitt (France), Xavier Malbreil (France), Julie Morel (France), Thierry Vendé (France), jimpunk (France), Joseph Rabie (France), Stéphan Barron (France), Emilie Pitoiset (France),Fred Fenollabbate (France), Patrick-Henri Burgaud (France), FiLH (France), Xavier Leton (France), Cecile Babiole (France), Christophe Bruno (France) , jimpunk (France), Pascal Nieto (France), Ulrich Mathon (France), Nathalie Brevet/Hughes Rochette (France), Michael Sellam (France), Bobig (France), Gilles Balmet (France), Pascal Bruandet (France), Blue Screen (France), Pauline Desormière (France), Les Riches Douaniers (France), Gérard Dalmon (France), Bruno Samper (France), Oliver Auber (France), Vincent Makowski (France), Xavier Makowski & Aurélie Peyron (France)

    Sylvestre Evrard (France), Philippe Bruneau (France), Cathbleue (France), Annie Abrahams (France), Valery Grancher (France), Grégoire Zabé (France), Xavier Pehuet (France), Clement Charmet (France), Ricardo Mbarkho (France), Cathbleue & Picabiette (France), Annie Abrahams/Clement Charmet (France), Maurice Benayoun (France), WEWEJE (France), David Guez (France), v.n.a.t.r.c.? (France), Armelle Aulestia (France), 20000 Volt (Italy), Caterina Davinio (Italy), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Mauro Ceolin (Italy), Bugz – Lucilla Loddi (Italy), ego (Italy), Chiara Passa (Italy), Domiziana Giordano (Italy), dlsan (Italy), Pino Boresta (Italy), Domenico Olivero (Italy), Speranza Casillo (Italy), Francesca di Gregorio (Italy), Gruppo A12 (Italy), Carlo Zanni (Italy), ctrl (Italy), Nicola Tosic (Italy), Limiteazero (Italy), Agnese Trocchi (Italy), Clockworker Nik (Italy), Marcello Mercado (Italy), UsineDeBoutons (Italy), Enrico Tomaselli, (Italy), Alessandro Piana Bianco (Italy), Marco Cadioli )Italy), Blogwork/Venice Biennale (Italy), Marina Zerbarini (Argentina), Ana Maria Uribe (Argentina), Paula Cordova (Argentina), Juan Manuel Patiño (Argentina), Gabriel Otero (Argentina), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Indira Mariam Montoya (Argentina), , Robert Echen ((Argentina), Dina Roisman (Argentina), Virginia Buitron (Argentina), Muriel Frega (Argentina), Andamio Contiguo (Argentina), Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga (Nicaragua), Jesus Macarena-Avila (USA), Paco F. Parado (Mexico), Humberto Ramirez (Chile), Eduardo Navas (Chile), Juan Devis (USA), Alvaro Aardevol (Spain), Enrique Radigales )Spain), Antonio Alvarado (Spain), On Air (Spain), santo_file (Spain), Julian Alvarez (Spain), Mashica (Spain), Clemente Padin (Uruguay), Marcelo Frazão (Brazil), Fernando Rabelo (Brazil), Regina Célia Pinto (Brazil), re:combo (Brazil), Lucia Leão (Brazil), Joesér Alvarez (Spain), Andrei Rubina Thomaz (Brazil), Jorge Luis Antonio (Brazil), Marco Casado (Brazil), Arcángel Constantini (Mexico), Cindy Gabriela Flores (Mexico), Fran Ilich (Mexico), Ivan Monroy-Lopez (Mexico), Ricardo Rendon (Mexico), Antonio Mendoza (Mexico), Ivan Abreu (Mexico), Raul Ferrera-Balanquet (Cuba), Yucef Merhi (Venezuela), Claudia Tribin (Colombia), Bela Rosemberg (Colombia), Liliana Molina Moreno (Colombia), Guerrera del Interfaz (Spain), Christian Oyarzún (Chile), Isabel Aranda Yto (Chile), Sachiko Hayashi (Japan/Sweden), David Clark (Canada), Jillian McDonald (Canada), Agence Topo (Canada), Thomson & Craighead (UK), Gair Dunlop & Dan Norton (UK), Babel (UK/Canada), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Enrique Radigales (UK/Spain), Roxanne Wolanczyk (USA), Redcaiman (USA), Nathan Martin, Tyler Jacobsen & Todd Willey (USA)

    Jonah Brucker-Cohen (UK), Adele Prince/Edward Hill (UK), Dimitre Lima (Brazil), Marcus Neustetter (South Africa), Nicolas Economos (USA), Reiner Strasser (Germany), Nadja Kutz und Tim Nikolai Hoffmann (Germany), Jens Sundheim (Germany), Sascha Büttner (Germany), Bernhard Reuss (GermaNY9; Martin Mittelmeier (Germany), kyon (Germany), Per Pegelow (Germany), Franz Alken (Germany), Ralf Hellmann (Germany), Joern Ebner (Germany), Thomas Tirel (Germany), Stephan Hager (Germany), Malte Steiner (Germany), AmbientTV (UK), Johannes Auer (Germany), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Yvonne Martinsson (Sweden), Eric Sandellin (Sweden), Magnus Torstensson (Sweden), Tiia Johannson (Estonia), Raivio Keelomes (Estonia), Dagmar Kase (Estonia), Erkki Kirjalainen (Finland), Paivi Hintsanen (Finl#nd), Thomas Petersen (Denmark), Mark Polishook (Denmark), Peter Lind (Denmark), Marianne Holm Hansen (Denmark), Arne Rygg (Norway), Lisa Rosenmeier (Denmark), Eva Sjuve (Norway), Jørgen Larson (Norway), Bjørn Wangen (Norway), Lars Vilhelmsen (Denmark), Rakel Meyers & Raul BB (Spain), Maite Camacho (Spain), Karla Brunet (Brazil), Dante Smirnoff (Brazil), Stefanie Alice Vandendriesche (Spain), Un Mundo Feliz (Spain), Nancy Mauro-Flude (Australia), Kirsty Boyle (Australia), Maria Miranda & Norie Neumark (Australia), JASON SWEENEY (Australia), Luke Duncalfe (Australia), Komninos Zervos (Australia), Lisa Cianci (Australia), Lisa Gye (Australia), Francesca da Rimini (Australia), Mireille Astore (Australia/Lebanon), Melissa Rackham (Australia), Adam Nash/Mami Yamanaka (Australia), Geniwate (Australia), Robert Finder (Australia), John Johnston (Australia), May Trubuhovich (Australia), Winston Yang (China), (China), Kenji Siratori (Japan), Eric van Hove (Belgium), Roopesh Sitharan (Malaysia), Nazrin (Malaysia), Wirecrossing (Singapore), (Singapore), Post-Exile Collective (Pakistan), Sarawut Chutiwongpeti (Thailand), Downwind Productions (India), Shilpa Gupta (India), Shirin Kouladjie (Iran), Gita Hashemi (Iran), Haleh Niazmand (Iran), Avi Rosen (Israel), Tamar Schori (Israel), Gair Dunlop (UK), James Robert Ford (UK), STANZA (UK), Jess Loseby (UK), Susan Collins (UK), Patrick Simons (U), Dan Norton (UK), Marc Garrett (UK), Ruth Cathlow (UK), Sarah Doyle (UK), Kate Southworth (UK), Furtherfield (UK), Brian Routh (UK), Stephen Bossonet (UK), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Ken Davidson (UK), TalkingBirds (UK), Oliver Flexman (UK), Adele Prince/Edward Hill (UK), Conor McGarrigle (Ireland), Nick Barker (UK), Jane Wingfield (UK), Beverly Hood (UK), Dennis McNulty/Cliona Harmey (UK), M Takeo Magruder (UK), Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes (UK), Cliona Harmey (UK),laurie halsey brown (Netherlands)

    Nanette Wylde (USA), Michael Kargl aka Carlos Katastrofsky (Austria), JanedaPain/Jane Crayton (USA), Rodrigo de Toledo (Brazil), Emilio Jiménez Sánchez (Mexico), Andreja Andric (Serbia), Kathrin Kur (Germany), Andrea Polli (USA), Nicole Lawter (UK), Ian Flitman (UK), Speranza Casillo (Italy), Marc Lee (Switzerland), Sandra Crisp (USA), Beat Suter and René Bauer (Switzerland), Sue Huang (Hongkong), Fabian Giles (Mexico), Gast Bouschet (Belgium), VALENTIN CHINCISAN (Romania), Pat Badani (USA), Fanny Aboulker (France), Randy Adams aka runran (Canada), Tauvydas Bajarkevicius (Lithuania), Raheema Beegum (India), JR Carpenter (Canada), Antony Carriere (USA), Dylan Davis (Australia), Ryan Gallagher (USA), Ellie Harrison (UK), Jeremy Hight (USA), Salvatore Iaconesi (Italy), Aleksandar Janicijevic (Canada), Richard Jochum (USA), Keith Deverell, Seth Keen, David Wolf (Australia), Vytautas Michelkevicius (Lithuania), Alex Pearl (USA), Robert Sloon (South Africa), Andres Torres (Chile), (Austria), Matthew Williamson (Canada), Les Liens Invisibles (France), Katty Vandenberghe /Chris Diedericks (South Africa), Konstantia Sofokleous (Cyprus), Carlo Sansolo (Brazil), Ian M Clothier (New Zealand), Ethan Ham/Benjamin Rosenbaum (USA), Gaya Gajewska (UK), Ernesto Rios (Brazil), SoiiZen Art Labs (China), Dirk Vekemans (Belgium), JiHyun Ahn (USA), Alan Bigelow (USA), Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay), Henry Gwiazda, Reed Peiffer (USA), Hyeseung Yoo (South Korea), Anders Weberg (Sweden), A. Andreas (Netherlands), Adam Buczek (USA), Ute Hoerner/Matthias Antlfinger /Austria), Katty Vandenberghe/Janine Lewis (South Africa), Christoph Bruchansky (USA), Martin John Callanan (UK), G.H. Hovagimyan (USA), Julian Konczak (USA), Alexander Mouton USA), Andre Vallias (Brazil), Chris Funkhouser (USA), Tania Fraga (Brazil), Panos Kouros (Greece), Jennifer and Kevin McCoy (USA), Lunar (Croatia), Zhel (Croatia), Shirin Kouladije (Canada), Elena Stanic (Croatia), Olja Stipanovic (Croatia), Jelena Vukotic (Croatia), Vanesa Turcinhodzic (Croatia), Petar Brajnovic (Croatia), Tomislav Brajnovic (Croatia), Karo (Croatia), Makis Faros (Greece), Dimitris Zouroudis (Greece), Babis Venetopoulos (Greece), Athanasis Beroutsos (Greece), –Viki Betsou (Greece), Joyce Charis (Greece), AL (France), Mauro Ceolin (Italy), Arthur X. Doyle (Ireland), Cyril Rouge (France), Eugeny Umansky (Russia), Jevgeny Palamarchuk (Russia), Yuri Vasiliev (Russia)

    Anatoly Belov (Russia), Dmitry Bulnygin (Russia), Oleg Lystsov (Russia), Alexey Tschebykin (Russia), Ivan Monroy-Lopez (Mexico), kdag (Colombia/Spain), Judith Villamayor (Argentina), URTICA (Serbia/Montenegro), Trebor Scholz (USA), Darko Fritz (Croatia/Netherlands), Ruth Catlow (UK), Alex Dragulescu (Romania), Fernando Palmeiro (Spain), Paul Catanese (USA), Giselle Beiguelman (Brazil), Ricardo Baez (Venezuela), Santiago Perez Alfaro (Mexico), Juan Devis and OnRamp Arts (Colombia/USA), Alex Riviera (Peru/USA), Jaromil (Austria), Hardpressed Collective (Pakistan), Threadbare Coalition (Canada), Beeoff –> Olle Huge, Tomas Linell, Mikael Scherdin (Sweden), Sergiu Negulici (Romania), Milos Jovanovic (Romania), Catalin Rulea (Romania), Daniel Gontz (Romania), Valentin Chincisan (Romania), Gijs Gieskes (NL), Antti Sakari Saario (Finland), ARM with John Hegre (Norway), Continental Fruit (Norway), Cosmic Jinx (Norway), Christian Bøen (Norway), Thorsen, Lossius, Bastiansen (Norway), Erkki Kirjalainen (/Santtu Rantanen) (Finland, Nathaniel Stern (USA), Oliver Dyens (Canada), Garrett Lynch (Ireland), Werner Cee (Germany), Liz Miller (USA), Mustafa Maluka (South Africa), Irena Paskali (Macedonia), GAST BOUSCHET/Nadine Hilbert (Belgium), Mark Cypher (Australia), Dario Quaranta (Italy), Moar Joanne (New Zealand/Germany), Rainer Prohaska (Austria ), Mark Sedgewick (USA), Société Réaliste (France/Hungary), Bjoern Karneborgen (Germany), Alexa Wright (UK), Robert Spahr (USA), Khaled Sabsabi (Lebanon/Australia), Sonya Nielson (Australia), Ricardo Miranda Zuniga (Nicaragua), James Robert Ford (UK), Deb King (USA), Gregorios Pharmakis (Greece), Tobias Sternberg (UK/Sweden), Fabian Taranto (Spain), Thomas Petersen (Denmark), Anahi Caceres (Argentina), Barry Smylie (Canada), Nick Fox-Gieg (USA), Mark Kammerbauer (USA), Lederman, Russet (USA), Perrin, Natalie (France), Qohtaiwoo (China), Andre Sier (Brazil)
    Rebecca Young (USA), Ida Julsen (Norway), Erika Lincoln (USA), José Vieira (Portugal), Michael Cousin (UK), Adam Trowbridge (USA), xname USA), Carmen Olmo (Colombia), Chris Basmajian (USA), Jing Zhou (China), Timo Kahlen (Germany), Curt Cloninger (USA), Susanne Berkenheger (Germany), Reginald Brooks (USA), York Is Us Collective (UK), AND-OR and Johannes Auer (Germany), Lily & Honglei (China), Tirso Orive Liarte (Spain), Myriam Thyes (Switzerland), Tomas Rawski (Mexico), ui uuii (USA), Evelin Stermitz (Austria), David Boardman & Paolo Gerbaudo (Italy), Tamar Schori & Oded Perry (Israel), Dawid Marcinkowski (USA), Greg Giannis (Australia), Constant Dullaart (Belgium), Mike Ruiz (USA), Videored Collective (UK), Sean Hovendick (UK), Nicole Stenger (USA), Ayman Alazraq (Palestine), Westbrook/Trowbridge (USA), Michiel Koelink (Netherlands), Dida Papalexandrou (Greece), Hyeseung Yoo (south Korea), David Morneau (USA)

    E.W.Walters (Poland), P. J. Moskal (USA), Ana Carvalho (Portugal), Mark Beasley (USA), James B. Pollack (USA), Panayiotis Payiatis (Greece), Miriam Needoba (South Africa), Roderick Coover (USA), Agam Andreas (Netherlands), Gonzalo Cueto (Chile), Stefan Baltensberger (Switzerland), Matias Giulani (Spain), Ernesto Rios Lanz (Spain), Aaron Oldenburg (USA), Matthieu Cherubini (France), (Germany), Andrei Thomaz & Martin Heuser (Brazil/Germany), Yota Morimoto (Japan), Vesna Srnic (Croatia), David Colagiovanni (Italy)

    SoundLab – sonic arts
    director & chief curator
    Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    2004 – 2018
    15 years soundart

    10 major soundart projects – including 11 curators & 700 artists

    11 associated curators
    Tobia Van Veen (Canada), Rainer Krause (Chile), Michael Yuen (Australia), John Kannenberg (USA), Peter Wolf (Germany), Ivan Bachev (Bulgaria), Ruben Garcia (Spain), Juan Antonio Lleo (Spain), Zoe Drayton (New Zealand), Julian Jonker (South Africa), Eva Sjuve (Norway)

    700 artistsCologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
    VideoChannel – curatorial platform for Art & Moving Images
    CTF – The Collective Trauma Film Collections
    The artvideoKOELN Collections
    director & curator
    Wilfried Agricola de Cologne


    Founded in 2005, Cologne International Videoart Festival released until 2014, 10 festival editions in total, each year one festival under a different topic

    art & moving images

    2300 listed artists

    102 (cologneOFF 1) Arzu Ozkal Telhan, Andrew Johnson, Elia Alba, A. Girik & O. Shatalova, Eleanor Gates Stuart, Ina Loitzl, Joao Paulo Simoe, Elisabeth Smolar, Beatrice Allegrant, Unnur A. Einarsdottir, Sonja Vuk, Irene Tetaz, Risk Hazekamp, Rahel Maher, Eileen Bonner, Steven Dixon, Sinasi Günes, Michael Brynntrup, Fred Koenig, Joey Hateley, Ane Lan, Carlo Sansolo, Erika Frenkel, Yamil Jamani, Reuben Preston, Welmo Joseph, Calin Dan, Jens Salander, Dana Levy, Antonia Valero, Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry, Gudrun Bittner, Petra Lindholm, Yi Hyung Kim, Andrea Ferrara, Tan Chui Mui, Nita Mocanu, Rafael Alcala, Nancy Atatkan

    (cologneOFF 2) Andric, Andreja (Italy), Arrighi, Mauro & Buziol, Marco (Italy), Babel (Canada), Battey, Bret (UK), Blinkhorn, Daniel (Australia), Braun, Carol-Ann (France), Bundaberg Media Research Group (Aus), Burns, David (USA), Capel, Mattieu (France), Capone, Sean (USA), Cardot, Jason Paul (USA), Einarsdottir, Unnur Andrea (Iceland), Eng, Angie (USA), Frenkel, Erika (Brazil), Golan, Doron (USA), Günes, Sinasi (Turkey), Kraczyna, Anatol, Last, Lane (USA), Lo Iacono, Daniel (Germany), Marri, Girolamo (Italy), McClymont, Alistair (UK), Miller, Dennis H. (USA), Mylicon/EN (Italy), Obeid, Leticia El Halli (Argentina), Owenns, Jimmy (France), Paterson, Simone (USA), Pellman, Samuel (USA), Pernot, Laurent (France), Pygar – Hugo Olim Joao Ricardo (Portugal), Seward, Rob (USA), Shalom, Gabriel (USA), Towne, Shawne (USA), VJ 1MPAR (Brazil), VUK, Sonja (Croatia)

    (cologneoff 3) Nick Fox-Gieg (USA), Ji Hyung Ahn (South Korea), Silvia Cacciatori Filloy (Uruguay), Konstantin Dimitriev (Russia), Rami Fischler (Australia), Anaisa Franco (Brazil), Kaspars Groshevs (Latvia), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Gerald Habarth (USA), Ina Lotzl (Austria), Lycette Bros. (Australia), Man Kim (South Korea/USA), Hermes Mangialardo (Italy), Lars Nagler (Germany), Martin Oja (Estonia), Tom de Pekin (France), Ying-Fang Shen (Taiwan), Nadja Solari (Switzerland), Simon Streatfeild (Australia), Andy Sykes (UK), Alexander Satim Timofeev (Russia), topo – Leonardo R. Beltrán Navarro (Chile)

    100 (cologneoff 4) Dario Bardic (Croatia), David Jakubovic (USA), Daniel Slåttnes(Norway), Grace Schwindt (UK), Virginie Foloppe, Giuseppe Girardi (Italy), Felipe Matilla Alonso (Spain), Ane Lan (Norway), Daniel Rodrigo , Carla Della Beffa , Sinasi Günes , Yu Cheng Yu , Shoko Toda , Christian Bermudez , Liu Wei, Maria Ylikoski, Julio Velaso , Jay Needham , Mihai Grecu , Nhieu Do , Sheldon Brown , Anders Weberg, Mikael Prey aka Fetish23 , Magsamen + Hillerbrand , Bill Domonkos , “Michal Brzezinski , Miri Nishri, Linda Persson, Robin Kiteley , Pietro Mele , Yu Chung-I , Roch Forowicz , Swakkhyar Deka , Brad Schwede , Michael Fortune, Barrett, Amanda, Blinkhorn, Daniel, Burns, David , Domonkos, Bill , Ebert Brothers , Niemetz, Anne , Fitz, Matthias , Sansolo, Carlo , Ho, Jaye , Lemeh42 , Reyna, Alexander , HSIEH, Jo-Lin , Lo, Yi-Chun , Prey, Mikael (aka Fetish23) , Daniel Tésy , Walters, E.W.,Gwiazda, Henry , LOGAN KEVIN , Lossgott, Kai , Wei, Liu , Smolarz, Elisabeth , Yu, Cheng Yu , O’Sullivan, Richard ,m Piotr Nowak / Samuel Van Ransbeeck , Bolger, Darren , Miri Nishri , Richard Jochum , Sansolo, Carlo , Flitman, Ian, Burchell, Kenzie, Yin-Ling Chen, Chio, Angelica, Galvin, Kirsten , Helzle, Wolf, Lan, Ane , Shatalova, Oksana , Shea, Pip , Lapcevic, Milica & Sojat, Vladimir , Holden, Sam , Peruzovic, Filip , Vilmar da Silva José , Érika Fraenkel , Bruno Bresani , Jay Needham, Alexandre, Borja, Bruno Bresani , Gerard Freixes Ribera , Michael Fortune, ŽELJKA FUDERER LEVAK, Yoko FUKUSHIMA , Irina Novarese, Nicole Rademacher , Rafael , Arthur Reynolds , Arthur Tuoto, Vilmar da Silva José , Alison Williams , Aryn Zev , Juriaan Moolhuysen , Danielle Adair , , Beatrice Allegratim, , Alessandro Brucini ,Sandra S. Chiu ,Tobaron Waxman – Yoni Niv – Elad Shniderman , Carla Della Beffa , Valentina Ferrandes, Erika Fraenkel , Jeff Gompertz , Isidora Ilic , Jesse La Flair ,Magrin, Alberto

    103 Mary Magsamen & Stephan Hillerbrand , Pietro Mele , Mark Ramsel Salvatus , Joshua & Zachary Sandler , Skender, Martina (Croatia) , Roy Sumit, Agnes Szelag , GerGer , Jason Dee , Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir, Jessica Curry, Antti Salvela, Grace Graupe-Pillard , Jeanette Louie,Caterina Davinio , Marina Landia , Paolo Bonfiglio , Henry Gwiazda , Anders Weberg , Karen Trask , Nicole Pruckermayr , Elham Rokni, Nicole Rademacher, Richard Jochum, Shelagh Fenner, Sonja Vuk , Anahita Hekmat , Pekka Ruuska , Magsamen & Hillerbrand , Natasha Cordasic , Antonio Alvarado, Magnus Irvin, Anna Bieluszko & Magdalena Jachimiak , Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly (UK), Casey McKee (USA), Masha Yozefpolsky (Israel), Jym Davis (USA), Marita Contreras (Peru), Erika Yeomans (USA), Frank Gatti (France), Heidi Kumao (USA), Les Riches Dounaniers (France), Alex Lora (Spain), Ascan Breuer (Germany), Alysse Stepanian (Iran), Boris Sribar (Serbia), Karlos Alastruey (Spain), Margarida Paiva (Portugal), Soumendra Padhi (India), Ioannis Roumeliotis (Greece), Ran Slavin (Israel), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway), Renata Padovan (Brazil), Lily & Honglei (China), Holly Rodricks (USA), Arzu Ozkal Telhan (Turkey), Daniel Desiderio Páez Castillo & Carolina Padilla Villarraga (Spain), Milica Rakic (Serbia), Haim Ben Shitrit (Israel), Arthur Tuoto (Brazil), Joaquin Gasgonia Palencia (Philippines), Roland Wegerer (Austria), Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan), Vladimir Mitrev (Bulgaria), Jill Sigman (USA), My name is Scot (Canada), Istvan Rusvai (Hungary), Lin Fangsuo (China), Sinasi Günes (Turkey), Jamie Marie Waelchli (USA), Bill Domonkos (USA), Fabio Scacchioli (Italy), Pekka Ruuska (Finland), Roland Fuhrmann (GER), Aryn Zev (USA), Valerie Garlick (USA), Rafael (Belgium), Iona Pelovska (Canada), Anna FC Smith (UK), Virginie Foloppe (France), Priscilla Pomeroy (Mexico), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Julio Orta Villarreal (MX), Silvana Dunat (Croatia), Chis Coleman (USA), Luana Visciglia (Italy), Nuria Frogoso (Mexico), Philip Matousek, Anna Porzelt, Amorea Cosmalion, Jonas Ungar, Nilgün Serbest & Tobias Kurtz, Sibylle Trickes, Susanne Wiegner, Maya Schweizer, Amit Epstein, Anna Hirschmann,Johanna Reich, Dina Boswank

    100 Shota Gamisonia (Russia), Ayman Azraq (Palestine), Mohammed Harb (Palestine, Rosa Futuro (Italy, Shahar Marcus (Israel), Dellani Lima – Joacélio Batista (Brazil), Robby Rackleff (USA), Barry Morse (USA), Francesca Fini (Italy, Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) , Cyane Tornatzky (USA) , Angela Washko (USA) , Adam Dragojevich (Croatia) , Bijoyini Chatterjee (Indiia), Jack Brandtman (Australia) , Ulf Kristinansen (Norway), Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria), Ocusonic aka Paul O Donoghue (Ireland) , Denise Hood (USA) , Irina Gabiani (Georgia) , Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) , Pablo Fernandez-Pujol (Spain) , Johanna Reich (Germany), (Austria), Nathania Rubin (USA) , Alicia Felberbaum (UK) , Luc Gut (Switzerland) , Jon Rubin (USA) , Birger Åseson Storaas (Norway) , Jeffrey Anderson Bliss (USA), Daveed Shwartz (Israel) , Debbie White (Australia) , Karlos Alastruey (Spain) , Richard Bolland (RSA) , Confusion Group (Spain), Neringa Naujokaite (Lithuania) , Renata Gaspar & Marcin Dudek (Poland), , Aiko Okamoto (Japan) , Marc Thele (Germany) , Henry Gwiazda (USA) , Roland Quelven (France) , Aysegul Guryuksel (Turkey) , David Geiss (Canada) , Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan) , Juan Obando (Colombia), Tajinder Singh Dhami (UK) , Alfred Banze (German, Ayatgali Tuleubek (Kazakhstan) , John Criscitello (USA) , Lukas Matejka (Slovakia) , Megan Daalder (USA) , Jared Katsiane (USA) , Fintan Ryan (Ireland), Maria Canas (Spain), Dr. Boston (USA), Aleksandar Grozdanovski (Macedonia), Julie Meitz (USA) , Jorge Garcia Velayos (Spain) , Cynthia Domenico (Brazil), Biying Zhang (China) , Luis Ascanio (Venezuela), Jerome Symons (The Netherlands) , Niamh Heery (Ireland) , Ciento Volando Collective (Spain) , Gonzalo Cueto (Chile) , Shun Yu Mo (Hongkong) , Doug Williams (USA) , Filippo Tagliati (Italy) , Boris Eldagsen (Germany) , Laura Brocken (UK) , Xiaowen Zhu (China) , Andrew Venell (USA) , Lemeh 42 (Italy) , Andi McGarry (Ireland), Tadas Tvarionas (Lithuania) , Athur Tuoto (Brazil) , iaaai (France) , Raphaël Blum (France), Darko Stojkov (Serbia) , David Boris Miranda Hardy, Hector Falcón Villa, Brandon Watz, Katya Gorker (Chile) –, Giulia Berto & Giulia Forgione (Italy) –, Mikhail Zheleznikov (Russia) , Kira Zhigalina (Russia), Albert Merino (Spain) , Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (UA) , Shahar Marcus (Israel) , Signe Chiper-Lillemark (Denmark), My Name is Scot (Canada) , Kristian de la Riva (UK) , Ana Brotas (Portugal) , Sarah Mock (Germany) , Dennis Summers (USA), Inese Stade (Latvia) , Basel El Macqusi (Palestine) , Sarah Berger (Germany), Dénes Ruzsa (Hungary)

    100 Matthias Härenstam (Sweden), Albert Merino (Spain), Eva Olsson (Sweden), Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (Ukraine), Adele Raczkövi (Austria, Valerio de Bonis (Italy), Octavian Fedorovici (Romania), Romit K. Dasgupta (India), silviatoyindustries (USA), Eimhin Hawes (Ireland), Dee Hood (USA), Breixo Viejo (Spain), Hope Tucker (USA), Heejoo Gwen Kim (South Korea), David Rohn (USA), Fran Orallo (Spain), Gabriel Shalom (USA), Ellen Wetmore (USA), Athanasia Leivaditou (Greece), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Stine Wexelsen Goksøyr (Norway), Mikhail Torich (USA), Shigeo Arikawa (Japan), Lena Nosenko (Ukraine), Vera Abakumova (Ukraine), Shelley Jordon (USA), Aleksandra Acic (Serbia), Juan Manuel Castrillo (Argentina), Susanne Wiegner (Germany), Francesca Fini (Italy), Unity Art Nabiha & Thom (Germany), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Evo Preisner (Netherlands), Ninia Sverdrup (Sweden), Myriam Thyes (Switzerland), Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine), Yaron Lapid (Israel), Sarah Mock (Germany), Andreas Papadopulos (Greece), Raphael Blum (France), William Peña (Colombia), Tim Stokes (UK) Lois Patino (Spain), Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia), Claundia Borgna (It), Xiaowen Zhu (China), Liu Haiping (China), Jade Cantwell (Australia), Eva Marosy-Weide (Australia), Pierre & Jean Villemin (France), Andreas Papadopoulos (Greece), Hans Gindlesberger (USA), Sara Sun (USA), Aaron Oldenburg (USA) , Dan Hudson (Canada), Andrew Fedak (USA), Marko Batista (Slovenia), Neil Ira Needleman (USA), Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden), Tubie Tsai (Taiwan), Oksana Chepelyk (Ukraine), Liu Wei (China), Valerio de Bonis (Italy), Ezra Wube (Ethiopia), Juan Lopez (Colombia), Daniel Djamo (Romania ), Evangelia Christakou (Greece), James Woodward (USA), James George (USA), Guli Silberstein (UK), Nandita Kumar (India), Theme Bannenberg & NOK Snel (NL), Sergio Sotomayor (Spain), Morten Dysgaard (Denmark), Jose Vieira (Portugal), Wrik Mead (Canada), Alysse Stepanian (Iran), Daniela Risch (Germany), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Maria Kelesidi (UK), Heidi Stokes (UK), Simone Stoll (Germany), Wen Zhu (China), Todd Fuller (Australia), Leigh Anne Wells (USA), Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine), Alexei Dimitriev, (Russia), Alexei DeBronhe (Belarus), Fredy Clavijo Cuartas (Colombia), Octavian Fedorovici (Romania), Sebastian Wiedemann (Argentina), Hamza Halloubi (Morocco), Effrosyni Kontogeorgou (Greece), Ruben Tomas (Spain), Stine Gonsholt (Norway), Henok Getachew (Ethiopia), Tova Beck-Friedman (USA), Johnny Milner (Australia), Robert Quelven (France)

    100 Mike Celona (USA), Mario Damian Funes (Argentina), Soumendra Padhi (India), Henry Warnakulasuriya (Sri Lanka), Ezra Wube (Ethiopia), Ramon Suau Lleal (Spain), Devis Venturelli (Italy), Morten Dysgaard (DenmarK), Bruno di Lecce (Italy), Mohammed Harb (Palestine), Alexander Lorenz (Germany), Majed Shala (Palestine), Jude Anogwih (Nigeria), Mia Degner (Denmark) , Eva Olsson (Sweden), Andres Jurado (Colombia), Jean Gabriel Periot (France), Shaun O’ Connor (Ireland), Lino Strangis (Italy), Alessandro Amaducci (Italy), Carolyn Kane (USA), Silvia de Gennaro (Italy), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria), Gjoke Gojani (Kosovo), Robbie Rackleff (USA), Chris Koelsch (USA), Marita Contreras (Peru), David Trullo (Spain) , Bettina Hutschek (Germany),Manuela Barile (Portugal), Roland Wegerer (Austria) , R. Ridgway/ R. van Amersfoort (NL), Kelly Oliver & Keary Rosen (USA), Min Kim Park (South Korea), Karlos Alastruey (Spain)
    Francesca Fini (Italy), Ellen Lake (USA), Pramod Saahoo (India), Ane Lan (Norway), Shareef Sarhan (Palestine) , Cristobal Catalan (Spain), Jonas Nilsson (Sweden), Xi Feng (China), Ann Steuernagel (USA), Andres Jurado & Laura Josephine Snyder (Colombia) , Jing Zhou (China), Ligia Pintado (Mexico), Alessandro Zangirolami (Italy), Julian Bonequi (Mexico), Alex Hetherington (UK) , Nikos Pastras (Greece), Sara Francesca Tirelli (Italy), I-Chun Chen (Taiwan), David Antony Sant (Australia), Karlos Alastruey (Spain), Ewelina Aleksandrowicz & Andrzej Wojtas (PL), Diego Mauricio Alvarez (Colombia), Antonina Baever (Russia) , Orsolya Bajusz (Hungary), Sharlene Bamboat & Alexis Mitchell (CA), Bankleer (Germany) , Emilio Bassail (Mexico) , Nicola Bergström Hansen (Sweden) , Alexandre Braga (Portugal), Giovanni Bucci (Italy), Dorothea Carl I Claudia Reiche (Germany) , Daniel Djamo (Romania) , Samba Fall (Senegal) , Imohammed Fettaka (Morocco) , Francesca Fini (Italy), Gergely Fogarasi (Hungary) , Kristina Frank (Sweden) , Varvara Frolova (Russia), Silvia De Gennaro (Italy) , Ryota Hamasaki (Japan), Max Hattler (Germany) , Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) , Angelika Herta (Austria) , Youki Hirakawa (Japan) , Wei-Ming Ho (Taiwan), Osamu Hsieh (Taiwan) , Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine), Mark Kadota (Japan) , Jasmine Kainy (Israel), Kristina Kanders (Germany) , David King (Australia) , Tagit Klimor (Israel)- , Maria Korporal (Italy) , Stefan Larsson (Sweden) , Francesca Leoni (Italy) , Marie Magescas (France) , Shahar Marcus (Israel) , Conor McFeely (UK)
    Albert Merino (Spain) , Jonas Nilsson (Sweden) , Eva Olsson (Sweden) , Lois Patiño (Spain) , Yoav Peled (Israel) , Rithea Phichith (Cambodia)

    104 Heidi Phillips (Canada), Paula Marcela Restrepo Cardona (Colombia), Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Elisbeth Ross (Mexico), Cinzia Sarto (Italy), Guli Silberstein (Israel), Nicole Sloan (USA), Karolien Soete (Belgium), Karla Spiluttini (Austria), Tasos Stamou (Greece), Noriyuki Suzuki (Japan), Myriam Thyes (Switzerland), Andrej Tisma (Serbia) , Paul Turano (USA), Eitan Vitkon (Israel), Przemek Węgrzyn (Poland) , Liu Wei (China), Tushar Waghela (India), Owen Eric Wood (Canada), Ezra Wube (Ethiopia), Danijel Zezelj (Croatia), Alterazioni Video and Luca Babini (Italy), Brit Bunkley (New Zealand), Joanot Cortes (Spain), John Cohrs (USA), Jay Critchley (USA), Uygar Demoglu (Turkey), Nenko Genov (Bulgaria), Dan Hudson (Canada), Kristine Kanders, (Germany), Lea Lahoud (Lebanon), Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy), Katherine Oggier Chanda (CH), Evan Paschke (USA), Shabnam Piryaei (USA), Aleksey Rumyantsev (Kazakhstan), Dénes Ruzsa (Hungary), Cinzia Sarto (Italy) , Vasili Tsybulka (Belarus), Ivar Veermae (Estonia) , Anders Weberg (Sweden) , Susanne Wiegner (Germany), Andrew Norman Wilson (USA), Katrin Wölger (Austria), Cha Chung Yang (Taiwan), Yasser Abo El Ella (Egypt), Evertt Beidler (USA), Gregg Biermann (USA), Eni Brandner (Austria), Nina Caspari (Germany), Bill Domonkos (USA), Sinem Serap Duran (Turkey), Tessa Garland (UK), Kai Welf Hoyme (Germany), Frédéric Labonde (France), Eric Osberg (Canada), Albert Merino (Spain), Muriel Montini (France), QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden/Japan), Maurico Sanhueza (Peru), Manuel Saiz (Spain), Cinzia Sarto (Italy), Deepak Kumar Sharma (India), Javier Velázquez Cabrero (Spain), Pim Zwier (Netherlands), Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy), Lawrence F Mesich (USA), Allison Berkoy (USA), Camilla L. Haukedal (Norway), Paula Almiron (Argentina), Lin Hsin Kai (Taiwan), Vojtìch Žák – (CZ), Colette Copeland (USA) , Shahar Marcus (Israel), Catron Booker (USA), Silvia Carpizo (Spain), Ross Lelliott (RSA), Chuang Ho (Taiwan), Vojtìch Žák – (CZ), Laura y Sira Cabrera (Spain), Jeremy Couillard (USA), Sandra Dollo (Italy), Dee Hood (USA) , Ben Grosser (USA), Ausín Sáinz (spain), Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia), Myriam Thyes (CH), Federico Romanello (Italia), Aurelien Real (France), Borja Rodriguez (Spain), Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Robert Dohrmann (USA), Lee Hyung-suk (South Korea), Silvia De Gennaro (Italy), D-Fuse (Michael Faulkner + Matthias Kispert), Mari Keski-Korsu (Finland), Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay), Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri (Italy) , Brit Bunkley(New Zealand), Baptist Coelho (India), Claudia Borgna (Italy), Koorosh Asgari (Iran), Przemek Węgrzyn (Poland), Bruno Leggieri (Italia)
    100 Bill Aitchison (UK), Vito Alfarano (Italy),. Vibeke Bertelsen & Frederik Hilmer (Denmark), Chiara Bertin (Italy), Cornelia Eichorn (Germany), Sofia Goscinski (Austria), John Graham (Canada), Francesca Lolli (Italy), Agnes Pettersen (Norway), Adam Sekuler (USA), Peter Spiers (UK), Timo Wright (Finland), Owen Eric Wood (Canada), Gligo Kondovsky (Macedonia), Albert Merino (Spain) , Dorianne Wotton (France), Cristina Pavesi (Italy), Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands), Matthew Lancit (France), Ihon Aguasaco (Colombia), Igor Aleksic (Serbia), Stephanie Andreou (Cyprus), Alexander Callsen (Germany) , Andrea Corrales Devesa & huelgadearte (Spain), Chris Dupuis (Canada), Niels Gesquiere (Belgium), Jimmy Hendrickx (Belgium), Theresa Khalil (Egypt), Jerome Laniau (France), Caroline Pellet (France), Nataliia Mashtaler (Ukraine), Jolene Mok (Hongkong), Santiago Parres (EZO) (Spain) , Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay), Oleg Chorny (Ukraine), Masa Hicisin Dervisevic (CZ), Eric Nikiforov (Israel), Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Spain), Javier José Plano (Argentina), Osvaldo Raúl Ponce (Argentina), Roland Quelven (France), Elisabetzh Ross (Mexico), Liu Wei (China), Christian Tapies (Argentina), Mariana Radisic Koliren (Argentina), Tammy Mike Laufer (Israel), Guo Jialiang (China), Angela Aguayo (USA), Omer Ginzburg (Israel), Ana Bilankov (Croatia), Roland Fuhrmann (Germany), Baptist Coelho (India), Tzvetana Tchakarova (Bulgara), Male Cernadas (Argentina), Mikael Muraz (France), Branko Istvancic (Croatia), David King (Australia), Sandrine Deumier (France), rrose present (Spain), Helena Alvesalo (Sweden), Monika Zywer (Poland), Penelope Drakou (Greece), Kuesti Fraun (Austria), Irina Gabiani (Georgia), Tatiana Poliektova, Olga Poliektova (Russia), Oleg Chorny & Gena Khamruk (Ukraine), Giulio Boato (Italy) , Max Hattler (Germany/UK), Kelly Sun Kim (South Korea), Art al Quadrat (Spain) , Hans de Zwaan (NL), Lærke Lauta (DK), Carlos Matías Ramacciotti/Rafael Perez Boero (Ar), Marta Szulz (PL), Barbara de Azevedo (Brazil), Tushar Waghela (India) , Pierre & Jean Villemin (France), Dorianne Wotton (France), Mikhael Basov (Russia), Dragana Nikolic (serbia), Erika Yeomans (USA), Ana Rodriguez Leon (Spain), Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA), Alberto Gemmi (Italy), Pasquale Polidori (Italy) , Yuri Pirondi & Ines Von Bonhorst (UK), Elsa Montenegro (Spain), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway), Mike Murnau (UK), Sandor M. Salas (Spain), Ninfa Sánchez (MX), Alexander Delnevo (Italy), Román Reyes (Spain), Selini Marie Halvadaki (Denmark), Dalia Huerta Cano (Mexico), Xavier Gavin (Spain), Celine Barakat (Canada), Camilla L. Haukedal (Norway), Maya Watanabe (Peru), Melissa Diem (Ireland), Alexandre Braga (Portugal), Veronica Santos (Colombia)

    100 Lisi Prada (Spain), Nicole Stenger (USA), Fabian Heitzhausen & Maximilian Schmötzer(Germany), Moritz Fingerhut (Germany), Joe Hambleton (Canada), Francesca Fini (Italy), Albert Merino (Spain), Emilio Rizzo (Italy), Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru), Antje van Wichelen (Belgium), Kristen Lauth Shaeffer (USA), Dustin Grella (USA), Kianoush & Farnoush Abedi (Iran), Belén Paton (Spain), Todd Fuller (Australia), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Carl – Anthony Dufault (Canada), Anna Ampariotou (Greece), Peter Aerschmann (CH), Yufeng Li (China/USA), Urša Kastelic & Blaž Bačar (Slovenia), Sandra Araújo (Portugal), Deirdre Hegarty (Ireland), Peter Whittenberger (USA), Robby Rackleff (USA), Susanne Wiegner (Germany), Daniela Wayllace (Belgium), Maria Korporal (Italy), Ben Fox (UK), Michael Lasater (USA), Bruno Collet (France), Alessandro Amaducci (Italy), Julie Boehm (Germany), Eva Olsson (Sweden), Kristina Frank (Sweden), Brit Bunkley (NZ), Boris Eldagsen & Sabine Taeubner (Germany) , Jaime Ekkens (USA), David Finkelstein (USA), Francesca Fini (Italy), Rick Fisher (Canada), Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden), Istvan Horkay (Hungary), Umesh Mangupudi ( India), Mani Mehrvarz (Iran), Neil Ira Needleman (USA), Heidi Kumao (USA), Albano Ruela (Portugal), Robert Quelven (France) , Jean-Michel Rolland (France) , Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru), Atom Samit (Spain) , Cinzia Sarto (Italy), Swen-Erik Scheuerling (Germany), Tina Willgren (Sweden), vvitalny (Tusia Dabrowska & Clara Inés Schuhmacher) (USA), George Afedzi-Hughes (Ghana), Alexandra Anikina (Russia), Michael Gaddini (Italy), Giulia Giannola (Italy), Farid Hamedi (Iran), Saman Namnik (Iran), Magnus Irvin (UK), Tamim Jamshed (Ireland), Maria Korporal (Netherlands), Dustin Morrow (UK), Valerio Murat and Antonio Poce (Italy), Cristina Pavesi (Italy), William Pena (Colombia), Pinina Podesta (Italy), Isabel Del Pulgar (Spain), Ausin Sainz (Spain) , Atom Samit (Spain), Anthony Sherin (USA), SinQuenza (Spain), Betty Boehm (Germany), Luigia Cardarelli (Italy), Iván Rojas Carvacho (Spain), Oksana Chepilik (Ukraine), Timothée Corteggiani & Nathalie Giraud (France), Nynke Deinema (NL), Diego Deloscampos (Uruguay), DONAU (Daniel Lachenmeier, Andreas Thierstein) (CH), David Hochgatterer (Austria), Jonathan Johnson (USA), Laurie Joly (France), Lucija Konda Labas (Croatia), Igor Krasik (Germany) , Mauri Lehtonen (Finland), Jerome Chia-Horng Lin (Taiwan) –, Grant Petrey (UK) , Tatiana Poliektova, Olga Poliektova (Russia), Lisi Prada (Spain), Johanna Reich (Germany), Flako Rojas (Venezuela/Belgium), Karin Till (Australia), Jose Vieira (Portugal), Monika Zywer (PL), Monika Adler (UK), Angela Aguayo (USA)

    100 -Aleksander Johan Andreassen (Norway), Collin Bradford (USA), Catherine Del Buono (USA), Marina Fomenko (Russia) , Analia Fraser (Argentina), Ela Goldman (Israel), Felice Hapetzeder (SWE), Che-Yu Hsu (Taiwan), Kenji Kojima (Japan), Konstantin Larchenko (Russia), Richard Legaspi (Philippines), Elisabeth Leister (USA), Filip Gabriel Pudło (Poland), Denes Rusza (Hungary), Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru), Veniamin Tronin (Russia), Alienor Vallet (France), Alina Vasilchenko (Russia), Simon Welch (France), Zaoli Zhong (China), Xiaowen Zhu (China), Apotropia (Italy), Lisa Birke (Canada), Katina Bitsicas (USA), Catherine Del Buono (USA), Anna Garner (USA), Giulia Giannola (Italy), Matt Gibson (USA), Claire Gustavson (USA), Levi Hanes (Ireland), Yu_Hang Huang (Taiwan), Sara Holwerda (USA) , Magnus Irvin (UK), Francesca Leoni (italy), Johanna Reich (Germany), Victor Ripoll, (Spain) , Carlo Sampiero (Italy/USA), Cinzia Sarto (Italy), Zaoli Zhong (China), Weigang Song (China), Alexandar Tokin (Serbia), Shiva Ahmadi (Iran), Fatih Bilgin (Turkey, Laura Cabrera Díaz y Sira Cabrera Díaz (Spain), Gabin Cortez Chance (USA), Kristina Cranfeld (UK), Robert Dohrmann (USA), Francesca Fini Italy), David Fodel (USA), Sedi Ghadiri (Iran), Sanglim Han (S.Korea), Fabian Heitzhausen (Germany), Zoe Hough (UK), Lenka Kurikova & Michal Hustaty (Slovakia) (Slovakia), Keni Kojima (Japan), Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy), Ranis Marek (USA), Mr MVIN (Spain), Mores McWeath (USA), Kaiser Nahhas (Syria), Neil Ira Needleman (USA), Margerita Novikova (Russia), William Pena (Colombia), Roland Quelven (France), Tabita Rezaire (Guinea) , Hector Rodriguez (Hongkong), Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru), Salome MC (Iran), Siniša Stojanović Sinister & Dragana Nikolić (Serbia), Karl F. Steward (Germany), Armstrong Tarke (Cameroun), Gabriele Tosi (Italy), Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) , Ivar Vermäe (Estonia), Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel), Alexander Yeltsin (Ukraine), Hande Zerkin (Turkey), Sandra Araujo (Portugal), Natalia Biegaj (Poland), Giovanni Bucci (Italy), Consuleo Calitri (ES) & Andrea Nevi (I), Alejandro Casales (Mexico), Stephen John Ellis (USA), Francesca Fini (Italy), Ben Fox, (UK), Catherine Fraser (Canada), Ruben Gonzalez Escudero (Spain), John Graham (Canada), Henri Gwiazda (USA), Gavin Hoffman (Ireland), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway), Isabel Layton (USA), Jerome Chia Horng Lin (Taiwan), Michael O’Donnell (USA), Albert Merino (Spain), Tessa Moult-Milewska (Poland), Belen Paton (Spain), Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan), Edward Ramsay-Morin (USA)

    (cologneoff 2015) 100 Nico Winz (France), Shuai-Cheng Pu (Taiwan), Anupong Charoenmitr (Thailand), FRANCOIS KNOETZE (RSA), Emil Zenko & Evgenij Romashov (Belarus), Farid Hamedi (Rohina), (Iran), Krzysztof Rynkiewicz (Poland), Albert Bayona (Spain), Francesca Lolli (Italy), Sávio Leite (Brazil), Gabriel Hosovsky (Slovakia), Olga Ozieranska (Poland), Mehmet ÖGÜT (Turkey), Johannes Gérard (Deutschland), Ninfa Sánchez & Karen Vilchis (México), Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy), Sunita Prasad (India), Kristina Frank (Sweden), Valerio DE BONIS (Italy), Francesca Fini (Italy), Gabriele Stellbaum (Deutschland), Anca Bucur (Romania), Wrik Mead (Canada), Gregg Biermann (USA), Tiziano Bellomi (Italy), Dimitris Argyriou (Greece), Danijel Zezelj (Croatia), Neil Ira Needleman (USA), Dee Hood (USA), Maureen Bachaus (NL), Tushar Waghela (India), Kushtrim zeqiri (Kosovo), Machia & Lolina (UK), Bruno Pavic (Croatia), Riccardo Matlakas (Italy), Lisa Birke (Canada), Marina Chernikova (Russia), Damian Gromala (Poland), Ayman Alazraq (Palestine), Livia Ungur and Sherng-Lee Huang (USA), Michael Salkeld (UK), Aliénor Vallet (France), Sasha Litvintseva (Russia), Jolene Mok & Troels Primdahl (HK/Germany), Raquel Claudino (Spain), Haleh Jamali (UK), Tais Bean (France), Pablo Molina Guerrero (Chile), Ann Oren (Israel), Ariane MAUGERY (France), Vera Iona Papadopoulou (Russia), Stine Gonsholt (Norway), Yani B (UK), Piotr Piasta(Poland), Bruno Vianna (Brazil), Silvia De Gennaro, Italy, Michael Gaddini (Italy), Iona Pelovska (Canada) Talia Link (Israel), Maria Korporal (Netherlands) Meritxell Aumedes (Sweden) Roland Quelven (France) Hannah Ford /(UK) Diana Rönnberg / Kordian Lewandowski (Sweden/Poland), Henri Gwiazda (USA), Simon Welch (France) Luca Nanini, Italy, Mauri Lehtonen (Finland), Alison Ballard (UK) Susanne Wiegner (Deutschland), Jana Wisniewski (Austria), Diego Pazó (Spain) Cristina Pavesi (ITaly), FRANCOIS KNOETZE (RSA), Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Johanna Reich, Sunjha Kim, Kai Welf Hoyme, Kristina Kanders, Lyoudmila Milanova, Robert Olawuyi, Roman Mokrov, Marina Fomenko, Haim Sokol, Marina Chernikova, Alexandra Mitlyanskaya

    105 Dmitry Bulnygin, Fernando Livschitz (Argentina), Tatyana Zambrano Cardona (Colombia), Hector Delgado (Peru ), Leyla Rodriguez ( Peru), Maia Navas (Argentina), Jonas Paz Benavides ( Peru), Rocío Gauna (Argentina), Álvaro Sarmiento (Peru), Achilleas Gatsopoulos (Greece), 2. Dagly Zeynep (Turkey), Jazbec Masa (Slovenia), Thessia Machado (Brazil), Vincent Gisbert (Spain), Dimitris Papoutsakis (Greece), Guido Salvini (Italy), Rogelio Sastre (Spain), Giorgio Constantine (Greece), VasilisTzikas(Greece)
    (mexico) Eduardo Rangel, Javier Ocampo Hernández, Marissa Viani Serrano Ocampo, Karla Carballar, Ricardo Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Duarte Regino, Emilio Reyes-Bassail, Alberto Estrada, Soy Roxana T. Barraza a.k.a VjThai, Julio Orta, Damián Ontiveros, ICETRIP – Miguel Angel Estevez, Antonio Arango, E. S. Mayorga, Daniel Ivan, Nuria Fragoso, Julian Bonequi, Ligia Pintado, Priscilla Pomeroy, Alejandro García Caballero, Roberto Montiel Enríquez, Francisco Lopez (USA), Laura Chiari (Italy), Cinzia Cremona (UK), Carala Della Beffa (Italy), David Phillips (US) & Paul Rowley (IRL), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy)
    (chile)4 Nestor Olhagaray, Klaudia Kemper, Aldo Peredo & Isabel Aranda Yto
    (malta) 4 Vince Briffa, Austin Camilleri, Pierre Portelli and Mark Mangion
    (turkey) 6 Sinasi Gunes, Nancy Atakan, Vicdan Nalbur Tasdemir, Fatih Balci, Burak Bedenlier, Ozge Yilmaz
    Scott Becker, Larry Caveney, Claudia Sohrens, Elia Alba, Norbert Attard (Malta), Pier Giorgio de Pinto (Italy), Daniel Iturrizaga Cubas (Peru), Tom de Pekin (France), (Argentina), Eva Drangsholt (Norway), Erika Frenkel (Brazil), Ji-Hyun Kim (South Korea), Petra Lindholm (Sweden), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Sonja Vuk (Croatia), Beatrice Allegranti (UK), Margerida Paiva (Portugal), Elia Alba (Domenican Republic), Nancy Atakan (Turkey), Alla Girik & Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan), Anthony Rousseau, Frank Gatti, Jean-Gabriel Périot + Tom de Pékin
    Jean-Gabriel Périot, Tom de Pékin, Laurent Pernot, Matthieu Capel, Jimmy Owenns, Melanie Perrier, Les Riches Douaniers, Virginie Foloppe, Isabelle Schneider
    (Israel) Elyasaf Kowner, Dana Levy, Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry
    (brazil) Cassia Kallenah, Fabio Oliveira Nunes, Brócolis VHS, Omar Emir Barquet, Neide Jallageas

    (self~imaging) 100 Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Hervé Constant (France/UK), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Virginie Foloppe (France), Ronald Gerber (Germany), Grace Graupe-Pillard (USA), Sinasi Gunes Turkey), Stefan Hurtig (Germany), Wim Janssen (Belgium), Maria Korporal (Netherlands), Daniel Luchman (USA), Jonathan Moss (France), King Musser (USA), Kika Nicolela (Brazil), Rob Parrish (USA) Robby Rackleff (UK), Humberto Ramirez (USA), Lara Salinas (Spain), My Name Is Scot (Canada), Gabriel Shalom (USA), Boris Sribar (Serbia), Katalin Tesch (Hungary), Cyane Tornatzky (USA), Sibylle Trickes (Germany), Angela Washko (USA), Wagner Whitehead (USA), Doug Williams (USA), Antonio Alvarado (Spain), Mark Biddle (UK), Isobel Blank (Italy), Mladen Bundalo (Bosnia), Luke Collins (UK), Benoit Dhennin (France), Chris Dupuis (Canada), Tom Estes (USA), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Elke Hennen (Germany), Gaelle Jaunay (France), Ioann Maria (Poland), Jose Alejandro Lopez (Colombia), Ira Needleman (USA), Juan Obando (Colombia), Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly (UK), Renata Padovan (Brazil), Alexandre Rangel (Brasil), Shiftwork (UK), Ivana Stojacovic (Serbia), Paul Sunday (USA), Alessia Travaglini (Italy), Sonja Vuk (Croatia), Anders Weberg (Sweden), Susanne Wiegner (Germany), James Woodward (USA), Andrea Zrno (Slovakia), Johnny Amore (Germany), Shigeo Arikawa (Japan), Florence Babin (France), Eileen Bonner (UK), Brice Bowman (USA), Bijoyini Chatterjee (India), Chirag Ravishankar (India), Ciriaca Erre (Italy), Francesca Fini (Italy), Rosa Futuro (Italy), Luc Gut (CH), Focar (Romania), Scott Hall (USA), Ane Lan (Norway), Ina Lotzl (Austria), Stephan Hillerbrand and Mary Magsamen (USA), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Barry Morse (USA), Neil Ira Needleman (USA), Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly (UK), Agnieza Pokrywka (Poland), Sonya Rademeyer (RSA), Harald Rettich (Germany), Sally & Mo (Iceland), José Vieira (Portugal), Peter Wolf (Germany), Meike Zylmann (Germany), Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Giovanni Antignano (Italy), Christian Bermudez (Costa Rica), Jeremy Blank (Australia), Vince Briffa (Malta), Gerard Chauvin (France), Erin Gee (Canada), Erdelyi Gergely (Hungary), Magdalena Jachimiak (Poland), Theresa Krause (Germany), Mingyu Lee (South Koera), Nina Marczan (Germany), Oliver Griem (Germany), Jonas Nilsson (Sweden), Eva Olsson (Sweden), Reuben James Preston (UK), Johanna Reich (Germany), Jen Ross (UK), Jeanette Schou (Denmark), Olga Tzimou (Greece), Claire Ultimo (USA), Lee Welch (Ireland), Cynthia Whelan (UK), Clemens Wilhelm (Germany)

    100(selfportrait 2006) 46 André Austvoll (Norway), Clare Ultimo (USA), Reuben James Preston (UK), Vince Briffa (Malta), Agricola de Cologne (Germany, Lee Welch (Ireland), Giovanni Antignano (Italy), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Oliver Griem (South Korea), Sinasi Gunes (Turkey), Nita Mocanu (Romania), Eileen Bonner (UK), Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte (UK), Jen Ross (UK), Cynthia Whelan (UK), Donald Bousted (UK), Andi Wallwhore (USA), Svetlana (USA), Christina McPhee (USA), Alice Arnold (USA), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Jeremy Blank (Australia), June Pak (Canada), Herve Constant (UK), Johanna Reich (Germany), Mireille Astore (Lebanon/Australia), Nate Aldrich (USA), Lina Persson (Sweden), Miranda Mutanta (Australia), Sonya Rademeyer (South Africa), Ilka Goetz (Germany), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Melanie Perrier (France), Ane Lan (Norway), Ina Loitzl (Austria), Theresa Krause (Germany), Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland), Jimmy Owenns (France), Ursula Bachmann /Switzerland), Richard Jochum (Austria), Moon Na (S.Korea), Sofia v. Bustorff
    (one minute) Jonathan Johnson (USA), Joel Jonientz (USA), Jared Katsiane (USA), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway), Derek Larson (USA), Minso Kim (South Korea), The Norman Conquest (USA), Aaron Oldenburg (USA), Robert Pearre (USA), Nicole Pruckermayr (Austria), Lilia Perez Romero (MX), Aleksey Rumyancev (Tajikistan), Wolf D. Schreiber (D), My Name is Scot (Canada), Thore Soneson (SWE), Vera Todorova (Bulgaria), Jose Vieira (PT), Alejandra Villasmil (Ecuador), Anderrs Weberg (SWE), Jiwoon Yoon (South Korea), Andrea Zrno (CRO), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Antonio Alvarado (Spain), Alison Beda (USA), Ennio Bertrand (France), Nathan Boyer (USA), Jack Brandtman (Australia), Anna Bajjou (PL), Vienne Chan (Canada), Glenn Church (USA), Christopher Coleman (USA), Hervé Constant (UK), Wiracha Daochai (Thailand), Nikki Davis (USA), Adam Dragojevic (Serbia), Gergely Erdely (Hungary), Irina Gabiani (Georgia), Nora Gergely (Hungary), Rajorshi Ghosh (USA), Henri Gwiazda (USA), Gruppo Sinestetico (IT), Constantin Hartenstein (Germany
    (usa) Lana Z. Caplan (Boston, Massachusetts), Brian DeLevie in collaboration with Isshaela Ingham (Denver, Colorado), Ron Diorio (Manhattan, New York):, Michael Greathouse (Brooklyn, New York):
    Soyeon Jung (Milwaukee, Wisconsin), Laleh Mehran (Colorado):, Joe Merrell (Los Angeles, California):, David Montgomery (Fernandina Beach, Florida):, Christine Schiavo (Staten Island, New York):, Brooks Williams (New York City)

    107 (norway) Endre Tveitan (Norway), Shwan Dler Qaradaki (Norway/Iraq), Kaia Hugin (Norway), Bull.Miletic (Norway), Denise Hauser (Norway), Sabina Jacobsson (Norway)
    (portugal) António Olaio, Fernando José Pereira, Francisco Queirós, João Pombeiro, José Maçãs de Carvalho, Margarida Paiva, Paulo Mendes, Susana Mendes Silva and Vasco Araújo
    (family affair) Antonio Alvarado (ES), Zack Bent (USA), Yin-Ling Chen (TW), Virginia Colwell (USA), Lindsay Foster (USA), Constantin Hartenstein (D), Shahar Marcus (Israel), Antti Savela (SWE), Chris Stockbridge (UK), Marc Thele (D), Anders Weberg (SWE), Zellner Bros (USA), Helga Bothe (D), Sara Bremen (USA), Janet Cook-Rutnik (VI), Ren Cummings (USA), Michael Doocey (USA), Gratuitous Art Films (USA), Richard Jochum (A), Tina Jokitalo (FI), Radhamohini Prasad (IN), Robby Rackleff (USA), Sivan Sebbag (Israel), Péter Vadócz (HU), Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir , Jessica Curry , Antti Salvela, Joshua & Zachary Sandler , Grace Graupe-Pillard , Wilfried Agricola de Cologne , Grace Schwindt , Jeanette Louie , Caterina Davinio , Marina Landia , Paolo Bonfiglio , Henry Gwiazda , Anders Weberg , Karen Trask, Nicole Pruckermayr , Elham Rokni , Nicole Rademacher , Richard Jochum , Shelagh Fenner , Anahita Hekmat , Pekka Ruuska , Magsamen & Hillerbrand , Natasha Cordasic, Antonio Alvarado , Magnus Irvin , Anna Bieluszko & Magdalena Jachimiak
    (croatia) Dario Bardic, Ana Bilankov , Adam Dragojević , Silvana Dunat , Darko Fritz – Migrant Navigator Tools, Željka Fuderer Levak , Miranda Herceg, Toni Mestrovic , Ana Opalic , Filip Peruzovic , Davor Sanvincenti , Martina Skender , Bruna Tomšić , Sonja VUK , Andrea Zrno, Holger Eggert (Germany), Nick Barker & Rob Jacobs (UK); Avi Rosen (Israel); Ivana Ozetsky & Jadranko Pongrac (Croatia); Christian Bermudez (Costa Rica); Humberto Ramirez (USA/Chile); Toni Mestrovic (Croatia); Edward Marszewski (USA),
    Adrián Regnier Chávez (Mexico), Ausin Sainz (Spain), Mikio Saito (Japan) , Julie Skarland (AU), Ben Skea (UK), Wojtek Skowron (Poland), Karolien Soete (Belgium), Po-Wei Su (Taiwan), Ramon Suau (Spain), Ozan Turkkan (Turkey), Adriano Vesicchelli (Italy), Mizmor Watzman (Israel), Susanne Wiegner (Germany), Owen Eric Wood (CA), Ezra Wube (Ethiopia)

    100 Daniel LoIacono (GE), J.G. Periot + Tom de Pekin (France), Li Hyung Kim (South Korea), Alla Girik and Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan), Rafael Alcala (Puerto Rico) , Joao Paulo Simoes (Portugal),
    Unnur A. Einarsdottir (Iceland), Doron Golan (USA), Dana Levy (Israel) , Silvio de Gracia (Argentina), Francois Baret (France), Anatol Kraczyna (Italy), Fishtank (Italy), Jens Salander (Sweden) –
    MOTIV – Mara Castilho (UK) , Yu-Chen Wang (Taiwan) , Suguru Goto (Japan/France) , Alexander Satim Timofeev (Russia), Reuben Preston (UK), Guido Braun (Germany), Josephine LiPuma (USA) , Bernhard Loibner (Austria), Irene Coremberg (Argentina) , Caterina Davinio (Italy), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy),Ricardo Pons, Gustavo Galuppo, Ar Detroy, Andreja Andric (Serbia/Italy) & Igor Vasiljev (Serbia/Germany), Mauro Arrighi (Italy), David Burns (USA), Janet Curley Cannon (USA), Pablo Castillo (Chile), Robin Clare (UK), Ana Gutierrez (USA), Gerald Habarth (USA), David Hutchison (UK), Man Kim (South Korea USA), Aleksandar Kostjuk (Croatia), Dinko Kumanovic (Croatia), LEMEH42 – Michele Santini & Lorenza Paolini (Italy), Lycette Bros. (Australia), Paul Mangan (Ireland), Hermes Mangialardo (Italy), Henrique Roscoe (Brazil), Ying-Fang Shen (Taiwan), Simon Streitfeild (Australia), Simon Streatfeild (Australia), Andy Sykes (UK), Alexander Satim Timofeev (Russia), Jody Zellen (USA), K. Babkina, Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska, Oleg Ushchenko, Olexiy Khoroshko:, Mykola Kondratenko, Oksana Chepelyk, Yuriy Kruchak, Max Flood, Svitlana Oleshko & Mykhaylo Barbara
    Viacheslav Poliakov, Rahel Maher (Australia), Larissa Sansour (Palestine),Beatrice Allegranti (UK), Ina Loitzl (Austria), Johanna Reich (Germany), Letitia El Halli Obeid (Argentina), Margarida Paiva (Portugal), Clare Ultimo (USA), Nancy Atakan (Turkey), Silvia Cacciatori Filloy (Uruguay) , , Marko Batista (Slovenia),, Cynthia Whelan (UK), Gabriel Shalom (USA), Laurent Pernot (France),
    Borja Alexandre (Spain), Michael Brynntrup (Germany), Jon Keith Brunelle (USA), Maria Canas (Spain), Larry Caveney (USA), Sebastian Clej (Romania), John Criscitello (USA), Dr. Boston (USA), Bill Domokos (USA), Angie Eng (USA), Clint Enns (Canada), Enrique Freaza (Spain), Rajorshi Ghosh (USA), Juan David Gonzalez Monroy (Colombia), Grace Graupe-Pillard (USA), Constantin Hartenstein (Germany), Denise Hood (USA), Leslie Huppert (Germany), Andrea Huyoff (Germany), Katrina Inagaki (USA)

    104 Jeremiah Jones (USA), Ellen Lake (USA), Irad Lee (Israel), Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan), Alistair McClymont (UK), Davor Sanvicenti (Croatia), Alexander Mouton (USA), Owen Mundy (USA), Toban Nicols (USA), Jonas Nilsson (SWE), Jun Ho Oh (South Korea), Renata Padovan (Brazil), Lobo Pasolini (Brazil), Johanna Reich (Germany), Joao Ricardo (Portugal), Jasper Rigole (Belgium), Joshua Rosenstock (USA), Benjamin Rosenthal (USA), Anthony Rousseau (France), Benjamin Schultz-Figueroa (USA), Jennifer Schwed (USA), Ran Slavin (Israel), Dennis Summers (USA), Philip Widmann (Germany), James Woodward (USA), Andreas Zingerle (Austria), Alessandra Arno, Elena Arzuffi, Barbara Brugola, Pascal Caparros, Iginio De Luca, Pietro Mele, Patrizia Monzani, Christian Niccoli, Matteo Pasin, Cristina Pavesi, Sabrina Sabato, Enzo Umbaca, Sonja Vuk (CR), Antti Savela (SWE), Wolf Nkole Helzle (Ger), Katherine Sweetman (USA) , Grace Graupe-Pillard (USA), Luisa Mizzoni (IT), Adrian Zalewski (Poland), Harad Rettich (Ger), Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan), Junho Oh (South Korea), Yin-Ling Chen (Taiwan), Lukas Mateijka (SK), Kriss Salmanis (Latvia), Lin Fangsuo (China), István Rusvai (Hungary), Veena Shekar (India), Tanja Koljonen & Joe Candido (Finland), Louis Hubert (France), Erik Peterson (USA), Suzon Fuks (AUS), Karl Mendonca (USA), Mores McWreath (USA), Toni Mestrovic (Croatia), Sean Burn (UK), Roderick Coover & Nick Montfort (USA), Sahra Bhimji (USA), Pierre-Laurent Cassière (France), Sreedeep (India), Kika Nicolela (Brazil), Yoko Taketani (Japan), Kaspars Groshevs (LAT), Hermes Mangialardo (Italy), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Lemeh42 (Italy), Mads Ljungdahl (Denmark), Paolo Bonfiglio (Italy), Harriet Macdonald (UK), Arthur Tuoto (Brazil), Victoria S. Weible (USA), Péter Vadócz (Hungary), Johanna Reich (Germany), Anders Weberg (SWE), Ron Diorio (USA), Alison Williams (SA), Bill Domonkos (USA), Xenia Vargova (Bulgaria), Walter Van Rijn (UK), Nicole Rademacher (USA), Baptist Coelho (India), Milica Rakic (Serbia), Monika Dutta (UK), Shobna Gulati (UK), Hetain Patel (UK), Nikesh Shukla (UK), Ali Zaid (UK), Nitin Das (India), Sukanya Ghosh (India), Vishwajyoti Ghosh (India), Nila Madhab Panda (India), Abhilash V. (India), Shazieh Gorji (Pakistan), Roshaan Khattak (Pakistan), Syed Ali Nasir (Pakistan), Sehban Zaidi (Pakistan)

    100 (germany) Philip Matousek, Anna Porzelt, Amorea Cosmalion, Ascan Breuer, Jonas Ungar, Nilgün Serbest & Tobias Kurtz, Sibylle Trickes, Susanne Wiegner, Maya Schweizer, Amit Epstein, Anna Hirschmann, Johanna Reich, Dina Boswank, Roland Fuhrmann, Dragana Andjeljic, Mladen Bundalo, Igor Bosnjak, Nenad Malesevic, Miodrag Manojlovic, Mladen Miljanovic, Dajan Spiric, Eileen Botsford, Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos
    Nikos Giavropoulos, Leonidas Konstantinidis, Yiannis Konstantinou, Ioanna Myrka, Gioula Papadopoulou, Andreas Sitorego, Margarita Stavraki, Panayota Tzamourani, George Vaviloussakis, Konstantinos Vaviloussakis, Morehshin Allahyari, Maneli Aygani, Neda Darzi , Samira Eskandarfar, Gelare Khoshgozaran , Laleh Mehran, Payam Mofidi , Hamed Shahihi, Parya Vatankhah, Eric Esser (Germany), Jacques Faton & Alpha Sadou Gano (Belgium/Senegal), Hubert Sielecki (Austria), Kevin Ryan (Ireland), Max Hattler (Germany), Yuriy Kruchak & Yulia Kostereva (Ukraine), Joanot Cortès (Spain), Paula Noya (Spain), Henry Gwiazda (USA), Marta Azparren (Spain), Eva Olsson (Swe) , Anders Weberg (Swe), Haike Rausch & Torsten Grosch (D), Sander Veenhof (NL), Scott Stark (USA), David Anthony Sant (Australia), Heike Liss & Patrice Scanlon (USA), Ann Tracy (USA), Goran Dimic (Croatia), Cristian Chironi (Italy), Alvaro Collar (Spain), Lili White (USA)
    (hiroshima) Sonia Laura Armaniaco (Italy), Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands, Brandon Bauer (USA) , Jeroen Cluckers (Belgium), Mengyu Chen ( USA) , Mark Kadota USA) , Beate Hecher /Marcus Keim (Austria) , Kenji Kojima (Japan/USA) , Maria Korporal (Netherlands) , Lin Li (HK/UK) , Paribartana Mohanty (India) , Jean Gabriel Periot (France), Lisi Prada (Spain) , Filip Gabriel Pudlo (Poland), Rrose Present (Spain) , Ausin Sainz (Spain) , Emilio Ibanez Sanchez/ Lourdes Chesa Carda/ (Spain) , Paul Turano (USA), Nico Winz (France)
    (shoah) Steven Ausherman (USA), Yochai Avrahami & Karin Eliyahu (IL), Marta Azparren (Spain) , Theme Bannenberg & Nok Snel I (NL), Bebe Beard (USA), Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) , Christiano Berti (Italy) , Christophe Bisson (France), Isobel Blank (Italy), Paolo Bonfiglio (Italy) , Vanane Borian (Israel), Dova Cahan I (Israel), Marita Contreras (Peru) , Brian Delevie (USA), Konstantinos-A. Goutos (GR)

    100 (shoah) Alicia Felberbaum (UK), Jenna Feldman (USA), Alessandro Fonte (Italy), Peter Freund (USA) , Ela Goldman (Israel) , Beate Gordes (Germany) , Grace Graupe Pillard (USA) , Felice Hapetzeder I (SWE), Todd Herman (USA), Istvan Horkay II (Hungary), Murad Ibragimbekov (Russia) , Arne Intveen (Switzerland) , Shelley Jordon (USA) , Mária Júdová (Czech Republik) Menachem Kaiser (USA) , Anetta Kapon (USA), Holger Kiess (Germany), Shon Kim (South Korea) , Lilia Kopac (Lithuania), Maria Korporal (NL) , Tammy Mike Laufer (IL), Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) , Heike Liss & Thea Farhadian (USA, Marcantonio Lunardi I (Italy), Marcantonio Lunardi II (Italy) , Lukas Matejka (Slovakia), Wrik Mead (Canada) , Branko Miliskovic (Serbia) , Valerio Murat and Antonio Poce (Italy) , Jay Needham (USA), Doris Neidl (Austria) , Ben Neufeld I (USA), Ben Neufeld II (USA), Brigitte Neufeldt I (Germany), Brigitte Neufeldt II (Germany) , Andrea Nevi (Italy), Miri Nishri (IL) , Cezary Ostrowski (Poland) , Paolo Ottonello (italy), Anaïs Pélaquier (France) , Jacob J. Podber (USA) , Doron Polak & Uri Dushy (IL), Isabel Perez del Pulgar (Spain) , Roland Quelven (France) , (/) Joseph Rabie (France), Janet Riedel, Katja Pratschke, Gusztáv Hámos (DHu) , Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Isabelle Rozenbaum (France), Nathania Rubin I (USA), Nathania Rubin II (USA) , Jens Salander (SWE) , Antti Savela (SWE) , Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (Austria) , Elana Schwadron Minkow (IL), Daveed Shwartz (IL) , Maja Schweizer (Germany) , Deborah Sfez (Israel) , Boris Sribar (Serbia) , Roderick Steel (Brazil), Hadas Tapuchi (IL) , Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel (Israel), Thanut Rujitanont (Thailand) , Myriam Thyes (Switzerland), Angelina Voskopoulos (Greece), Daniel Wechsler (Israel) , Yonatan Weinstein (IL) , Susanne Wiegner (Germany, Mariusz Wirski III (Poland), Rachel Zaretzky (USA), Anna Zett (Germany) (shoah)
    (refugee) Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – Lisi Prada (Spain) – Irene Curik (Croatia) – Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Carles Pamies (Spain) – Christian Wodstrup Christiansen (Denmark) – Hamza Kirbas (Turkey) , Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia/USA)The Unstitute (UK/Spain) – Ma Kapoka (Italy) – Kalli Paakspuu (Canada) – Susan Bruce (Australia) – Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo) – Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – Piotr Filipiuk (Poland) – Elsa Trzaska (Finland), David Gutema Gamatchis, Gabin Cortez Chance, Gabriele Stellbaum, Oksana Chepelyk, Monika Zywer, Lucija Konda Labas, Nenad Nedeljkov, Les Riches Douaniers (refugee)(Gilles Richard & Fabrice Zoll)

    Yovista Ahtajida, Selene Citron/Luca Lunardi, Mohamed Thara, Stephen Chen, Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, Florentia Ikonomidou, Jake Martin Graves, Elena Knox, Grace Graupe-Pillard, Daniel Wechsler, Jana Wisniewski, Johannes Christopher Gérard, Mo’ Mohamed Benhadj, Daniela Lucato, Silvia de Genero, Maria Korporal, Isabel Perez de Pulgar, Simone Stoll, Masha Yozefpolsky, Sean Burn, Sana Ghobbeh-Silvia Amancei-Bogdan Armanu, Anna Faroqui & Hai
    100 (refugee) Paolo Bandinu Italy), Aline Biasutto (France) , Inês von Bonhorst (Portugal) , Quentin Bruno & Clé Hunnigan (Belgium)-, , C Campos (Ruy Cézar Campos Figueiredo)(Brazil) , Cristobal Catalan (Spain) , Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) , Manuel Granados (Spain) , Stephan Groß (Germany) , Farid Hamedi (Rohina) (Iran) –, Samantha Harvey (UK) , Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) , Paul Heintz (France) , Amir Kabir Jabari (Iran) , Haleh Jamali (UK) – , Panagiotis Kalos (Greece) , Anni Kaltsidou (Greece) , Fenia Kotsopoulou (Greece) , Anna Knappe (Norway), Mariken Kramer (Norway) , Hermes Mangialardo (Italy), Miss Muffett aka Lisa Seidenberg (USA), Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany) , Marc Neys (Belgium) , Pekka Niskanen (Finland) , Nelton Pellenz (Brazil) , William Peña Vega (Colombia), Maciej Piatek (Poland) , Rrose Present (Spain) , Mauricio Saenz (Mexico) , Ausin Sainz (Spain) , Ayelet Salter (Israel), Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) , George Symeonidis, Artemis Stathakou (Greece) , Jan Szewczyk (Poland), Karin Till (Australia), Theodoris Trampas (Greece), Aliénor Vallet (France), Parya Vatankhah (Iran/France),.
    (adaf) Achilleas Gatsopoulos (Greece) , Dagly Zeynep (Turkey) , Jazbec Masa (Slovenia) -, Thessia Machado (Brazil) -, Vincent Gisbert (Spain) -Dimitris Papoutsakis (Greece) , Guido Salvini (Italy), Rogelio Sastre (Spain), Giorgio Constantine (Greece)
    (norway) Ottar Ormstad (Norway), Ingeborg Stana (Norway), Shwan Dler Qaradaki (Norway/Iraq), Bull.Miletic (Norway) – Par Hasard, Denise Hauser (Norway), Sabina Jacobsson (Norway) – Håvard Gjelseth
    (slovenia) Duba Sambolec (Slovenia) , Michelle Handelman (USA) , Ana Grobler (Slovenia) – , Liana Zanfrisco (Italy) -, Kika Nicolela (Brazil) – , Vesna Bukovec (Slovenia), Alison Williams (South Africa) , Angelika Rinnhofer (Germany) -Dominique Buchtala (Germany) –
    (sweden) Dan Lestander, Elin Bruun-Nystedt, Evelina Gustavsson -, Sara Lundberg , Eva Olsson , Björn Perborg, Nina Lassila, Dana Sederowsky , Jonas Nilsson

    100 (china) Thickest Choi, TAM Tat Wah , Ernest Fung, Ellen Pau, VJ Ferrous, ahshun aka bjornho, Kwan Sheung-Chi, Eric Siu, Chilai Howard Cheng, Forever Tarkovsky Club, Choi Sai Ho
    (russia) Julia Zastava, Nikolay Kurbatsky, Olga Jitlina, Anton Hlabov , A. Ustinov ,N. Nikolaeva, Kirill Shuvalov , Masha Sha, Yuri Vasiliev , Maksim Svishev , Veronica Rudyeva-Ryazantseva
    (estonia) Jekaterina Kultajeva, Kadri Erlenheim,Loore Emilie Raav, Maria Fuset, Martinus Klemet, Gerda Märtens, Mirja Majevski, Remo Randver, Stella Salumaa, Hannes Aasamets, August Sai, Oliver Laas, Hille Karm, Vladislav Knežev, Edita Pecot, Helena Bulaja, Adam Dragojevi, Toni Mestrovic, Sonja Vuk , Martina Skender, Željka Fuderer Levak, Andrea Zrno, Filip Peruzovic, Darko Fritz
    (italy) Michela Formenti, Alberto Guidato, Francesco Lauretta , Adriano La Licata , Christian Niccoli, Alessandra Arnò, Elena Arzuffi, Barbara Brugola, Iginio De Luca, Maria Korporal, Sabrina Sabato, Natalia Saurin
    (spain-romania) Esther Achaerandio, Izaskun Álvarez, Fernando Arrocha y Ángela Cuadra, Maite Camacho, Alberto Chinchon, Félix Fernández Fernández, Mario Gutiérrez, Sergio Ojeda, Unai Reque, Romulu Budiu, Florin Hornoiu, Ioan Plesh, Alexandru Pecican, Emanuel Tet, George Sabau, Valentin Constantin, Iosif Stroia, Viorel Simulov, Ioan Galea, Calin Man, Mihai Pacurar, Mistik & 01, Artur Ditu, DSLX, KF
    (latvia) Pīteris Līdaka, Edgars Lielzeltiņš, IndriĢis Ģelzis, Jelena Glazova, Aleksandra Samuļenkova, Sinda Kārkliāa, Klāvs Mellis, Mārtiāš Ratniks, Anete Melece
    (slovenia) Ana Grobler, Špela Pavli, Tomaž Furlan, Ana Čigon,, Maša Jazbec , Nataša Skušek, Sašo Vrabič, Maja Hodošček , Nika Autor

    100 (woW) Thomas Lisle (UK), Henry Gwiazda (USA) , Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) , APOTROPIA (Italy) , Christina Lykoka (Greece) , Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru), Cody Healey-Conelly (USA) – Glitch Noir , Mladen Bundalo (Bosnia/Belgium) , Harold Charre (France), Olga Guse (Russia/Germany) , Tomislav Findrik (Croatia) , Katalina Padilla Cerro (Colombia) , Mikio Saito (Japan), Savio Leite (Brazil), Wrik Mead (Canada) , Sanglim Han (South Korea) , Peter Whittenberger (USA) , Emilia Izquierdo (UK) , Meredith Drum (UK), Daniel Zezelj (Croatia)
    Marta Azparren (Spain) , Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Spain) , Jesús de Frutos (Spain) , Francisco Brives (Spain) , claRa apaRicio yoldi (Spain) , Magali Berenguer (Spain) , Julia Juaniz (Spain) – Sylvie Denet, – Marie Minot, – Erwan Soumi, – Nathalie Joffre, – Gérard Cairaschi, Agnès Quillet, – Jonas Schloesing, – Johanna Vaude, Sigfried Bréger, Les Sœurs H,
    Marina Fomenko, Lyuba Sautina, Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Anastasia Levina, Dmitry Bulnygin, Konstantin Krylovsky
    Elena Pastor, Raúl Rodríguez, Yenimar López , Manuel Eduardo González, Andrés Rodríguez Decena , Kiari Bastardo , Abraham Araujo
    Valeri Chakalov, Georgi Krastev, Viktor Petkov , Cvetan Krastev, Venelin Shurelov
    Shahar Marcus (Israel ) , Moshe Vollach, Ynin Shillo , Regev Amrani , Aya Nitzan , Natali Issahary, Netzaket Ekici & Shahar Marcus ,
    Angelica Bergamini (Italy) , Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) , Valeria Lo Meo & Michele Manzini (Italy), Lino Strangis (Italy) , Paolo Bandinu (Italy)
    WIDRICH Virgil (Austria), HAFNER Daniel and Matthias (Austria) , KRAMER Elisabeth (Austria) , SWOBODA Katharina (Austria) , KREINECKER Evelyn (Austria) , KANTER Eginhartz (Austria)
    Sergio Hibrain Bañuelos (Mexico), Adán Salvatierra (Mexico), Juan Pablo Romo Álvarez (Mexico) , Erick Tapia (Mexico) , Julio Valdez (Mexico)
    Anna Vasof (Gr/A), Alexandros Kaklamanos (Gr), Panos Mazarakism (Gr) , Yiannis Kranidiotis (Gr), Alex Karantanas (Gr) , Katerina Athanasopoulou , Vasilis Karvounis
    Marta Alvim (Portugal), Rita Macedo (Portugal), Inhabitants (Portugal), cul:pa (Portugal)
    Gökçen Dilek Acay , Orhan Cem Çetin , Ali Demirtaş , Beste Erener , Murat Germen , Çağdaş Kahriman , Tahir Ün
    Eren Newell, Youki Hirakawa, Karimah Ashsdu, 6. Gianluca Abbate, Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, , Roser Teresa Gerona Ribas (Spain), Tania DÌaz (Mexico), Ana B. / Nuno M. Pereira (Portugal). Fabrizzio Suito (Peru), Isabella Gresser (Germany), Melinda Sefcic (Croatia)

    100 (coff) Roman Mokrov, Haim Sokol, Marina Chernikova, Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, , Pask D’Amico, Ben Oren, Yuliya Lanina, Anno Bergmann, Paul Freeman, Nadine Arbeiter, Shon Kim, 8. Mauricio Sanhueza, ,Tommi Matikka, Neno Belchev
    Sopheak Sao (Cambodia), Molyka Bin (Cambodia) , Nico Mesterham (Cambodia) , Sopheak Sao (Cambodia) ,
    Simo Ezoubeiri (Morocco) , Mariam Agha (Lebanon) , Jackie Salloum (Palestine( , Naji Abu Nowar (Jordan) , Michelle Medina (Morocco) ,
    Radmila Knezevic, Dorna Aslanzadeh, Eva Olsson, Sweden , Anders Weberg, Sweden , Nina Lassila, Caroline Näslund, Sweden , Rasmus Albertsen, Sweden, Jonas Nilsson, Sweden
    Riccardo Muroni, Jan Brand, Ines von Bonhorst
    Urszula Kluz-Knopek (adija), Krzysztof Kuźnicki -, Dominik Pabis , Kamil Smuga – Alicja Zebrowska, Antoni Karwowski ,
    Julia Zastava, Nikolay Kurbatsky, Olga Jitlina, Anton Hlabov,Andrey Ustinov ,Natalia Nikolaeva , Kirill Shuvalov , Masha Sha, Maksim Svishev , Veronica Rudyeva-Ryazantsev
    Timo Bredenberg, Eero Yli-Vakkuri , Alexandra Smirnoff , Outi Heiskanen , Liisa KulliMäki , Paula Lehtonen, Tiina Lillack –
    Khanyisile Mbongwa (RSA), Mandilakhe Yengo (RSA), Ananda Fuchs (RSA), Jeanette Ginslov (RSA)
    Esteban Cabezas & Joaquín Fernández, Rafael Guendelman, TERROR (Francisco Schultz, Rodrigo Dueñas), Constanza Gazmuri, Macarena Molina, Bernardita Bennett, Luis Hermosilla, 8Francisco Schultz
    Gustavo Galuppo , Marcela Rivera, Gabriela Alonso, Ricardo Rojstaczer, Silvio De Gracia
    Ahmad Nursalim , Alltogetha Collective Video , Ari Dina Krestiawan
    Davit Kareyan , Diana Hakobyan ,. Gagik Ghazareh, Gayane Yeghiazarian , Sona Abgarian , Sonia Balassanian , Tigran Khachatrian , Vahram Akimian, Yegiazar Movsisyan
    Melisa Aller (Argentina), Julieta Anaut e Ignacio Laxalde (Argentina) , Alejandro Borsani (Argentina), Tomás Frezza (Argentina) , Carolina Gori (Argentina), Luciano Rojas Lucca (Argentina) – , Alejo Maglio (Argentina) , Ignacio Masllorens (Argentina) , Tadeo Muleiro (Argentina), Javier Olivera (Argentina), Paulo Pécora (Argentina), Ignacio Violini Rebollo y Daniela Medina Silva (Argentina) , Celeste Rodríguez (Argentina)

    The New Museum of Networked Art
    directed and curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    released between 2003 and 2018
    a wide range of exgibition in an exchance between virtual & physical space

    * Violence Online Festival
    * The RRF Project
    *selfportrait – a Show for Bethlehem – a Show for Peace
    Wake Up – ://self~imaging – a Show for Peace – a show for Humanity
    artists show face agaibnst Populism, Intolerance, Xenophobia and Racism

    1200 artists

    (Violence Online) Germany: 200 Agricola de Cologne, Roland Schappert, Knut Eckstein, Jürgen Bysard Adams, Ilse Hilpert, Sabine Scholz, Wittwulf Y Malik, Ruediger Axel Westphal, Matze Schmidt, Johannes Finke, Tolya Glaukos, Irene Marx, Per Pegelow, Joerg Gruenberg, Markus Christian Koch, Home Team, Tony Mestrovic, Maya Kalogera, Luther Blisset, Ivana Ozetski/Jadranko Pongratz, Jess Loseby, x mac dunlop, Marc Garrett, jen, Nick Barker Nitin Shroff, Sarah Savage, Kenji Siratori, Tjader-Knight Inc. Susana Mendes Silva, Rachel Partnoy, Alicia Partnoy, Ruth Irupe Sanabria, Gabriel Otero, Anahi Caceres, Jose Cuckier, Irene Coremberg, Andres Ingoglia ALEJANDRO GOMEZ TOLOSA, Judith Villamayor, David Vegezzi, Miguel Carlos Labra, Tamara Lai, Luc Fierens, otium, Michel Cleempoel, Andres Yepes, Eduardo Angel, Claudia Tribin, Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte, Brocolis VHS, Wilton Azevedo, Giacomo Picca, re:combo, Francesca da Rimini, Michael Grimm, Andrew François, Bruce Petty, Mason Petrie, Jane Fenton Keane, Jason Sweeney, Peter John Sprenkeler, Gaby Bila-Günther, Atanas Djonov, Loy, Dagmar Kase, Mike Haskett, Mona Vtamanu, Floe Florin, Cesar Lazarescu Greece: Maria Papadimitriou, Valery Grancher, name diffusion, Nicolas Clauss, Xavier Leton, Emilie Pitoiset, Antoine Schmitt, jimpunk, Michael Sellam, Hugues Rochette, Guillaume Dimanche, Bluescreen, Cendres Lavy, Robert Labor, ED Mole, Stephane Tomora, Fred Fennollabate, Bulent Bas, Genco Gulan, gintas K, Tautvydas Bajarkevicius, Clemente Padin, Isabel Aranda Yto, UsineDeBoutons (Lionello Borean+Chiara Grandesso), ego, Casaluce/Geiger, Caterina Davinio, Antonio Sassu, Marcello Mercado, Chiara Passa, Lucia Leuci, Patrizia Alemanno, Luca di Gregorio, Carla Della Beffa, user (ctrl), dlsan, Luigia Cardarelli, Lorenzo Taiuti, Marko Stamenkovic, Igor Marinkovic, Ksenija Kovacevic, Vladimir Todorovic, Paula Miiklosevic, Richard Monge, Bang-Geul Han, Joon-Yong Jung, Noya Abdelaziz, Craig Poirier, Davida Kidd, Eva Lewarne, Jeremy Owen Turner, Babel, Jo Cook, David Cheung, David Fujino, panoptica, Katie Bush, Daniel Hanequand, Ventsislav Zankov, Dyian Anguelov, Feargal O Malley, Peter Jacobi, Juan Del Gado, Julian Alvarez, Janne Vanhanen, Sachiko Hayashi, Dylan Graham, Ivan Abreu, Igor Ulanowsky, Shira z. Carmel, Shay Kun , Klaus Schrefler, Medea, Renee Kellner, Joerg Piringer, Andre Zogholy, Sergej Jakovlev, Sergej Teterin, David Crawford, Edward Marszewski, Bill Berry, Mark Palmer, Pighed, Lewis LaCook, Doron Golan, Gerald Schwartz, Seth Lew, Eric Parnes, Nancy Jane Moore, Joy Garnett, Yevgeniy Fiks, anonymous, Restate, Todd Jokl, Moya Devine, Sharon Harper, Coco Gordon, Brody Condon, Rika Ohara, Mike Salmond, Steve Bradley/Timothy Nohe, Alison Cole, Craig Macneill, Eric Wennermark, Brian Judy, Humberto Ramirez, Deb King, Robert Dohrmann, Judson Wright, Jeff Gurecka, Anne Bray and Molly Cleator, John Kannenberg, Katrinka Moore, Johanna Thompson, G.H. Hovagimyan, Jody Zellen, Jerzy Kolasinski, Lucky Pierre, Nikki Johnson, Christina McPhee, Raphael Lyon, Nicolas Economos, Adam Beebe-Infanticide, Danielle E. Lee, Robert Kendall, Sadiq Bey, Geoffrey Thomas, Aland Sondheim, LISA HUTTON AND MARK POLISHOOK, Timothy Bowen, Tigran Tovmeysyan, Scott Becker, Michael Crane, Jon Burgerman, Mara Infidelious, Josh McPhee, Team of Get Carded, Andy Deck, Bruce Eves, Ryan Griffis, Jo-Anne Green, Helen Thorington, Fran Ilich, Cindy Gabriela Flores, Franck de las Mercedes
    Philippines: Fatima Lasay and her classes: VC36 CLASS John Michael Acevedo, Mark Anthony Alvarado, Carlo Ahillion, Rikki Carmelo Baranda, Criselda Cac, Alexander John Castro II, Nathaniel, Chua, Eric Flores, Gimo Lanot, Sabrina De Leon, Merwin De Mesa, Jr., Marielle Nadal, Lizamae Orola, Francis Rafael Sanbuenabuentura, Rogelio Santos, Jr., Lea Segarra, Zoltan Pabon, Vincent Paul Samson, Don Juan Paolo Torres, Alfred Mark Trajeco, Sheryl Valencia, Archie Yumul SFA192 CLASS Gerard Baja, Anna Teresa Cabardo, Uriel Colomo, Niko Loren Dela Cruz, John Ervin General, Michael Angelo Lampayan, Olivia Lopez, Deodato Pairez, Jerusalem Pimentel, Alfred Anton Po, Joseph Raz, Jr., Ruth Kathryn Santiago, Brian Oliver Sergio, Cherry Ann Tolentino FA100 CLASS Eleanor Alfante, Carlito Amalla, Maysa Arabit, Ry Sedrick Bolodo, Joey Claronino, Monica Delgado, Katrina De Dios, Amiel Lapuebla, Catherine Rose Lasam, Michael Sagcal, Mary Grace Tenorio, Gem Alexandria Tuano, Winchell Saludares, Camilla Tabagan, Paulo Vinn

    100 (The RRF Project) (((controller-band (Germany), 8gg (Beijing /China), A.Andric & I.Vasiljev (Serbia), Abinadi Meza (USA), Adam Beebe-Infanticide (USA), Adam Nash (Australia), Adam Overton (USA), Adam Willets (New Zealand), AGGTELEK (Spain), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), AL (France), Alan Sondheim USA), Aldo Peredo (Chile), Alejandra Perez Nunez (aka Elpueblodechina)(Argentina), Alejandro Delgado (Philippines), ALEJANDRO GOMEZ TOLOSA (Argentina), Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte (Venezuela), Alessandro Orlandi (Italy), Alex Dragulescu (Romania), Alex Riviera (Peru/USA), Alexander John Castro II (Philippines), Alexander Kharkovsky (Russia), Alexey Tschebykin (Russia), Alfred Anton Po (Philippines), Alfred Mark Trajeco (Philippines), Alfredo Ramírez Castruita (Philippines), Alice Arnold (USA), Alicia Partnoy (USA), Alicia Porcel de Peralta (Philippines), Alison Chung-Yan (Canada), Alison Cole (USA), Alvaro Ardevol (Spain), Amanda Earl (Australia), Amiel Lapuebla (Philippines), Anahi Caceres (Argentina), Anatoly Belov (Bulgaria), Andamio Contiguo (Argentina), André Austvoll (Norway), Andre Vallias (Brazil), Andre Zogholy (Austria), Andrea Ferrari, Fiorella Nicosia, Polytimi Patapi (Italy), Andrea Polli (USA), Andreas Genz (Austria), Andreja Andric (Italy), Andres Ingoglia (USA), Andres Yepes (Venezuela), Andrew François (Australia), Andy Cox (USA), Andy Deck (USA), Anna Friz and Annabelle Chvostek (Canada), Anna Teresa Cabardo (Philippines), Anne Bray and Molly Cleator (USA), Annie Abrahams & Jan de Weille (France), anonymous, Antoine Schmitt (France), Antonia Valero (Spain), Antonio Alvarado (Spain), Antonio Sassu (Italy) – Antony Milton (New Zealand), Antti Sakari-Saario (Finland), Archie Yumul (Philippines), Arie van Schutterhoef (NL), ARM with John Hegre (Norway), Arne Rygg (Norway), Arthur X. Doyle (Ireland), Astrêe Galbiatta (France), Atanas Djonov (Australia), audible3 (New Zealand), Austin Camilleri (Malta), Avi Rosen (Israel), Babel (Canada), Babis Venetopoulos (Greece), Bang-Geul Han (South Korea), Barry Smylie (Canada), Bastard Pop (Germany), Beat Suter and René Bauer (Switzerland), Beatriz Caravaggio (Spain), Beeoff (Sweden), Benjamin B. Kinsley (Australia), Big Orange (Germany), Bill Berry, Mark Palmer (USA), Bjørn Wangen (Sweden), Bluescreen, Cendres Lavy, BNC, Jörg Ritter (Germany), Borras Michael (France), Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Brian Judy (USA), Brian Oliver (USA), brocolis VHS (Brazil), Brody Condon (USA), Brook A Knight (USA)

    100 Bruce Eves (USA), Bruce Petty (Australia), Bulent Bas (Turkey), Burak Bedenlier (Turkey), (USA), Caitlin Berrigan (USA), Calin Dan (Romania), Calin Man (Romania), Camilla Tabagan, (Philippines), Carl Priestly (UK), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Carlito Amalla (Philippines), Carlo Ahillion (Philippines), CARLO FATIGONI (Italy), Carlos Ruiz-Valarino (Purto Rico), Carmen Pezido (Argentina), Caroline de Lannoy (UK), Carrie Gates (Canada), Casaluce/Geiger (Italy), Cassia Kallenah (Brazil), Catalin Rulea (Romania), Caterina Davinio (Italy) , Catherine Clover (USA), Catherine Rose Lasam (Philippines), Cecilia Lundquist (Sweden), CEZAR LÃZÃRESCU (Romania), Chang-Kyum Kim (South Korea), Cherry Ann Tolentino (Philippines), Cheryl HENG and WhooKiat HENG (USA), Chiara Passa (Italy), Chris Funkhouser (USA), Christian Bermudez (San Salvador), Christian Bøen (Norway), Christian Rupp (Austria), Christina McPhee (USA), Christoph Bruno (France), Chua, Cincia Cremona (UK), Cindy Gabriela Flores (Mexico), Clare Ultimo (USA), Claudia Masin (Argentina), Claudia Sohrens (Germany/USA), Claudia Tribin (Colombia), Claudina Pugliese (Italy), Clemente Padin (Uruguay), Coco Gordon (USA), Colin Black (Australia), Coniglioviola (Italy), Conor McGarrigle (Ireland), Cosmic Jinx (Germany), Craig Macneill (USA), Craig Poirier (Canada), Cynthia Payne (UK), Cynthia Whelan (UK), Cyril Rouge (France), Dagmar Kase (Estonia), Damian Stewart (USA), Dana Levy (Israel), Daniel Gontz (Romania), Daniel Hanequand (Belgium), Daniel Lo Iacono (Germany), Danielle E. Lee USA), Dante Smirnoff (Spain), Darko Fritz (Croatia/Netherlands), Darko Vuckovic (Croatia), Darshana Vora (USA), David Cheung (Canada), David Clark (Canada), David Crawford (USA), David Fujino (Canada), David Guez (France), David McCallum (Canada), David McKenzie (USA), David Phillips and Paul Rowley (USA), David R. Mooney (USA), David Vegezzi (USA), Davida Kidd )Canada), Deb King USA), Deodato Pairez (Philippines), DerWarst (Germany), Dimitris Zouroudis (Greece), Dirk Wichmann (Germany), DJ Noor (Germany), DJ Sascha (Germany), DJRABBI (USA), Dlsan (Italy), Dmitry Bulnygin (Russia), Don Juan Paolo Torres (Philippines), Donald Bousted (UK), Doppelpluss – Brigitte Kuepper (voc/tb/div), Wolfgang Simons (git/sax/div), Konrad Doeppert (synth/perc/div), Peter Wolf (voc/perc/div), Doron Golan (USA), Dorothea B. Wegelein (Germany), Dotcom Poppa Disasta (Germany), Downwind Productions (USA), Dyian Anguelov (Bulgaria), Dylan Graham (USA), ED Mole (France), Eduardo Angel (Colombia)

    100 Eduardo Nava (El Salvador/USA), eduardo paz carlson (Uruguay), Edward Marszewski (USA), ego (Italy), Eileen Bonner (UK), Eldad Tsabary (USA), Eleanor Alfante (Philippines), Elena Stanic (Croatia), Elia Alba (Domenican Republic), Elyasaf Kowner (Israel), Emilie Pitoiset (France), Emilio Jiménez Sánchez (Spain), Empar Cubells (Spain), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy), Enrique Radigales (UK), Ensemble All-Tag – Frank Bersziek (sax, bcl), Konrad Doeppert (analogsynth, objects), Matthias Kaiser (violin), Joerg Koenig (git), Eric Flores (Philippines), Eric Parnes (USA), Eric Sandellin (Sweden), Eric van Hove (Belgium), Eric Wennermark (Sweden), Erkki Kirjalainen (/Santtu Rantanen) (Finland), ESTHER BOURDAGES (Canada), Eugeny Umansky (Russia), Eva Lewarne (Canada), Eva Sjuve (Norway), Eyewash (Germany), F.I.M. (Free improvised music cologne) – Nobert Zajac (voc), Matthias Kaiser (violin), Frank Bersziek (sax, basscl), Michael Haverkamp (sax, perc), Karl Kruetzmann (fl, tr, piano), Joerg Koenig (git), Axel Hoeptner (piano), Frank Homburg (sax), Wolfgang Simmons (git), Fabian Giles (Mexico), Fabio Oliveira Nunes (Brazil)Fabio Paolizzo (Italy), Fanny Aboulker (UK), Fatih Balci (Turkey), Feargal O Malley (Irland), Feedbuck Galore (Germany), Fernanda Bragone (Argentina), Fernando Baena (Spain), Fernando Palmeiro (Spain), fishtank – Giovanni Antignano, Fernanda Veron (Italy/Argentina) , Fran Ilich (Mexico), Francesca da Rimini (Australia), Francis Rafael Sanbuenabuentura (Philippines), Francisco Lopez (USA), Franck de las Mercedes (Nicaragua), Fred, Fennollabate (France), Fruit (Germany), Future Remix (USA), G.H. Hovagimyan (USA), Gabi Bila-Günther (Germany) , Gabriel Otero (Argentina), Garrett Lynch (Ireland), GAST BOUSCHET/Nadine Hilbert (Belgium), Gaumen (Germany), Gem Alexandria Tuano (Philippines), Genco Gulan (Turkey), Geniwate (Australia), Geoffrey Thomas (USA), Gerald Schwartz (USA), Gerard Baja (Argentina), Giacomo Picca (Brazil), Gijs Gieskes (Netherlands), Gildardo Cruz Rojas (Philippines), Giles Trendle (UK), Gimo Lanot (Philippines), Gina Bremen (Germany), Gina Valenti (Argentina), gintas K (Lithuania), Giovanni Antignano (Italy),, Giselle Beiguelman (Brazil), Gita Hashemi (Canada), Glenn Bach (USA), Glorious Ninth (Patrick Simmons & Kate Southworth)(UK) , Goh Lee Kwang (south Korea), Grègoire Zabé (F), Gregory Chatonsky (France), Gruppo Sinestetico (Italy), Gudrun Bittner (Austria/Spain), Guido Braun (Germany), Guillaume Dimanche (France), Guillermo García de la Torre (Philippines), Hae-Min Kim (South Korea), Haleh Niazmand (Iran), Hardpressed Collective (Canada/Pakistan), HarS – Harold Schellinx (Netherlands), Helen Thorington (USA), Helga’s Ephemeris (Russia), Hervé Constant (UK), Holger Eggert (Germany), Holly Daggers (USA), Home Team, Hugues Rochette (Frane), Humberto Ramirez (USA/Chile), I8U (Canada), Ian Flitman (UK), Ickejana (Germany), Igor Baskin (Russia), Igor Marinkovic (Serbia)

    100 Igor Ulanowsky (Israel), Ilse Hilpert (Germany), Indira Montoya (Argentina), Irena Paskali (Macedonia), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Irene Marx (Germany), Irvis Gonzalez (USA), Isabel Aranda Yto (Chile), Ivan Abreu (Cua), Ivan Bachev (Bulgaria), Ivan Monroy-Lopez (Mexico), Ivana Ozetsky & Jadanko Pongrac (Croatia), J Sundheim & Reuss (Germany), J Trautwein (USA), Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte (UK), Jamelie Hassan (Pakistan), Jane Fenton Keane (UK), Janek Schaefer (UK), Janne Vanhanen (Finland), Jaqueline Heer (Germany), Jaromil (Italy), JASON SWEENEY (Australia), jean-françois flamey (France), Jeanne Fremaux (Croatia), Jeff Gurecka (USA), Jelena Vukotic (CRoatia), Jen Ross (UK),, Jen Simmons & Sarah Christman (UK), jen, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy (USA), Jennifer Helia, DeFelice (Czech Republik), Jens Salander /Mikael Stroemberg (Sweden), Jeremy Owen Turner (Canada), Jerusalem Pimentel (Philippines), Jerzy Kolasinski (Canada), Jess Loseby (UK), Jevgeny Palamarchuk (Russia), Ji-Hyun Kim (South Korea), jimpunk (FRance), Jo Cook (Canada), Jo-Anne Green (USA), Joaquin Ivars (Spain), JODY ZELLEN (USA), Joerg Gruenberg (Germany), Joerg Piringer (Austria), Joey, Claronino (Philippines), Johanna Thompson (USA), Johannes Finke (Germany), John E. Bower (USA), John Ervin General (Philippines), John Hopkins (USA), John Johnston (USA), John Kannenberg (USA), John Michael Acevedo (Philippines), John Plenge (USA), Jojoti Wylie (New Zealand), Jon Burgerman (UK), Jon Vaughn (Canada), Jonathan Cardillo (Argentina), Joon-Yong Jung (outh Korea), Jørgen Larson (Sweden), Jose Cuckier (Argentina), Joseph Raz, Jr. (Philippines), Josephine Lipuma (USA), Josh McPhee (USA), Joy Garnett (USA), Joyce Charis (Greece), Juan Alcón (Spain), Juan Antonio Lleó (Spain), Juan Carlos Carrazón (Spain), Juan Del Gado (UK), Juan Devis and OnRamp Arts (Colombia/USA), Juan Domingo Ferris (Spain), Juan Manuel Ruiz (Puerto Rico), Judith Villamayor (Argentina), Judson Wright (USA), Juergen Trautwein (USA), Julian Alvarez (Spain), Julie Andreyev (Canada), Jürgen Bysard Adams (Germany), Kaesha KvK (Germany), Karla Brunet (Brazil), Karo (Croatia), Kathrin Kur (UK/Germany), Katie Bush USA), Katrina De Dios (Philippines), Katrinka Moore (USA), kdag (Colombia/Spain), Kenji Siratori (Japan), Khaled Sabsabi (Lebanon/Australia), Kirsten Reese (Germany), Kirsty Boyle (Australia), Klaudia Kemper (Chile), Klaus Schrefler (Austria), Knut Eckstein (Germany), Komninos Zervos (Australia) , KPHB (France), Kristin Norderval (Norway),Ksenija Kovacevic (Serbia), Kyon (Germany), Larry Caveney USA), Lars Vilhelmsen (Denmark), Laura Amigo (Spain), Laura Chiari (Italy), Laurie Halsey Brown (Netherlands/USA), Lawrence English (Australia), Le Tuan Hung & Ros Bandt (Australia), Le Tuan Hung (Vietnam/Australia), Lea Segarra (Philippines), Lee Kwang, Goh (Malaysia), Lee Welch (Ireland), Leif Inge (Norway), León Ferrari (Argentina), Les Riches Douaniers (France), Lewis LaCook (USA), Li-Chi Hsieh (South Korea), Lionel Wainsztok (Argentina), Lisa Cianci (Australia), Lisa Gye (Australia), LISA HUTTON AND MARK POLISHOOK (USA), Lital Dotan and Eyal Perry (Israel), Liz Miller (USA), Lizamae Orola (Philippines), Lorenzo Oggiani (Italy), Lorenzo Taiuti (Italy)

    100 Loy (Poland), Lu(x)z (Germany), Luc Fierens (Belgium), Luca d’Angelo (Italy), Luca di Gregorio (Italy), Lucia Leuci (Italy), Lucky Pierre (USA), Ludovic Guerry alias 20000volt (France), Luigia Cardarelli (Italy), Luke Duncalfe (New Zealand), Lunar (Croatia), Luther Blisset (Netherland), Lynne Williams(UK), Magnus Torstensson (sweden), Maite Camacho (Spain), Makis Faros (Greece), Malte Steiner (GE), Manuel Schiesches (Germany), Mara Infidelious USA), Maral Yakshieva (Russia), Marc Garrett UK), Marc Lee (Switzerland), Marcello Mercado (Germany), Margarida Paiva (Portugal), Maria Blondeel (Belgium), Maria Miranda (Australia), Maria Papadimitriou (Greece), Mariam Ghani(Afghanistan/USA), Marianne Holm Hansen (Denmark), Marielle Nadal (France), Marina Zerbarini (Argentina), Mark Amerika (USA), Mark Anthony Alvarado,, Mark Kammerbauer (USA), Mark Mangion (Malta), Mark Polishook (USA), Marko Stamenkovic (Serbia), Markus Christian Koch (Germany), Marta Sacco (Argentina), Martin Koplin (Germany), Mary Grace Tenorio (Philippines), Mashica (Spain), Mason Petrie (USA), Massimiliano Viel (Italy), Matt Roberts (USA), Matt Rogalsky (USA), Matze Schmidt (Germany), Mauro Ceolin (Italy), Max Haiven Canada), May Trubuhovich (Australia), Maya Kalogera (Croatia), Maysa Arabit Philippines), Medea (Austria), Melinda Rackham (Australia), Merwin De Mesa, Jr. (Philippines), meta (USA), MEZ (Australia), Michael Angelo Lampayan (Philippines), Michael Crane (USA), Michael Grimm (Australia), Michael Kargl (Austria), Michael Sagcal (Philippines), Michael Sellam (France), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Michael Takeo Magruder (USA), Michael Yuen (Australia), Michel Cleempoel (Belgium), mIEKAL aND (USA), Miguel Carlos Labra (Philippines), Miha Ciglar (Slovenia), Miika Nyyssönen (Finland), Mike Haskett (Sweden), Mike Salmond (USA), Miklos Legrady (Canada), Mikrokiko (Germany), Milos Jovanovic (Croatia), Mira Burt-Wintonick (Australia), Mireille Astore (Australia/Lebanon), Miss Johnny (Germany), Mollum (Germany), Monica Delgado (Philippines), Mostra (Germany), Moya Devine (USA), Mustafa Maluka (South Africa), mutantlab (USA), Myron Turner (Canada), Nadja Kutz (Germany), name diffusion (France), Nancy Atakan (Turkey), Nancy Jane Moore (USA), Nancy Mauro-Flude (Australia)
    Nanette Wylde (USA), Natalia Ludmila (Mexico), Natalie Bewernitz + Marek Goldowski (Germany), Nathaniel Stern (South Africa), navn (Bulgaria), Nazrin, Neide Jallageas (Brazil), Neil Jendon (Canada)
    Néstor Olhagaray (Chile), Nicholas Ruiz III (USA), Nick Barker and Rob Jacobs (UK), Nick Fox-Gieg (USA), Nicolas Clauss (France), Nicolas Economos (USA), Nicolas Ojeda (Argentina), Nicole Lawter (Australia), Nikki Johnson (USA), Niko Loren Dela Cruz (Philippines), Nita Mocanu (Romania), Norie Neumark (Australia), NOTUS (USA), Noya Abdelaziz (Egypt), Oleg Lystsov (Russia), Oliver Dyens (Canada), Oliver Griem (South Korea), Olivia Lopez (Argentina), Olja Stipanovic (Croatia)

    100 Omar Emir Barquet (Brazil), on Air (Spain), Oren Ben Yosef (Isarel), OSTROWSKI (Poalnd), Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay), otium (Belgium), Owen Plotkin (USA), Ozge Yilmaz (Turkey), Pablo Bas (Argentina), Päivi Hintsanen (Finland), panoptica (Canada), Panos Kouros (Greece), Pat Badani (USA), Patricia Carini, Patrizia Alemanno (Italy), Pau Pascual Galbis (Spain), Paul Alexandru (Romania), Paul Catanese (USA), Paula Gimenez (Argentina), Paula Miiklosevic (erbia), Paulo Vinluan (Philippines), Pawel Janicki (Poland), Per Pegelow (Germany), Petar Brajnovic (Croatia), Pete Stollery (USA), Peter Jacobi (Romania), Peter John Sprenkeler (Australia), Peter Lind (Denmark), Peter Prautzsch (Germany), Petra Lindholm (Sweden), Pierre Elie Mamou (France), Pierre Portelli (Malta), Pierre Proske (France), Pighed (UK), popcrash (Bulgaria), Post-Exile Collective (Pakistan), PRISM/lars nagler (Austrai), Procemik (Germany), Rafael Alcalá (Puerto Rico), Raivio Keelomes (Estonia), Ramesh Srinivasan (India/USA), Raphael Lyon USA), Raquel Meyers & Raul BB (Spain), Raquel Partnoy (USA), re:combo (Brazil), Regina Célia Pinto (Brazil) , Remigio Coco (Italy), Renee Kellner (Austria), Restate (USA), Reuben James Preston (UK), Ricardo Baez (Venezuela), Ricardo Mbarak (Lebanon), Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga (USA/Nicaragua), Richard Monge (Puerto Rico), Rick Silva (USA), Rika Ohara (USA), Rikki Carmelo Baranda, Criselda Cac (Philippines), Robert Ciesla (Finland), Robert Dohrmann (USA), Robert Echen (Argentina), Robert Finder (USA), Robert Kendall (Canada), Robert Labor (France), Robert Sazdov (Australia), Rodrigo de Toledo (Brazil), Rogelio Santos, Jr. (Philippines), Roland Schappert (Germany), Roopesh Sitharan (Malaysia), Rosa Revsin (Argentina), Rozalinda Borcila (Romania/USA), rüdiger schlömer (Germany), Ruediger Axel Westphal (Germany), Ruth Catlow (UK), Ruth Irupe Sanabria (USA), Ruth Kathryn Santiago (Pgilippines), Ry Sedrick Bolodo (Philippines), Ryan Griffis USA), RZL – Luca Fruzza (Italy), Sabine Scholz (Italy), Sabrina De Leon (Phippines), Sachiko Hayashi (Sweden), Sadiq Bey (USA), Sandra Crisp (UK), Santiago Perez Alfaro (Mexico),santo-File (Spain), Sarah Savage (Canada), Sarawut Chutiwongpeti (Thailand), SCART, Scott Becker (USA), Sebastian Tomczak (Canada), Seng Tat Liew (Malaysia), Serge Smilovich (USA), Sergej Jakovlev (Russia), Sergej Teterin (Russia), Sergio Varela (Argentina), Sergiu Negulici (Romania), Seth Lew USA), Sharon Harper (USA), Sheryl Valencia (Philippines), Shilpa Gupta (India), Shira z. Carmel, Shay Kun (Israel), Shirin Kouladije (Canada), Simon Fildes and Katrina McPherson (UK), Simon Longo (Italy), Sinasi Gunes (Turkey), skylined (Germany), Sol Kjok (Norway/USA), Somaya Langley (UK), Sonic Kitchen (Germany), SonicBoost (Geramany), Soundso – Bettina Wenzel, Brigitte Kuepper, Norbert Zajac, Peter Wolf (all vocal), Speranza Casillo (Italy), Ste van de Minng (Germany), Stefanie Alice Vandriesche (Spain), Stephane Barron (France), Stephane Tomora (France), Stephanie Bouvier (France)

    90 Stephen Dixon (Sweden), Stephen Gard (USA), Steve Bradley/Timothy Nohe (USA), Sue Huang (Sweden), Suguru Goto (Japan), Susan Collins (UK), Susana Mendes Silva (Portugal), Svetlana & Andi Wallwhore (USA), swag (Germany), Sylvestre Evrard (France), Szabolcs KissPál (Hungary), TACTICAL20 (USA), Tae Hong Park (South Korea), Tamar Schori (Israel) , Tamara Lai (Belgium), Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia),, Tania Fraga (Brazil), Tautvydas Bajarkevicius (Lithuania), Team of Get Carded (USA), Thadeus Frazier-Reed (USA), Thanasis Beroutsos (Greece), Thanos Chrysakis (GReece), Thomas Petersen (Denmark), Thomas Reiner (Australia), Thorsen, Lossius, Bastiansen (Norway), Thorsten Wieckert (Germany), Threadbare Coalition (Canada), Tigran Tovmeysyan
    Tiia Johannson (Estonia), Till Nikolaus v. Heiseler (Germany), Tim Coster (New zealand), Tim Nikolai Hoffmann (Germany), Timothy Bowen (USA), Tjader Knight Inc. (Finland/Belgium), Tobias C. van Veen (Canada), Todd Jokl (USA), Tolya Glaukos (Germany), TOMAS PHILLIPS and DEAN KING (Canda), Tomislav Brajnovic (Croatia), Toni Mestrovic (Croatia), Trace Reddell (USA), Trebor Scholz (USA), Trevor Thomas (USA), triggerMotion (Germany), Trond Lossius (Norway), Tsila Hassine (USA), (Thailand), Un Mundo Feliz, Guerrera de Interfaz (Spain), Uriel Colomo (Philppines), URTICA (Serbia/Montenegro), user (ctrl) (Italy), UsineDeBoutons (Lionello Borean+Chiara Grandesso) (Italy), Valentin Chincisan (Romania), Valery Grancher (France), Vanesa Turcinhodzic (Croatia), Ventsislav Zankov (Bulgaria), Vicdan Nalbur Tasdemir (Philippines) , Viki Betsou (Greece), Vince Briffa (Malta), Vincent Paul Samson (PHilippines), Vladimir Todorovic (Serbia), Wehrtheater Leineweber (Germany), Welmo E. Romero Joseph (Puerto Prico), Werner Cee (Germany), wildfirejo (UK), Wilton Azevedo (Brazil), Winchell Saludares, (Ph), Winston Yang (China), Wirecrossing (Singapore), Wittwulf Y Malik (Germany), Wolf Kahlen (Germany), Won-Kon Yi (South Korea), x mac dunlop (UK), Xavier Cahen (France), Xavier Leton (France), Xavier Malbreil & Gérard Dalmon (France)
    Ximena (Spain), Yevgeniy Fiks (USA), yosuke hayashi (Japan), Yuri Vasiliev (Bulgaria), Yvonne Martinsson (Sweden), Zhel (Croatia), Zoltan Pabon (Philippines), Zulma Ducca (Philippines)

    (selfportrait-a show for Bethlehem) 80 Samar Ghattas (Palestine), Faten Nasdas (Palestine), Larissa Sansour (Palestine), Mushon (Israel), Ravit Bechor (Belgium/Israel), Elif Ayiter (Turkey), Norbert Attard (Malta), Roberto Echen (Argentina), Marula di Como (Argentina), Anahi Caceres (Argentina), Caterina Davinio (Italy), Pier Giorgio de Pinto (Italy), Rebecca Hackeman (USA), Jesus Macarena-Avila (USA), Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan), Alla Girik (Kazakhstan), Nicola Zammit (UK), Hervé Constant (UK), Pamela Wells (UK), Marian Delyth (Wales/UK), Olga Neva (UK/Colombia), Mirjana Batinic (Croatia), Vladimir Biga (Croatia), Daniel Milcic (Croatia), Jasenka Vukelic (Croatia), Irena Frantal (Croatia), Romana Jagic (Croatia), SH Majstorovic (Croatia), Petra Brnardic (Croatia), Zeljka Grazki-Galic (Croatia), Brigitte Neufeldt (Germany), Christa Niestrath (Germany), Kai Pohl (Germany), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Wolf Nkole Helzle (Germany), Leslie Huppert (Germany), Gertrud Rietmüller (Germany), Artur Holling (Germany), Gita Hashemi (Canada), Bruce Eves (Canada), Wilton Azevedo (Brazil), Cendres Lavy (France), Carola Blanco (Venezuela), Antoni Karwowski (Poland), Hans Bernhard (Austria), Irena Paskali (Macedonia), Nitin Shroff (Seychelles Islands), Alison Williams (South Africa), Yolanda Spinola (Spain), Diana Guzmán (Mexico), Marlen Karlen (Switzerland), Eileen Bonner (UK), Jack Messenger & Chirstinn Whyte (UK), Jen Ross (UK), Cynthia Whelan (UK), Donald Bousted (UK), Michael Szpakowski (UK), Reuben James Preston (UK), Svetlana & Andi Wallwhore (USA), Christina McPhee (USA), Alice Arnold (USA), Clare Ultimo (USA), Vince Briffa (Malta), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Lee Welch (Ireland), Giovanni Antignano (Italy), Oliver Griem (South Korea), Sinasi Gunes (Turkey), Nita Mocanu (Romania), André Austvoll (Norway), Jeremy Blank (Australia), Miranda Mutanta (Australia), Johanna Reich (Germany), Theresa Krause (Germany), Ilka Goetz (Germany), Irene Coremberg (Argentina), Hervé Constant (UK), Nate Aldrich (USA), Lina Persson (Sweden), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Sonya Rademeyer (South Africa), Melanie Perrier (France), Jimmy Owenns (France), Ane Lan (Norway), Ina Loitzl (Austria), Unnur Andrea Einardsdottir (Iceland), June Pak (Canada), Sofia v. Bustorff (Portugal), Ursula Bachman (Switzerland), Richard Jochum (Austria), Babel (Canada), Raivo Kelomees (Estonia), Tiia Johannson (Estonia), Dagmar Kase (Estonia), Kerstin Mahlmann (Germany), Michael Brynntrup (Germany), Wittwulf Y Malik (Germany), Jody Zellen (USA), Raquel Partnoy (USA), Avi Rosen (Israel), Luigia Cardarelli (Italy), Kiki Lazetic (Slovenia), Angeliki Avgitidou (Greece), Yamanaka Adam Nash (Australia), Andamio Contiguo (Argentina), Enrico Tomaselli (Italy), Ramona Poenaru (Romania), Christian Rupp(Austria), Mika Nyssönen (Finland), Wolfgang Peter Menzel (Sweden), HARS (Holland), Kahleb Sabsabi (Lebanon/Australien), Eduardo Paz Carlson (Uruguay), Caroline De Lannoy (UK), Sean Burn (UK), Carlo Fatigoni (Italy), Thomas Kusitzky (Germany), Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Sergio Merce (Argentina), Juan Antonio Lleo (Spain), AXIAL -Felipe Julian (Spain), I.J.Pino (Croatia), tobias c. van Veen (Canada), Cesary Ostrowsky (Poland)

    (my mission) 100 Daniel Young (USA), Mr. Robert Montini (USA), Robin Miller (USA), Richard Ellis (USA), David Crawford (USA), Kristin Calabrese (USA), Michael Crane (USA), Lisa Ndejuru (USA), Doren Garcia (USA), Seth Thomson (USA), Alan Sondheim (USA), C.D. Beltran (USA), Luckywings (USA), Lynne Taetzsch (USA), John Kannenberg (USA), Scott Becker (USA), Lois Klassen (USA), Nathan James (USA), Jubal Brown (USA), Natasha Radell (USA), Jeremy Newman (USA), Dizzy (USA), Sarah Browne (USA), Pace F . Parado (USA), Mark Wolfe (USA), Carole Loefler (USA), Dr. Hugo (Belgium), Rene Joseph (Belgium), Eric van Hove (Belgium), Eva Lewarne (Canada), Gita Hashemi (Iran/Canada), Barry Smilie (Canada), Wendy Lu (Canada), Graham Thompson (Canada), Julie Andreyev (Canada), Ijosé Benin (Canada), Cyril Duneau (Canada), Garnet Abrahams (Canada), Blair Butterfield (UK), Caterine Daly (UK), Richard Osborn (UK), Brian Routh (UK), Veronica C. Wilkinson UK), Davon Hlongwane UK), Luna Nera (UK), Nigel Petherick (UK), Maggie Montgomery (UK), Corina Pia (UK), Shaukat Khan (UK), Ann Tracy (UK), Heather J. Tait (UK), X Rokeby (UK), Michael Branthwaite (UK), Luigia Cardarelli (Italy), Carla Della Beffa (Italy), Pino Boresta (Italy), Alberto Frigo (Italy), Boel Olsson (Sweden), Michael Haskett (Sweden), Peter Svedberg (Sweden), Eric B. Petersen (Sweden), Ksenija Kovcevic (Serbia), GORZO (Serbia), Zon Sakai (Serbia), Cecilia Lueza (Italy), Aynil (Italy), Domenico Olivero (Italy), Ida Dominici (Italy), Roberto Echen (Argentina), Leandro Katz (Argentina), Anahi Caceres (Argentina), Francisco Vidal (Argentina), Stella Maris Angel Villegas (Argentina), Cendres Lavy (France), Xavier Malbreil (France), Yavier Pehuet (France), Aikaterini Gregisian (France), Antonio Alvarado (Spain), Alvaro Ardévol (Spain), Klaus W. Eisenlohr (Germany), Marcello Mercado (Germany), Sandra Becker (Germany), Volker Behrend Peters (Germany), Joern Ebner (UK/Germany), RAnders (Germany), Jd.Vd’Aragon Aranita (Hong Kong), Lee Welch (Ireland), Harriet Jamesson Pellizari (Austria), Teo Spiller (Slovenia), Fabian Giles (Mexico), mm, Anthony Leland (New Zealand), gintas K (Lithuania), Sergeij Jakovlev (Russia), Igor Ulanosvsky (Israel), Cezar Lazarescu (Romania); Clemente Padin (Uruguay); Andres Yepes (Venezuela); Miss C. Johnson (South Africa); Nitin Shroff (Seychelles); Solveig Kjok (Norway); Ricardo Mirada Zuniga (Nicaragua/USA)

    125 (paris2015) Manuel Granados, Roland Fuhrmann, Matze Schmidt, Rola Shamas, Jonathan Johnson, Daz Dizley, Christian Bøen, Yaroslav Yanovsky, Alison Carmel Ramer, Pinina Podestà, Neil Ira Needleman, Lisi Prada, Fran Orallo, Ahmad Nejad, Francesca Fini, Cheryl Ann Lipstreu, Yuci Zhou, Sandra Becker, Ausin Sainz, Tashi Honnery, Sean Burn, Daniel Wechsler, Karl F. Stewart, Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos, Cesary Ostrowski, Corteggiani & Giraud
    (wake up), Rosary Solimanto, Barbara Hasenmüller, Magdalena Libero, Giovanni Libero, Marilena Karagkiozi, Jem Raid, Sandrine Deumier, Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Nacho Recio, Tim Riley & Georgia Elizey, Luca Nanini, Katina Bitsicas, Roland Wegerer, Olga Guse, WildFilm, Masa Hilcisin, Francesca Fini, Dee Hood, Ekanem Oku, Marie-Suzanne Nourdin, Ronit Coulson, Keaton Fox, Ralph Klewitz, Nenad Nedeljkov, Mohamed Thara, Thomas Lisle, Adrian Lis, Albert Bayona, Zlatko Cosic, Deyan Clement, Letitia Gaba, Samantha Harvey, Roberto Echen, Timo Kahlen, Jasenka Vukelić, Pablo Di Iorio, Wojciech Gilewicz, Liliana Piskorska, Mohammadhossain Maghsoudi, Cis Bakker, Alison Carmel Ramer, Silvana Dunat, Bojana Knezevic, Kateryna Bortsova, Monika Zywer, Ahmet Kavas, Tim Riley & Georgia Elizey, Muhammad Fajar Shidiq, WildFilm, Chris Joseph, Christian Immonen, Humberto Ramirez, Christian Rupp, Michael Lazar, Petra Paul, Joanna Shuks, Maria Elena Danelli, Chiara Bertin, Susanne Pillmann, Christine Bachmann, Cezary Ostrowski, Monika K. Adler, Waalko Dingemans, Allison Flom, Marion Musch, Avi Dabach, Shelley Jordon, Jens Hauspurg, R.S Holtkamp, Oleksiy Gudzovskyy, Amir Kabir Jabbari, Hagen Klennert, David R. Burns, Mladen Bundalo and Lucie Bundalo, Shahar Marcus, Rinus Groenendaal, Reinhard Hölker, Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Vince Briffa, Patrick Morarescu, Krzysztof Rynkiewicz, Isabel Pérez del Pulgar, Nouran Sherif & Muhammad Taymour, Neil Ira Needleman, Nico Winz, Lisi Prada, Johannes Gérard, Ananthakrishnan.B, Stephen Chen, Carla Della Beffa, My Name Is Scot, Raimon Sibilo, Jana Wisniewski, Roy Harary, Juan Matias Musa, Karin Till, Ezra Wube, Ausin Sainz, Frances Raboen, Daniel Wechsler, Bruce Eves, YunTing Tsai, Dova Cahan, Sean Burn, Manasak Khlongchainan, Badr El Hammami, Gil & Moti, Barry Douglas Smylie, Shivkumar K V, Salome Mc, Wrik Mead, Ralph Klewitz, Marlieke Overmeer, Anna Ursyn, Jacqueline Then, Joseph Nechvatal

    Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    Director & chief curator – The New Museum of Networked Art
    JavaMuseum – forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
    A Virtual Memorial Foundation
    CologneOFF – International Festival Network
    SoundLAB – Sonic Art

    featured 100 curators 2000-2020

    H. Figueroa-Sarriera & M. Ramirez-Aponte (Puerto Rico)
    Vera Tyuleneva (Peru)
    Simone Dompeyre (France)
    Brocólis VHS (Brazil)
    Wilton Azevedo (Brazil)
    Diana Rangel & Maria Bilbao Herrera (Venezuela)
    Erick Tapia (Mexico)
    Fran Illich (Mexico)
    Silvio de Gracia (Argentina)
    Soledad Sanchez (Argentina)
    Raquel Partnoy (Argentina/USA)
    Rainer Krause (Chile)
    Nicole Rademacher (Chile)
    Isabel Aranda Yto (Chile)
    Raul Ferrera-Balanquet (Cuba)
    Tobias Van Veen (Canada)
    John Kannenberg (USA)
    Jonas Nilsson & Eva Olsson (Sweden)
    Björn Norberg (Sweden)
    Simo Saarikoski (Finland)
    Pekka Ruuska (Finland)
    Margarida Paiva (Norway)
    Eva Sjuve (Norway)
    Simone Dompeyre (France)
    Vincent Makowski (France)
    Mario Gutierrez Cru (Spain)
    Maite Camacho & Mario Gutierrez Cru (Spain)
    Antonio Alvarado (Spain)
    Rubén García (Spain)
    Juan Antonio Lleó (Spain) (Spain)
    Caterina Davinio (Italy)
    Maurizio Mario Tozzi (Italy)
    Laura Chiari (Italy)
    Giorgio Fedeli (Italy)
    Vitaliano Teti (Italy)
    Mario Gorni (Italy)
    Elena Maria Rossi (Italy)
    José Vieira (Portugal)
    Sergio Gomes (Portugal)
    Paulo B. Menezes (Portugal)
    Ivan Bachev (Bulgaria)
    Georgi Krastev (Bulgaria)
    Igor Bosnjak (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    Kolektiva (Slovenia)
    Calin Man & Stefan Tiron (Romania)
    Florin Tudor & Mona Vatamanu (Romania)
    Darko Fritz (Croatia)
    Branca Bencic (Croatia)
    Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos, Gioula Papadopoulou (Greece)
    Anna Hatziannaki (Greece)
    Vince Briffa (Malta)
    Ynin Shilo (Israel)
    Peter Wolf (Germany)
    Roland Wegerer (Austria)
    Machfeld (Austria)
    Evelyn Stermitz (Austria)
    Marina Fomenko (Russia)
    Vika Ilyushkina (Russia)
    Olga Martynenko (Russia)
    Eugeny Umansky (Russia)
    Yarina Butkovska (Ukraine)
    Antoni Karwowski (Poland)
    Vera Antipova (Belarus)
    Raivo Kelomees (Estonia)
    Dzingarz Zilgalvis (Latvia)
    Julian Jonker (South Africa)
    Kai Lossgott (South Africa)
    Kisito Assangni (Togo)
    Az Taleb (Morocco)
    Abdo Nawar (Lebanon)
    Ricardo Mbarak (Lebanon)
    Sinasi Günes (Turkey)
    Tahir Un (Turkey)
    Alysse Stepanian (Iran)
    Gita Hashemi (Iran/Canada)
    Shareef Sarhan (Palestine)
    Alvis Choi & Ellen Pau (Hongkong)
    Sitharan Roopesh (Malaysia)
    Won-Kon Yi (South Korea)
    Winston Yang (China)
    Zoe Drayton (New Zealand)
    Michael Yuen (Australia)


    Conference – Symposium (organised)

    1991 – International ARCHA Conference Görlitz/Germany 1991
    2012 – A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012
    2013 – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013

    Conferences – Symposia (participating)

    2000 – Exchange 2000 Bristol (UK) – Watershead Media Centre
    2001 – Circus 2001 Glasgow (UK)
    2001 – 4th International Conference on Modern Technology and Processes for Art, Media and Design, Bangkok (Thailand) 2001
    2002 – ISEA 2002 Nagoya (Japan)
    2003 – Fibreculture Conference 2003 – Brisbane/Australia :: Digital Literacies :: New Media Arts Exhibition
    2005 – FILE Symposium 2005 Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    2008 – ISEA 2008 Singapore (SG)
    2008 – sound:space – Soundart Symposium 1 Nov. 2008 – South Hill Park Arts Centre Bracknell/UK (London)
    2008 – Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain
    2008 – VIII World Meeting of Intellectuals & Artists Caracas/Ve – 13-18 October 2008
    2009 – ISEA 2009 Belfast (UK)
    2012 – 1st International Conference of Holocaust Museums Riga /Latvia 4-6 June 2012
    2012 – 2nd International Conference of Holocaust Museums Riga/Latvia 29-30 May 2013
    2017 – VideoVortex 11 – Kochi Muziris Biennial 2017
    2019 – 12th Video Vortex Conference K-Spazju Kreattiv- Valletta – 26-28 September 2019
    2019 – 6th International Conference of Holocaust Museums Riga/Latvia 21-22 May 2019

    Biennales (participating)

    49th Venice Biennale 2001 – Azione Parallela Bunker by Caterina Davinio
    50th Venice Biennale 2003 – Wandering Library Project curated by Doron Polak
    51st Venice Biennale 2005 – Isola della Poesia – curated by Achile Bonito Oliva – June – Nov
    52nd Venice Biennale 2007 – Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen – 7-30 June 2007
    53rd Venice Biennale 2009 – Scalamata Gallery -“Souvenir Art” – International Artists Museum – 6-26 June 2009

    2001 – 49th Venice Biennale 2001 – Azione Parallela Bunker by Caterina Davinio
    2001 – Biennale de Cerveira (Portugal)
    2003 – 50th Venice Biennale 2003 – Wandering Library Project curated by Doron Polak
    2003 – Interactiva’03 – Biennale for New Media Art 2003 – Museum of Contemporary Art Merida/Mexico
    2004 – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia 7 September – 17 November 2004
    2004 – Biennale de Montreal 2004 – curated by Anne-Marie Boisvert – La ville virtuelle –
    2005 – 51st Venice Biennale 2005 – Isola della Poesia – curated by Achile Bonito Oliva – June – Nov
    2005 – Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago/Chile November 2005
    2005 – The Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005 – 1-30 April
    2006 – Biennale 3000 Sao Paulo by Fred Forest MAC – Contemporary Art Museum Sao Paulo – 7 October – 15 December 2006
    2006 – 5th Biennale de la Photo et des Arts visuels de Liège MAMAC (Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain de Liège) 18 February. – 31 March 2006
    2007 – 52nd Venice Biennale 2007 – Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen – 7-30 June 2007
    2007 – Documenta 12 Kassel/Germany Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen –2007
    2008 – Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October 2008
    2008 – August in Art Biennial Varna/BG – 8-15 August 2008 – Videoholica
    2009 – 53rd Venice Biennale 2009 – Scalamata Gallery -“Souvenir Art” – International Artists Museum – 6-26 June 2009
    2010 – August in Art Biennial.varna 2010 – 12-17 Aug 2010 – memo.real project.collateral
    2016 – Kochi Muziris Biennial 2016/2017 -23-26 February 2017 – Kochi/Kerala/ India

    Venues & partners


    Kochi Muziris Biennial 2016/2017 -23-26 February 2017 – Kochi/Kerala/ India
    TimeLine Video Art Festival – 5-7 May 2017 – Belo Horizonte/Brazil
    Alliance Francaise du Bengal – 28 April 2017 – Kolkata/India
    TWIXTlab Athens – 6-7 May 2017 – Athens/Greece
    4th International Motion Festival Cyprus 2017 – 11-14 May 2017 – Nicosia/Cyprus
    MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte@ Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Quito/Ecuador – 23-25 August 2017
    CultureMonks Kolkata – 23 September – Kolkata/India
    3rd NodoCCS – Videoart Festival Caracas – 21 & 26 October 2017
    Addis Video Art Festival – Addis Ababa/Ethiopia – 24 Dec 2017 – 4 Jan 2018
    4th TENT Little Cinema International Festival – 8-10 December 2017 – Kolkata/India
    V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University – KARAZIN MEDIA SYMPOSIUM – December 16, 2017

    Syracuse International Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy -December 2016
    Codec Videoart Festival 2016 – Mexico City /MX – 1-3 December 2016
    FIVA – Festival Internacional de Videoarte – Buenos Aires/Argentina – 2-4 December 2016
    Now & After 2016 – International Videoart Festival Moscow @ State Darwin Museum Moscow – 27 October – 9 November 2016
    Festival x 24 – Gainsborough/UK – 16-17 July 2016
    “Proceso de Error” – 3rd International Experimental Video Festival – Valparaiso/Chile – 31 May – 4 June 2016
    Momentum – Experimental Art Festival @ Range Art Gallery Kolkata/India – 1-3 April 2016
    Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/CA – 2 April – 28 May 2016
    Novo artspace Cologne/Germany – 1 April 2016
    Danube Videoart Festival – Grein/Austria – 18-21 February 2016
    CeC – Carnival of eCreativity – Shillong/Meghalaya/India – 26-28 February 2016

    Parachute Light Zero II Paris / 21 & 22 March 2015
    Now & After Videoart Festival Moscow @ Schusev State Museum of Architecture Moscow / 21 April – 21 June 2015
    CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity@ North-Eastern Hill University Shillong/India / 01-03 May 2015
    TENRI – German-Japanese Cultural Center Cologne / 16 May 2015
    11th Athens Digital Arts Festival / 21-24 May 2015
    Now & After Videoart festival Moscow @ Museum of Moscow / 1-23 August 2015
    MIVA International Videoart Festival – Casa de la Cultura Ecuadoriana Quito / 20 August 2015
    Linoleum – Internation Festival of Animation and Media Art/ Kiev 3-6 September 2015
    Zona de Morana Avila (Spain) / 11-13 September 2015
    Konvent Festival Cel-AV – Barcelona / 18-19 September 2015
    MIVA _ Centro de las Artes – La Ronda Quito/Ecuador / 2 October – 8 Nov 2015
    VIII Muestra Cortos de la Polis Joven UNED 2015 San Josè / Costa Rica / 30 October 2015
    InShadow Festival Lisbon / 26 Nov -6. Dec 2015
    FIVA _ Festival Internacional de Videoarte – Buenos Aires / 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015
    VideoBabel – International Audio-Visual Festival Cuzco/Peru / 30 Nov – 3 Dec 2015
    1st Addis Videoart Festival Addis Abeba / 23 DEec 2015 – 3 January 2016
    Siracusa International Film & Media Festival / 18-30 December 2015
    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT – 2015

    10th Athens International Videoart Festival 2014
    Waterpieces Video &Art Festival Riga/Latvia –2014
    1st International Festival of Artistic Film Lublin/Poland 2014
    Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow 2014
    RIA The Research & Innovation Ashram, Guwahati/india –2014
    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal 2014
    Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid –2014
    Euro Shorts Film Festival Warsaw/Gdansk – 2014
    Direct Action Festival Berlin – 2014
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 2014
    ARES International Film and Media Arts Festival Siracusa/Italy 2014
    MIVA – International Videoart Festival – Quito/Ecuador –2014
    Parachute Light Zero Paris 2014
    VideoBabel Festival Cuzco 2014
    Florina School of Visual Art (Greece – 19 January 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014 – @ [BOX] – videoart Project Space Miland – 25-27 January 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Jaffa 2014 – @ Muza Plus – asopace for art Tel-Aviv/Israel – 25 January 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Timisoara 2014 – @ German Cultural Center – 27 January 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Moscow 2014 @ State Museum of Gulag Moscow @ Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 2-30 April 2014
    Institut fuer Alle Moegliche Berlin – 4 September 2014
    Onomato e.v. Düsseldorf/Germany – 25 September 2014
    Damen & Herren Art Space – Düsseldorf/Germany – 10 October 2014
    Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/USA – 6 Nov – 6 December 2014

    700is – Reindeerland Film Festival Nordic House Reykjavik/Iceland 2013
    CeC- Carnival of eCreativity – Sattal/India 2013
    2nd International Motion Festival – Nicosia/Cyprus – 2013
    Be There! – Corfu Animation Festival- 013
    Now & After – Videoart Festival Moskow –2013
    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 2013
    Mudas Fest Madeira –2013
    Detmold International Shortfilm Festival – 2013
    Athens International Videoart Festival –2013
    Videoart Festival Miden /Kalamata/Greece –2013
    Ares Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy – 2013
    Quest Europe Film festival Zielona Gora/Poland – 2013
    The Scientist Videoart Festival Ferrara/Italy – 2013
    Ionian International Digital Film Festival Levkas-2013
    Alternative Film Festival Tirgu Mures –2013
    VideoBabel – Videoart festival Cuzco/Peru – 2013
    ArtFilm Guwahati/India – 26 January 2012
    Aferro Gallery Newark/NJ – USA – 23 Feb – 30 March 2013
    CCA Contemporary Art Centre Tbilisi – 16-18 May 2013
    Ares Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy – 11-14 July 2013
    Strata Foundation Finland- 24 August 2013
    Vetlanda Museum/art:screen Sweden – August/September 2013
    JICC Vilnius – 23 Sept – 27 Oct 2013
    Regional Museum Kedianiai/Lithuania – 02-29 October 2013
    The Museum of the History of Polish Jews Warsaw – 25-31 Oct 2013
    Florina School of Visual art – Florina/Greece – 3 Dexcember 2013

    Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Minsk – 2012
    Bangkok Experimental Film Festival – @ Goethe Institute Bangkok – 2012
    CeC – Carnival of eCreativity – 2012
    Generation Loss Festival Manila –2012
    International Short Film Festival Prokuplje/Serbia – 2012
    Anemic: Festival of Independent Film and New Media Prague –2012
    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 2012
    8th Festival Internacional de la Imagen Manizales/Colombia- 2012
    ARTchSo Video Festival Rennes – 2012
    Athens International Video Art Festival – 2012
    Urban Culture and Fire Festival Minsk – 2012
    One Shot – International Film Festival –2012
    Now & After Festival Moscow – Museum of Contemporary Art –2012
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata – 2012
    Generation Loss Festival Manila – July 2012
    VideoBabel Festival Cusco/Peru – 2012
    Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 2012
    Ares Film & Media Festival Siracusa/Italy – 2012
    National Cinematheque Quito – 2012
    XI International Kansk Video Festival 2012
    Waterpieces Conemporary Art and Video Festival 2012
    Busho – Budapest Short Film Festival – 2012
    Ionian International Digital Film Festival –2012
    art:screen Festival Orebro/Sweden –2012
    Fine Arts Film Festival Szolnok – Szolnok/Hungary 2012
    Warsaw Jewish Film Festival – Shoah Film Collection – 2012
    ExTeresa Art Actual Mexico City/MX – 2012
    Anima – International Animation Festival Banja Luka /Bosnia-Herzegovina -2012
    FIVA – Videoart Festival Buenos Aires -2012
    EuroShorts Film Festival Gdansk/Poland – 2012
    Digital Marrakesh Festival –2012
    Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid 2012
    Culture and Arts Project NOASS Riga/Latvia – 1-30 June 2012
    Polytechnical University Valencia – 21-26 June 2012
    Fundacion FIART @ Electrocuciones Madrid/Spain – 1#minuteCologne – 5 July 2012
    Festival Image Contre nature/Marseille/F – 12-14 July 2012
    Meta House Phnom Penh/Cambodia – 12-15 July 2012
    Generation Loss Festival Manila – July 2012

    Electrocuciones Festival Madrid – 1-16 February 2011
    Prima Piano Gallery Lecce/IT – Language is a Virus – 08 Feb – 16 Feb 2011
    Rotterdam Film Festival – 26 Jan – 6 Feb 2011
    Arctic Film Festival Jyväskylä – 2011
    CeC – Carnival of eCreativity Sattal – 2011
    ArtChSo Festival Rennes/France – 2011
    Cafecultour 2011 Festival Timisoara
    Timisoara Shortfilm Festiva – 2011
    Vientianale – Vientiane Short Film Festival – 2011
    One Shot – International Film Festival Yerevan –2011
    Athens Video Art Festival – 2011
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata –2011
    Proyector Festival 2011 Madrid – 2011
    BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival (Hu) – 2011
    Waterpieces Contemporary Art & Video Festival 2011
    Arte Video Rome Festival 2011
    InOut Festival – Laznia – Contemporary Art Centre Gdansk/Pl – 2011
    International Videoart Festival Camaguey – 2011
    Digital Marrakech 2011 – 2011
    Keuruu Art Museum 11 Feb – 31 March 2011
    Goethe Institute Ukraine – 14 March 2011
    Institute for Contmeporary Art Kiev – 15 March
    Kharkiv City Art Gallery – 16-20 March
    Arad Art Museum30 March – 2 AprilCologne
    Cultural Observatory Szczecin – 2016 – Baltic Sea I -Szczecin12-14 May
    Smolny University Baltic Sea II- St. Petersburg I – 19- May
    Pro Arte – Baltic Sea II- St. Petersburg II – 20 May
    NCCA -National Centre for Contemporary Art – Baltic Sea II- St. Petersburg III – 21 May
    Arteles – Baltic Sea III- Tampere/Fi – 26-27-28 May 2011
    Galerija Rajatila – Baltic Sea III- Tampere/Fi – 28 May 2011
    Estonian Academy of Arts – Baltic Sea IV- Tallinn (Estonia) – 1-2 June 2011
    Shams The Sunflower Art Centre Beirut – 30 August- 3 September
    ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexico City – 10-11 November 2011
    Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico City– 14-18 November 2011
    Centro de las Artes San Luis Potosi – 8 December 2011
    Optica Video Festival Buenos Aires (Ar) – 15-17 December 2011
    Bernado’s House Museum FONLAD Coimbra (PT) – 15 October 2011
    Encuentro en Zona de Moraña (Spain) – 9-10 Sept 2011
    Optica Video Festival Madrid – 16-18 Sept 2011
    Traverse Video Festival Toulouse – Centre Culturel Bellegarde – 24 March 2011
    Vaikopaine Jyväskyla/Fi – CologneOFF 2011 – Imagening the Real” & Privat Space – Open Space?” – 10 Feb 2011

    Delhi International Arts Festival – Edhelogue – CologneOFF 2010
    Simultan Festival Timisoara/Ro – 2010
    BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival 2010
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 2010
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival- 2010
    One Shot – Intern. Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 2010
    Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010 –2010
    Manipulated Images@The Complex Santa Fe USA – 2010
    Oslo Screen Festival 12-14 March 2010 – 2010
    CeC- Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal/India – 2010
    2nd THERMAIKOS INTERNATIONAL 2min FILM FESTIVAL 2009 Thessaloniki/Gr – 30 October 2010
    Videoart Festival Giessen/Germany – 30 October 2010
    2nd Orebro International Videoart Festival – Art VideoScreening 1-3 Oct 2010
    International Film Festival Naoussa/Greece 30 Sep – 3 Oct 2010
    Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho”, Ciudad Bolívar La Paz, 17 – 24 September
    Künstlerhaus Wien . Inter-Netart – lecture “10 Years [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne – 16 September 2010
    [BOX] – space for videoart Milan – artvideoKOELN “Phantoms of Perception – 14 Sept-7 Oct 2010
    “Festival Mediu Güeyu”, Fundacion Cardin -Villaviciosa (Asturias, Spain) 3-5 September 2010 – Optica selection
    International Film Festival in Walthamstow (London/UK) – 3-12 September 2010
    BuSho – Budapest Internation Shortfilm Festival – 1-5 September 2010
    MiniVideoartFestival @ Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery
    One Minute Film Festival Aarau/CH – 19-22 Aug 2010
    memo.real project.collateral /august in art biennial.varna 2010 – 12-17 Aug 2010
    Videoholica Videoart Festival Varna/BG – 10-17 Aug 2010
    Festival Image contra Nature – Marseille/F – 14-17 Jaly 2010
    “Festival Proyector 2010″ – Optica Videoart – Espacio Menos Uno Madrid (Spain) 5-31 July 2010
    Galería Texu Oviedo (Spain) Optica Video Art – 5-31 July 2010
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 8-10 July 2010
    4th Gaza International Videoart Festival – Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia – Bethlehem – 19-24 June 2010
    4th Gaza International Videoart Festival – Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia – Bethlehem- 19-24 June 2010
    AllArtNow International New Media Art Festival Damascus/Syria – 25-30 May 2010
    Transfera/ Madrid- broadcast of Urban.early sundaiy morning_raw on 21 & 22 May 2010
    Electrocuciones – El Foro de Pozuelo Madrid – 18 May – 5 June 2010
    Loop Video Festival Barcelona – Optica selection – 13-17 May 2010
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival- 15-28 May Coimbra/PT
    One Shot – International Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 17-24 May 2010
    The International Video Art Activity Canakkale-Turkey – 14-15 May 2010
    Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010
    Werkraum Berlin – 30 April – 2 May 2010
    Advertsing Life – Azyl One Minute Festival Bratislava/SK 31 March – 1 April 2010
    Emergenzaarte – videoart festival – Santa Maria die Sale (Venice) – 10 April – 25 2010
    Oslo Screen Festival – 12-14 March 2010 – Oslo/Norway
    Oslo Screen Festival – 14 March 2010 – Oslo/Norway
    Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France – 12 March 2010
    Videoformes – Clermont-Ferrand (F) – 10-28 Match 2010
    Manipulated Image in cooperation with VideoChannel @ the Santa Fe Complex . USA
    CeC- Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal/ India – 19-21 Feb 2010
    Urban Reasearch – Directors Lounge 11-19 Feb 2010

    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Guarda/PT – 2009
    Microwave – New Media Arts Festival Honkong – 2009
    OK Video Festival Jakarta/Indonesia – 2009
    VideoArt Festival Miden/Kalamata-Greece – July 2009 –2009
    Video Festival Celje/Slovenia – 2-5 July 2009
    Image Contre Nature – Experimental Film Festival – Marseille/F –2009
    Crosstalks Videoart Festival Budapest/Hu – 2009
    MUV – Music and Digital Art Festival –2009
    7th Intenational Film Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 2009
    700IS Reindeerland Film Festival Iceland 2009
    Videoformes Festival Clermont-Ferrand/F – 2009
    Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/F –2009
    CeC- Carnival of eCreativity New Dehli/India 2009
    Rauland Kunstforeningen Rauland/Norway – 30 December 2009 –
    Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival #05 – 11 – 20 dec 2009
    Arnolfini Bristol/UK – unCraftivism – 12-13 December 2009
    MADATAC 2009 – Experimental Videoart Festival Madrid – 10-12 December 2009
    Visions in NYC art Art Basel Miami, Verge Fair – 5 December 2009
    FIFE 2009 – Experimental Film Festival Baia Mare/Romania – 26-27 Nov 2009
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT – Nov 2009
    Visions in New York – shortfilm Festival NY/NY – 13 November 2009
    2nd THERMAIKOS INTERNATIONAL 2min FILM FESTIVAL 2009 Thessaloniki/Gr – 7 November 2009
    Rocca dei Rettori Benevento/Italy – Squadri Sonori Festival – 6 November 2009
    Cultural Centre San Martin Buenos Aires/AR – Optica Festival Review ’09 – 5-7 November 2009
    MEM Festival Bilbao/ES – Optica Festival review 2009 – 4 & 19 November 2009
    Videoart Festival Giessen/Germany – 30 October 2009
    Optica Videoart Festival Gijon/Soain – 29-31 October 2009
    ShootOFF – Experimental Videoart Festival Paris – 17-23 October 2009
    Art Video Screening – Orebro/SWE – Bio Roxy – 17 October 2009
    Optica Videoart Festival Madrid- La Casa Encendida Madrid/Spain – 15-17 October 2009
    Scuderie Aldobrandini Frascati – Rome/Italy – Squadri Sonori Festival –2 October 2009
    “…a very loud silence” curated by Avantika Bawa at Le Flash Festival Atlanta/GA – curated by Cathy Byrd and Stuart Keeler – 2 October 2009
    Optica Videoart Festival Optica – Centro Contemporaneo Huarte/Navarra – 29 September – 2 October 2009
    Optica Videoart Festival Paris/France – 24-26 September 2009
    Digital Fringe Melbourne (Aus) – 32 Sept- 11 Oct 2009
    Optica Video Festival Cordoba/Spain – 11-13 September 2009
    FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
    Studio 29 Club Screening London/UK – 7 September 2009
    Optica Video Festival – Buienos Aires/Argentina – National Bibliotheque – 27-29 August 2009
    Optica Video Festival La Paz/Bolivia – 20-26 August 2009
    Int. Film & Video Festival Aarau/CH – 21-23. August 2009
    FONLAD Collection at MIDAC – Museo Internazionale Dinamico di Arte Contemporanea, Belforte del Chienti, Italy 1 – 30 August 09
    Villa d’Este Rome/Italy – Squadri Sonori Festival – 1 August 2009
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 27 July – 30 August 2009 –
    FILE – Hipersonica Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 27 July – 30 August 2009
    OK Video Festival Jakarta/Indonesia – 28 July -6 August 2009
    Image Contre Nature – experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7 July 2009
    Image Contre Nature – experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7-11 July 2009
    VideoFestival Celje/Slovenia – 2-5 july 2009
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 10-12 July 2009
    Crosstalks Videoart Festival Budapest/Hu – 25-30 June 2009
    53th Venice Biennale – Scalamata Gallery -“Souvenir Art” – International Artists Museum – 6-26 June 2009
    MUV – Music & Digital Art Festival Florence/Italy – 9-14 June 2009 – CologneOFF IV
    5th FF600 Shortfilm Festival Lubljana/Slovenia – 28 & 29 May 2009 – Encoded
    7th Int. Film Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 17-24 May 2009 – Burning Phantom
    Palazzo Barberini Video Screenings – Senigallia/Italy – 16 May 2009
    Ceramic Museum Lisbon/PT – 16 May 2009 Screening
    International Film Festival Naoussa/Greece 8-11 May 2008
    “Bivouac Project – The Big Switch: New Media, Film and Video” – Sumter County Gallery of Art (USA) – 2 April- 22 May 2009
    Gallery La Sala Cigüñuela/Spain – 17-29 April 2009
    FILE Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 10-19 April 2009
    Oi Futuro Cultural Centre Rio de Janeiro/Br
    Streaming Festival – Geborgen Kamers – The Hague/NL – 15-17 April 2009
    Nuit de Video – Goethe Institut RabatMorocco – 2 April 2009
    Brancaleone Club Rome – screening 14 March 2009 – Silent Cry
    700IS Reindeerland Film & Video Festival Iceland – 27-28 March 2009
    Guildford Lane Gallery. Melbourne, Australia – 25 Feb – 8 March 2009
    Videoformes – Festival of Video & New Media Clermont Ferrand/F – 11 – 27 March 2009
    Art Of Emergency – Artneuland Gallery Berlin/G – 5 Feb-15 March 2009
    CeC – Carnival if e-Creativity Sattal/India – 27 Feb – 1 March 2009
    International Film Festival Jelenia Gora (PL) – 17-22 February 2009 – Jelenia Gora (PL)
    MidEast Film Festival for alternative shorts Copenhagen/Roskilde (DK)

    24 Hours of Nuremberg Filmfestival – 2008
    OPTICA Video Festival Gijon/ES – 8 November 2008
    1st Intern. Videoart Festival Orebro/Swe – 24-26 Oct 2008
    2nd AZA Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-27 Sept’08
    6th Salon de Arte Digital – Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/Ve –2008
    Busho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival 2008
    Yeosu Art Festival (Yeosu/South Korea) – 2008
    Video Festival Celje/Slovenia – 2008
    Athens Video Art Festival 2ßß9 – 2008
    3rd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India -2008
    Les Inattendus – Film Festival Lyon/France – 2008
    Kinolevchuk Festival Lviv/Ukraine – 2008
    FocFest 2008 – Fábrica do Braço de Prata Lisbon (Portugal) – 4-6 Dec 2008
    FocFest 2008 – ACCEA – Armenian Center of Contemporary Art Yerwan (Armenia)- 4-6 Dec 2008
    FocFest 2008 – Ciplak Ayaklar Studio Istanbul/Turkey – 6-7 Dec 2008
    Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain
    FIFE 2008 – 3rd Experimental Film Festival Baia Mare /Ro – 14-15 Nov 2008
    Shoot OFF Video Festival – Espace Canopy Paris/F – 13-23 Nov 2008
    Instants Video Marseille – – 10 November
    Sound: Space 2008 at MediaLAB South Hill Park Bracknell/UK – 1 November 2008
    13th Canariasmediafest 2008 Gran Canaria (Spain) – 28 Oct – 1 Nov 2008
    Streamingfestival The Hague/NL – 23-26 October 2008
    Optica Videofestival Madrid/Spain 16-18 October 2008
    Instants Video Marseille – screening Saint Denis (France) 16 October
    CAM_Casoria – Casoria (Napoli) – 5-30 October 2008
    6th Salon de Arte Digital – Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/Venezuela – 1-8 October 2008
    Digital Fringe Melbourne/AU – 24 Sept- 12 October 2008
    2nd AZA Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-27 September 2008
    Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October
    FONLAD 4 – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal – 1 September – 30 November 2008
    Yeosu Art Festival Yeosu/S.Korea – 29 Aug-20 Sept 2008
    MiniMinutes Film & Video Festival Muenster/GER – 29-30 August 2008
    One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau/CH – 22-24 August 2008
    Videoholica – August in Art Biennial Varna/BG – 8-15 August 2008
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 3-31 August 2008
    FILE 2008 – Hipersonica Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil 3-31 August 2008
    Sguardi Sonori 2008 Festival of media and time based art Rocca dei Rettori (Benevento) 20 August – 10 September
    ISEA 2008 Singapore – 25 – 30 July 2008
    Sguardi Sonori 2008 Festival of media and time based art – Villa d’Este/ Tivoli (Roma) – 25 – 30 July
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 4-6
    Experimental Film Festival Images contre Nature Marseille/F – 2-5 July 2008
    Sguardi Sonori 2008 Festival of media and time based art – Lanificio Conte – Schio (Vicenza) – 7 -18 June
    Sguardi Sonori 2008 Festival of media and time based art – Palazzo Orsini/Bomarzo (Viterbo) – 21 June – 10 July
    Rendez-vous des Quais – Marseille/France – Festival Image contre Nature – 19 June –
    International Film Festival Naoussa/Greece 8-11 May 2008
    Cyprus International Short Film Festival Nicosia/Northern Cyprus – 25-27 April 2008
    Video Art Screenings Orebro/Sweden 17-18 April 2008
    Athens International Video Art Festival 2008 (Greece) – 11-12-13 April 2008
    Secret PORTraits – UAVM/VIRTUAL MUSEUM Coimbra/Pt – 4 April-31 May
    Artpool Budapest/Hungary – Budapest Spring Festival
    Dimensioniste World Meeting – 19-28 March 2008
    Videoformes – Int. Festival of Video & New Media Clermont-Ferrand (F) – 11-15 March 2008
    Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France – 11-15March
    The French Cultural Centre Andrè Malraux Sarajevo/Bosnia-Hercegovina – Videosalon 3 – 7-21 March 2008
    FILE – Electronic language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 26 February – 29 March 2008

    3rd Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina – 2007
    6th Digital Art Festival Maracaibo/Venezuela – 2007
    1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca/Argentina 2007
    Dutch Electronic Art Festival – unDEAF – Rotterdam/NL 2007
    2nd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India 2007
    Instant Video Festival Marseille/France – 12 December 2007 –
    Videoart by Viva Festival at cimtec Sevilla transit -10-15 December 2007
    2nd Bursa International Film Festival Bursa/Turkey – 7-13 December 2007
    Bigscreen Festival Kunming/China- 27 November – 2 December 2007
    “Desert Generation” – Meneer De Wit Gallery Amsterdam/NL – 22 November -02 December 2007
    “Laisle Videotape and Sound” at Espaço 27 Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 16 November 2007
    VIP Art Gallery Belgrade/Serbia – 19 November 2007
    Experimental Film Festival Cyprus – 24 November 2007 –
    3rd Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina – 15, 16, 17 November –
    Optica Video Festival Gijon/Spain – 16-18 November 2007 –
    FIFE 2007 – Experimental Film Festival Baia Mare/Romania – 16-17 November 2007
    24 hours of Nuremberg – 9-10 November, FilmHaus Nuremberg/Germany
    Belle Arte Lamia Video Art – Lamia/Greece – 9 November – 2 December 2007 –
    Le Studio Art & You Paris/F – 13-31 October 2007 –
    Szemlétek Audiovisual Filmfest and Art Meeting Pécs (Hungary) – 25-28 October 2007 –
    Streaming Festival The Hague/NL – 25-28 October 2007 –
    DigiFestival Florence/Italy – 25-28 October 2007
    1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca/Argentina – 13-14 October 2007 –
    ShootOFF L’Espace Canopy Paris 6-14 October 2007
    Nuit Blanche – L’Espace Canopy Paris 6 October 2007
    International Documentary Film Festival Srebrenica/Bosnia-Hercegovina – 28-30 September 2007
    SENEF – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 6-16 September 2007
    Signal 5 Festival – INSIDE OUT Crytal Palace London/UK – 8 September
    VideoMinuto Festival – Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Pecci Prato(Italy) – 7-9 September 2007
    FILE Hipersonic Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 13 August – 9 September 2007
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil 13 August – 9 September 2007
    Mobile Institute – Cinema Styx Bruxelles/Belgium – 24 August 2007
    International Shortfilm Festival Budapest/Hungary 3-7 August 2007
    Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia – 5 July – 7 August 2007
    P’Silo/Festival Images contre Nature – Marseille/France – 22 June – 07 July 2007
    Video Art Festival Celje/Slovenia – 6-8 July 2007 – House of Tomorrow
    ENTER Caravansarai Istanbul/Turkey – 27-30 June 2007
    Netart Project “San Pietro di Carpignano” – Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale Quiliano/Italy – June 2007
    ArtChannel Paris – “13Sévigné” Gallery Paris 14-23 June 2007 – art videos
    Documenta 12 Kassel/Germany Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen –
    52 Venice Biennale – Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen – 7-30 June 2007
    Kibbutz Art Gallery Tel-Aviv/Israel – The Desert Generation – opening 26 June 2007
    Tantur – Jerusalem/Bethlehem boarder – IPCRI event 8/9 June 2007 – The Desert Generation
    Jerusalem Artists’ House Jerusalem/Israel – The Desert Generation – 5-11 June 2007
    Izolenta – Digital Film Festival St. Petersburg/Russia 11-13 May 2007
    Fonlad – Digital Art Show – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007
    Visions in the Nunnery – The Nunnery Gallery London/UK – 19 & 20 May 2007
    Version07 Festival – The Insurrection Internationale – – April 19 – May 6, 2007 – Chicago, USA
    unDEAF Festival /Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2007 – 10-15 April 2007 – Rotterdam/Netherlands
    Video Art Screenings Västerås, Sweden- 26/27 March, 23/24 April, 21/22 May –
    Zemos’98 – Videofestival Sevilla 2007 – 9th edition – 19-25 March 2007
    Webbiennial 2007 – Istanbul Museum – – running through 2007 – 138 sec of Peace?
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro – 01 Futuro Cultural Center – 19 March -24 April
    VidFest07 – Museum of New Art Detroit/USA – 9-30 March 2007 –
    Videoformes – International Festival of Video and New Media Clermont-Ferrand/Fr – 13-17 March 2007
    ArtChannel Paris – Videoformes Clermont-Ferrand/F 13-17 March 2007 – art videos
    India International Center New Dehli – CeC & CaC –The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave – 9-11 February
    MAGMART Videoart tour – Trip Naples/Italy – 12 January 09

    2nd Festival International Arte Digital Rosario/Argentina – 2006
    8th Chroma – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajara/Mexico – 11-17 November 2006
    PI 5 InterMedia Festival National Museum Szczecin/Poland – 2006
    8th Digital Art Festival Havanna/Cuba – presentation at Cuban Film Institute 2006
    CeC & CaC – India International Center New Dehli/India –2006
    MAF’06 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th –2006
    MAXXI – National Museum for Art of XX! century Rome/Italy – curated by Elena Giulia Rossi – 2 December 2006 – 28 February 2007
    Video Dialoghi 2006 French Cultural Institute Torino/Italy – curated by Willy Darko, Lorena Tadorni – 13-16 December
    Artneuland Gallery Berlin/Germany – 25 November 2006 -24 February 2007- video: Message from behind a Wall
    ArtChannel Paris – MAC -Manifestations d’Art Contemporain Paris November 2006 – art videos
    8th CHROMA – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajara/Mexico -11-17 November
    2nd Digital Art Festival Fonlad Bissaya Barreto Foundation Coimbra/Portugal – 3-26 November – “En [code] ed”
    Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo/Japan – 25-26 November 2007 // VIVA – Vital International Video Art
    Visionaria Film Festival Siena/Italy – 20 October – 20 November 2006
    MAEM 2006 – Mostra de Arte Electronico Mostoles Centro Cultural Mostoles (Madrid) – 17-18 November – House of Tomorrow
    Biennale 3000 Sao Paulo by Fred Forest MAC – Contemporary Art Museum Sao Paulo – 7 October – 15 December 2006
    5th Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela 1-8 October
    Canariasmediafest ‘06 – Gran Canaria/Spain31 October – 04 November
    Carbunari 2006 – 3rd Experimental Film Festival Baia Mare /Romania – 16 & 17 October 2006 – Dramatic Theatre
    PI 5 Video Festival Szczecin/Poland – 20-22 October 2006 – National Museum, Officyna Art Space Szczecin/Poland
    International Panorama of Independent Film and Video Patras/Greece – 23 – 30 September 2006
    PixelDance II – Video :: Art :: Festival – Film: Distortion Projected
    ArtChannel Paris – Emergences Festival Paris September 2006 – art videos
    *Luksuz Film Festival Lubljana/Slovenia September 2006-
    PLAY IV Video Art Festival Buenos Aires/Argentina 24-27 August 2006
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE Poetry 15 August – 03 September 2006
    Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine 06 -30 July 2006 – ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem
    VIVA – Vital International Video Art De Stad als Theater Zwolle/Netherlands – 28 June – 02 July 2006
    Moskow International Film Festival – 28 June – 02 July
    Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia 5 June – 5 July 2006
    VIII SALON Y COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE DIGITAL digital art festival in Havanna/Cuba – 19 June – 16 July
    D-NEFF – experimental video festival Vitoria-Gasteiz/Spain 12-13 June 2006
    Intro Out – Digital Art Festival Thessaloniki/Greece digital videos – 1-8 June 2006 –
    Camargo Cibernetico – Electronic Art Festival Camargo/Spain 29 May – 02 June 2006
    MAF’06 – Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 02-04 May 2006
    Pixeldance Festival Thessaloniki /Greece 12-15 May 2006
    The Streaming Festival – The Hague/Netherlands – – 9-12 May
    Confluencias 2006 – Art and Technology Festival Huelva/Spain –9-12 May
    Unauthorized Access Festival St. Petersburg – Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg/Russia 7-21 April
    Bele.ArteLamia 2006 – Lamia (Greece) videoart – 7-16 April –
    Athens Video Art Festival 7-9 April Athens/Greece-
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro – Cultural Center Telemar – 20 March -20 April
    Ecopoetics: The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival -Ithaca University/USA – 30 March-6 April
    Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_8 – Sevilla/Spain 14-18 March
    Videoformes 21th International Video & New Media Art Festival – Clermont-Ferrand (France) – 14-18 March
    5th Biennale de la Photo et des Arts visuels de Liège MAMAC (Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain de Liège) 18 February. – 31 March 2006
    Metu Video Festival Ankara/Turkey 2-4 March
    Japan Media Arts Festival Tokyo/Japan – 24 February – 5 March
    Fundación Luis Seoane, La Coruña: 20 February – 20 March –“Violencia sin cuerpos”
    Heaven Gallery Chicago/USA Winter Screening 18 February – December Mysteries
    Mediateca -CaixaForum-, Barcelona 14 February – 7 April – “Violencia sin cuerpos”
    Paço das Artes Sao Paulo/Brazil Laisle Entertainment! -video screening – 6 Feb – 5 March
    India International Center New Dehli – CeC & CaC – The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave – 27-29 January
    Magmart Videoart Festival Naples 21-29 January 5 videos –
    The Art Gallery of Knoxville/USA “Global Groove” – 01 – 25 January

    Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago/Chile November 2005
    Select Media 4 Festival Chicago/USA – 2005
    PI five – short video and film festival National Museum Szczecin/Poland, Swinoujcie/Poland and Berlin/Germany 2005
    CINEMAscopeHamptons New York/NY –2005
    MAF’05 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th – 2005
    prog:me New Media Art Festival Rio de Janeiro – 2005
    CeC & CaC – Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave 2005
    *VidFest05 – Video Festival Museum of New Art – MONA – Detroit/USA – Jan-Feb –
    *Videoformes 20th International Video & New Media Art Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    *Musée du Ranquet Clermont-Ferrand (France) – 14 – 19 March
    *Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_7 Sevilla/Spain 1-6 March
    *ZKM Karlsruhe/G – MAKING THINGS PUBLIC —>Fair Assembly curated by Steve Dietz – March-August 2005
    *Museo National Arte Contemporanea Reina Sofia – 31 March – 8 May
    *The Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005 – 1-30 April
    *Images Festival Toronto – 7 – 16 April –
    *Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA- 25 April – 1 May –
    *Israeli Digital Art Lab Holon/Israel – Hilchot Shchenim Chapter C – 16 April – 16 July
    *Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo de Almagro, Hospital de San Juan de Dios/Spain : 12 May – 19 June
    *SENEF – Seoul Festival for Internet & Film –– 01 May -01 July
    *Art-in-Your-Face” Video Festival Malmoe/Sweden – 20-28 May –
    *Obsession”- International Audio-Video Festival Istanbul/Turkey – 2-8 June
    *Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia – 5 June – 5 July –
    *Hic et Nunc – San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy – VideoChannel presentation – 11 June – 17 July
    *Arcipelago – International Festival for Shortfilm and New Images 17-23 June
    *51th Venice Biennale – Isola della Poesia – curated by Achile Bonito Oliva – June – Nov
    *Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del ZULIA, MACZUL – Salón de Arte Digital – IV Edition – Maracaibo/VE 2005 – 20 June-2 July
    *2nd Synch Festival – Electronic Music & Digital Arts – 1-3 July 2005 – Lavrio Technological & Science Park Athens/Greece
    Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept.
    *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05 – Making Things Better – Norwich/UK – 02 July – 20 August
    *That Uncomfortable Place Between Beginning and Ending, curated by Lee Wells – CINEMAscopeHamptons New York/NY 15-17 July
    *prog:ME – Electronic Art Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 18 July – 28 August
    *AVANCA 2005 – Festival of Video & Multimedia Avanca/Portugal – 22-31 July –
    *2nd Media Art Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 9-30 August –
    *Luksuz Film Festival Lubljana/Slovenia 2-3 September
    *3rd 0110 Digital Film Festival New Dehli/India – 05-08 September
    *Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina – Orilla#05 – International Show of Digital Art – 8-11 September
    *Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos (CAB)/Spain: 9-30 September – “Violencia sin cuerpos”
    *Lisbon Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 15-21 September Lisbon/Portugal –
    *Cyber Poem 2.1 – International Meeting of Digital Poetry – Barcelona/Spain 24 September
    *Artium, Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Álava/Spain: 30 September – 16 October
    *Tomorrow Was the Day Before curated by Lee Wells – Cinema Scope London
    *National Museum Szczecin/Poland – PI – five – Video Festival 9-16 October
    *Interferencias – International Festival of Art in Action-Junin/Buenos Aires-Argentina- 13-16 October
    *Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburg/USA – “Groundworks” – 14 October – 11 December
    *FONLAD – Festival for Digital Art Coimbra/Portugal 22 Oct – 30 Nov
    *TVSKY Screenings Nottingham/UK – 17-22 October
    *FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 31 October – 05 November 2005
    *V-Art05 – Videofestival Cagliari/Sardinien – 25-29 October –
    *Mostra Mundo Film Festival Recife/Brazil – 17 – 20 November
    *FILE – Hipersonica 5 November 2005
    *Mezipatra – 6th Gay& Lesbian Filmfestival Prague/Czech Republci 17-20 November
    *Asolo Art Film Festival – Asolo (Italy) – 5-12 November
    *MAEM – Electronic Art Festival Madrid/Mostoles 17-19 November
    *Museu da Energia Núcleo de Itu/Brazil -MOSTRA INTERNACIONAL DE POESIA VISUAL E ELETRÕNICA – 4-18 November
    *VAD – Festival for Video and Digital Art – 9-12 November Girona/Spain –
    *MICROPOLIS – International contest for Digital Film & Video Athens/Greece- 30 November -20 January 2006
    *Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida/Spain: 3 – 29 November
    *Museum of Contemporary Art – Biennale of New Media Art Santiago de Chile – 18-28 November
    *Filmoteca Canaria del Gobierno de Canarias. Tenerife y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/Spain: 25 November – 2 December
    *Contemporary Art Centro Párraga, Murcia/Spain: 04-21 December -“Violencia sin cuerpos”
    Bioblioteca Nacional Buenos Aires/Argentina
    Centro Cultural Recoleta Buenos Aires/Argentina
    MACRO Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Rosario/Argentina
    Museo de Arte Contempraneo Universidad Santa Fe/Argentina
    Universidad Nacional Rosario/Argentina
    Universidad Finis del Mundo Santiago/de Chile
    Al Kahf Gallery – International Center Bethlehem/Palestine
    Catholic University Bethlehem/Palestine
    Musrara Art Academy Jerusalem/Israel

    Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia 7 September – 17 November 2004
    *New Media Festival Bangkok 2004 20 -28 March –
    *Globalization – online showcase on –
    *Centro de Arte Moderno Madrid (Spain) – Viernes Curvado curated by Antonio Alvarado – 20 February
    *Version>04 Festival Chicago (USA) – 16 April – 01 May 2004
    *Basics Festival Salzburg/Austria – 8-16 May –
    *Electronic Art Meeting – PEAM 2004 Pescara/Italy – 23-26 May –
    * Festival of New Film and Media Split/Croatia (26 June-2 July)
    *Seoul Festival for Internet & Film – SENEF –
    *Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia — June
    *Belgrade Summer Festival – Open Screen Belgrade – 9 July –
    *The Wiggle Room San Antonio TX (USA) – 14 July
    *Avanca Film & Videofestival 2004 Avanca/Portugal – 21-25 July 2004
    *InterFACES – digital print exhibition Silom Center Bangkok/Thailand 27 – 31 July
    *public_space_festival Yerewan/Armenia –- 23 July -03 August
    *Westcoast Numusic & Electronic Art Festival Stavanger/Norway -23 – 30 August
    *FAIM Madrid – El Viernes Curvado curated by Antonio Alvarado- 1-3 October
    *Ars Electronica – Linz/Austria –
    *RecyclingArt Festival – 3. Internationales RCA Festival in Berlin – 4 & 5 September
    *Biennale de Montreal 2004 – curated by Anne-Marie Boisvert – La ville virtuelle –
    *F5 – International Exhibition of Digital Art – Visual Art Center Santiago/Chile (C.A.V.S.)
    *24 hours Film Festival Nuremberg/Germany – [Meeting] video – 15/16 October –
    *Orilla’04 -International Exhibition of Digtal Art – Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe (Argentina)
    *FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil
    *404 New Media Art Festival Rosario/Argentina -7 -15 December
    *Stunned Net Art Open –
    *University of Bremen/Germany – Internet Live Streaming “EndlosFilm” by [R][R][F] group Bremen/Germany – 18 December

    *MAD03 – Electronic Art Festival Madrid
    *Asolo Art Film Festival – Asolo (Italy)
    *Nth ArtExhibit.001 – Nth Art Collective London/UK-
    *Computer Space Festival – Netart from German speaking countries by JavaMuseum
    *MAEM 2003 – Electronic Art Mostoles -Madrid (Spain)
    *Feria Estampa Madrid (Spain) –>MAEM – en [code] ed – 26-30 November 2003
    *”Ground of my studio” – show of Maya Kalogera at Gradec Gallery, Zagreb/Croatia
    *Centro de Arte Moderno Madrid (Spain) –> MAEM – en [code] ed – 19 December 2003
    *Next5 Minutes Festival – Media Library
    *Moving Media Multiplicator Vienna (Austria)
    50th Venice Biennale – Venice (Italy) – Wandering Library Project curated by Doron Polak
    *Artemedia 2003 – Universidad Maimonides Buenos Aires/Argentina
    *FiFI Festival 2003 – Paris (France)
    *File 2003 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *Digital Sur Festival- Arte Digital Rosario 2003 – Rosario (Argentina)
    *Nonetart Festival – Arte Digital Rosario 2003 – Rosario (Argentina)
    *8th International Festival of New Film – Split/Croatia
    *Pula off – 50th Pula Filmfestival – Cinemania(c) – Pula (Croatia)
    *New Forms Festival Vancouver (Canada)
    *Fibreculture Conference 2003 – Brisbane/Australia :: Digital Literacies :: New Media Arts Exhibition
    *Film and New Media Festival Lancaster (UK) –
    *Open air at Royal Gardens (Copenhagen/Denmark) curators Pio Diaz and Eva Sjuve
    *Interactiva’03 – Biennale for New Media Art – Museum of Contemporary Art Merida/Mexico
    *Galerija ULUPUH Zagreb/Croatia – cinemania(c) + digitaldiary – curated by Branca Bencic
    *PEAM 2003 – Electronic Art Festival 2003 Pescara/Italy
    *Kunst aus Strom Festival/Art from Electric Power Festiva Nürnberg/Germanyl
    *Kinokaze – Open Screen Belgrade (Serbia & Montenegro) – May 2003
    *NetArt Open 2003 – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) Dublin
    *Web Biennial 2003 – Istanbul Museum Istanbul (Turkey)
    *Chiang Mai 1st New Media Art Festival – Chiang Mai (Thailand)
    *Videoformes – 18th Video and Multimedia Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    *(6th) Media Arts Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography 27 Feb to 9 March
    *Machinista Media Festival Perm/Russia –
    *Sala Apta – exhibition at Centre de Arte Moderno Quilmes/Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    *3rd Audiovisual Festival Lille/France –
    *New Media Nation – Festival of Festivals, Bratislava/Slovakia –
    *No War Media Marathon Berlin/Germany

    *File 2002 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *Digitalclip Festival – GAM – Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Torino (Italy)
    *Medi@terra – Festival 2002 – Fournos Cultural Centre Athens (Greece)
    *Mediahexa Festival Seoul (Korea)
    *ART IN TRANSIT – Video, CD ROM, etc curated by Caterina Davinio
    *Cyborg 01 Festival – III International Arts Festival Valencia/Venezuela
    *X Canarias International Festival of Video & Multimedia
    *Sala Roja – exhibition at Centre de Arte Moderno Quilmes (Argentina)
    *III. INTERPOETRY Exhibition Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *e-magic – cybermedia events – 43th International Filmfestival Thessaloniki (Greece)
    Condition of the Cube – Art Festival Klodzko Art Centre (Poland)
    *Computer Space Festival 2002 Sofia (Bulgaria) 18 – 20 October
    *5th International Meeting of Experimental Poetry Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    *Peace and Human Security Media Festival – New York (USA)
    *VideoMarathon Contemporary Art Centre Chisinau (Moldavia)
    *Liberarti – Liverpool Biennial (UK)
    *//Reload// – NetArt Open 2002 – Istanbul Museum Istanbul (Turkey)
    *Asolo Art Film Festival – Asolo (Italy)
    *August Art 2002 Festival New York (USA)
    *ISEA 2002 Nagoya (Japan) – net based work – Electronic Theatre
    *Cinemania(c) – exhibition at 49th Pula Filmfestival – Pula (Croatia)
    *”Terror” – exhibition at DRCCC (Australia)
    *Version02 – Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (USA)
    *THAW 02 – film, video, digital and sound festival – Iowa City (USA)
    *17th Videoformes Festival – Clermont Ferrand (F)
    *Violens Festival Tábor – Violence Online Festival (Czech Republic)
    *COOP Media Festival – Museum of Contemporary Art Bucaresti (Romania)
    *12-12 -Time Based Web Cast – 18 May – Cardiff School of Art & Design
    *’Visions Festival’ at St. Kilda Film Festival – Melbourne (Australia)
    *2002 International Flag Art Festival Seoul (Korea)
    *Arte por Borges – Centre de Arte Moderno Quilmes (Argentina)
    *HAZE – hive-projects Toronto (Canada)- 21 April 2002
    *Con|text – Stasis_Space – curated by John Kannenberg (UK)
    *Free Manifesta/Manifesta 4 – Kunstverein Frankfurt (Germany)
    *Free Biennial New York (USA)
    *The Open Museum – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)
    *About Vision – digital art exhibition London (UK)
    *Artists respond on 9/11 – Mercury Productions
    *Prix Ars Electronica Linz (Austria)
    *New Media Line – online exhibition on KanonMedia, Vienna (Austria)

    *16th Videoformes Festival Clermont Ferrand (F)
    *Art Of Torture – Art against Torture – NCCA Kaliningrad (Russia)
    *Condominium – Webart at – HICETNUNC 10 – San Vito a/T (Italy)
    *Lite Show Festival at Boston Cyber Art Festival 2001 (USA)
    *Station Rose WebCast Lounge at Art Frankfurt (G)
    *Net-z-lab Internet Award 2001 Nomination Chemnitz (D)
    *Snow Blossom House at Sonar Festival Barcelona 2001 (Spain)
    *49th Venice Biennale – Azione Parallela Bunker by Caterina Davinio
    *File – Electronic Language Festival 2001 Sao Paulo and Curitiba City (Brazil)
    *Biennale de Cerveira 2001 (Portugal)
    *Media Art Festival Friesland 2001 (The Netherlands)
    *Circus 2001 Conference Glasgow (UK)
    *ARCO WebArt Award
    *Prix Ars Electronica – A Virtual Memorial
    *Computer Space 2001 Sofia (Bulgaria)
    *2nd INTERPOETRY Exhibition Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *DMF2001 – Digital Media Festival 2001 Manila (Philippines)
    *Casting a Net – McLean Project for the Arts (Virginia/USA)
    *Viper Media Festival Online Competition (Switzerland)
    *Documenta USA – MONA (Museum of New Art) Detroit (USA)
    *Art on the Net – Postcagian Interactive Sounds (Japan)
    *Pixxelpoint Computer Art Festival Nova Gorizia (Slovenia)
    *4th International Meeting of Experimental Poetry Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    *Net_working – Exhibition at Watershed Media Centre Bristol (UK) and
    *4th International Conference on Modern Technology and Processes for Art, Media and Design, Bangkok (Thailand)
    *Digital Salon – VII International Biennale of Painting Cuenca (Ecuador)
    *Artists respond on 9/11 – Mercury Productions –
    *Trash Project – Experimenta (Australia)
    *Links/Ligacoes Conference and Prize OPORTO (Portugal)
    *Torino Digital Clip Festival (Italy)

    Exchange 2000 Bristol (UK) – Watershead Media Centre
    Werkleitz Biennale (Germany)


    (Bahia Blanca) – 1st Digital Art Festival 2007
    (Buenos Aires) – Optica Videoart Festival National Bibliotheque 2009, International Meeting of Experimental Poetry 2005, 2004, Artemedia Festival 2003, FIVA – Festival Internacional de Videorte 2012, 2015, 2016
    (Junin/Buenos Aires) – Interferencia Festival – Art in Action 2005, PLAY Videoart Festival 2006
    (Rosario) – Digital Sur Festival 2003, Digital Art Festival 2007, 2006, 2003, 404 – Electronic Art Festival 2004
    (Santa Fe) – Orilla – Digital Art Festival 2005, 2004

    (Yerewan) – International Film Festival 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, Public Space Festival 2004, Media Art Festival 2005

    (Melbourne) – Digital Fringe Festival 2008, Visions Festival 2002
    (Perth) – Biennale of Electronic Art 2004

    (Linz) – Ars Electronica 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
    (Salzburg) – Basics Festival 2004
    (Grein) – Danube Video Art Festival 2016

    (Minsk) – Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Film Festival 2012, Urban Cultur & Fire Festival 2012

    (La Paz) – Optica Video Art Festival 2009, Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho” 2010

    (Banja Luka) – Anima – International Animation Festival 2012

    (Curitiba) – FILE – Electronic Art Festival Curitiba 2001
    (Recife) – MostraMundo – Film & Videofestival 2006, 2005
    (Rio de Janeiro) – Prog:me – Electronic Art Festival 2005, FILE – Electonic Language Festival Rio 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
    (Sao Paulo) – FILE – Electronic Langue Festival 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, FILE – Hipersonica Festival 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005
    (Belo Horizonte) TimeLine Videoart Festival 2017

    (Sofia) – Computer Space Festival 2003, 2002, 2001
    (Varna) – Videoholica Festival 2008, 2010

    (Montreal) – Biennale de Montreal 2004
    (Toronto) – Images Festival 2005
    (Vancouver) – New Forms Festival 2003

    (Santiago) – Biennale of Video & New Media 2005
    (Valparaiso) – Proceso de Error Festival 2016
    (Hongkong) – Artists Biennale 2005, Microwave – New Media Arts Festival 2009
    (Kunming) – BigScreen Film Festival 2007

    (Manizales) – 8th Festival Internacional de la Imagen 2012

    Costa Rica
    (San José) – VIII Muestra Cortos de la Polis Joven UNED 2015

    (Pula) – International Film Festival – PulaOFF 2003, 2002
    (Split) – International Festival of New Film and New Media 2005, 2004, 2003

    (Havanna) – International Digital Art Festival and Symposion 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002
    (Camaguay) – International Videoart Festival 2011

    (Nicosia -Greek part) – Pantheon Experimental Film Festival 2007, 2nd International Motion Festival 2013, 2017

    (Nicosia – Turkish part) – International Cyprus Short Film Festival 2008

    . Czech Republic
    (Brno) – Mezipatra – Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 2005
    (Prague) – Anemic – Festival of New Film & Media 2012
    (Tabor) – Violens Festival 2002

    (Copenhagen)- MidEast Film Festival 2009

    (Cuenca) – VII International Biennale of Painting – Digital Salon 2001
    (Quito) – MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Video Arte 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017

    (Tallinn) – Estonian Academy of Arts 2011
    (Addis Abeba) Addis Videoart Festival 2015, 2016, 2018
    (Jyväskylä) – Arctic Film Festival 2011
    (Keuruu) – Keuruu Art Museum 2011
    (Tampere) – Galerija Rajatila 2011
    (Clermont-Ferrand) – VideoFormes- Int. Festival of Video & New Media 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
    (Lille) – 3rd Audiovisual Festival 2003
    (Lyon) – Les Inattendus Film Festival 2008
    (Marseille) – Festival Image contre Nature/P’Silo 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, Instants Video 2008, 2007
    (Paris) – FIFI Festival 2003, ShootOff- Videoart Festival 2009, 2008, 2007, Parachute Light Zero 2014, 2015
    (Rennes) – ArtCHso Video Festival 2012, 2011
    (Toulouse) – Traverse Video Festival 2010, 2009, 2008

    (Garikula) – Art Festival Art Villa Garikula
    (Tblisi) – CCA – Centre for Contemporary Art 2013

    (Berlin) – Recycling Art Festival 2004, Director’s Lounge Media Festival 2010, Direct Action Festival 2014
    (Detmold) – International Short Film Festival 2012
    (Frankfurt) – Kunstverein – Manifesta 4 2002
    (Giessen) – International Videoart Festival 2010, 2009
    (Münster) – MiniFilmFestival 2008
    (Nuremberg) – Kunst aus Strom Festival 2003, 24 hours Film Festival 2008, 2007, 2004
    (Cologne) – TENRI -German-Japanese Cultrural Centre 2015, NOVO Artspace 2016
    (Düsseldorf) – Onomato 2014, Damen & Herren 2014

    (Athens) – MediaTerra Festival 2002, Synch Festival 2005, Micropolis 2005, Athens Videoart Festival 2020, 2019, 2018,2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006
    TwixtLAB 2017
    (Kalamata) – Videoart Festival Miden 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
    (Lamia) – Bele.Arte.Lamia Videoart 2007, 2006
    (Naoussa) – International Shortfilm Festival 2010, 2009, 2008
    (Patras) – Int. Panorama of Independant Film and Video 2006
    (Thessaloniki) – 43th International Film Festival – “e-magic” 2003, Pixeldance Videoart Festival 2006, Intro-Out – Digital Art Festival 2006, AZA – Digital Cinema Film Festival 2008
    International 2 min Thermaikaos Film Festival 2010, 2009
    (Lefkas) – Ionian International film Festival 2012, 2013
    (Corfu) – Be There – Animation Festival Corfu 2013
    (Budapest)- BuSho – International Shortfilm Festival Budapest 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, Artpool Dimensionist World Meeting 2008, Crosstalk – Videoart Festival 2009
    (Pecz) – AudioVisual Festival Pecs 2007
    (Szolnok) – Art Film Festival 2011
    (Egilstadir) – Reeindeerland Video Festival 2013, 2009
    (Reykjavik) Reindeer Film Festival 2013
    (New Dehli) – 0110 Digital Film Festival 2003, CeC & CaC – India International Centre 2016, 2015, 2014, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
    (Mumbai) – 0110 Digital Film Festival 2003
    (Guwahati) – RIA 2014
    (Kolkata) Momentum Experimental Art Festival 2016, Alliance Francais 2017, Calcutta Diaries 2017

    (Jakarta) – OK Video Festival 2009
    (Yogyakarta) – Honf 2011

    (Tel-Aviv) – Muza Plus 2012
    (Jerusalem) – AVI _International Videoart Festival 2016

    (Asolo) – International art Film Festival 2005, 2003, 2002
    (Cagliari/Sardinia) – V-Art Festival 2005
    (Ferrara) Scientist Videoart Festival 2013
    (Florence) – MUV – Und Music and Digital Art Festival 2009, Digifestival 2007
    (Naples) – Magmart Video Festival 2005, 2010
    (Pescara) – PEAM – Pescara Electronic Art Meeting 2004, 2003
    (Rome) – Arcipelago Film Festival 2005, Arte Video Roma 2011
    (Siena) – Visionaria Video Festival 2007, 2006
    (Siracusa) – Ares – Festival of New Film & Media 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
    (Torino) – Digitalclip Festival 2002, 2001
    (Venezia) – 53rd Biennale 2009 – Markers curated by Doron Polak, 52nd Biennale 2007 – Deivine_in.tent curated by Doron Polak, 51st Biennale 2005 – Isola della Poesia by Caterina Davinio
    50th Biennale 2003 – Wandering Library Project curated by Doron Polak, 49th Biennale 2001 – Bunker Paralela curated by Caterina Davinio

    (Matsushita) – Municipal Art Museum – Art on the Net – 2002, 2001
    (Nagoya) – ISEA 2002
    (Tokyo) – Japan Media art Festival 2006, 2003, Viva Video Festival Hara Museum of Art 2006

    (vientiane) – 2nd Vientiane Interntional Film Festival

    (Riga) Waterpieces Video Festival 2012, 2014

    (Beirut) – Shams The Sunflower Art Centre 2011

    (Valetta) – Spaziu Kreattiv 2019

    (Guadalajara) – 8th CHROMA – Audiovisual Art Festival 2006
    (Merida) – Interactiva – Biennale of New Media Art 2003
    (Mexico City) – ExTeresa Arte Actual 2013, 2012, 2011, Code – International Videoart & Soundart Festival 2016
    (San Luis Potosi) – Centro de Arte – 2011

    (Rabat) – Nuit Blanche Goethe Institut Rabat 2009
    (Marrakech) – Digital Marrakech 2012, 2011

    (Amsterdam) – NEXT 5 minutes Festival 2003
    (Leuwarden) – Media Art Festival Friesland 2001
    (Rotterdam) – Dutch Electronic Art Festival – unDEAF 2007, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2011
    (The Hague) – Streaming Festival 2008, 2007, 2006
    (Zwolle) – Viva Video Festival 2006

    (Stavanger) – Numusic – and Electronic Art Festival 2004
    (Oslo) – Oslo Screeen Festival 2010
    (Rauland) – Rauland Kunstforeningen 2009

    (Gaza) – 3rd Gaza International Videoart Festival 2011, 2010

    (Cuzco) – VideoBabel Videoart Festival 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

    (Manila) – Generation Loss Festival 2012

    (Gdansk) – In Out Festival – Laznia 2011, Euroshorts Film festival – Laznia 2012, EuroShort Film Festival Loft 2014
    (Szczecin) – PI 5 Video Festival National Museum 2011, 2006, 2005, Cultural Observatory 2011
    (Warsaw) – Warsaw Jewish Film Festival 2012, 2013, EuroShorts 2014
    (Zielona Gora) – Quest Europe Film Festival 2013
    (Avanca) – Multimedia Art Festival 2005, 2004
    (Cerveira) – Biennale 2001
    (Coimbra) – Fonlad Digital Art Festival 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
    (Lisbon) – Lisbon Gay and Lesbian Filmfestival 2005, FOC FilmFest 2008, InShadow Festival 2015
    (Madeira) – Madeira International Art Biennale 2008, MudasFest 2013
    (Oporto) – Links Conference and Festival 2001

    (Baia Mare) – Experimental Film Festival 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
    (Bucarest) – COOP Media Festival 2002
    (Timisoara) – Simultan Festival 2010, TimiShort Film Festival 2011
    (Tirgu Mures) – Alternative Film Festival 2013

    (Ekaterinburg) – OutVideo Film festival 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004
    (Moscow) – International Film Festival 2006, Linoleum Animation Film Festival 2012, Now and After Videoart Festival 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
    (Perm) – Machinista Media Festival 2003
    (St. Petersburg) – Unauthorized Access Festival 2006, Izolenta – Digital Film Festival 2007, NCCA _ National Centerfor Contemporary Art 2011, PROARTE – Contemporary Art 2011
    (Kansk) – Kansk International Video Festival 2012

    (Prokuplje) – International Short Film Festival 2012
    (Singapore) – ISEA 2008

    (Bratislava) – New Media Nation – Festival of Festivals 2003

    (Celje) – Video Festival 2008, 2007
    (Lubljana) – FF600 Film Festival 2009, Luksus Film Festival 2006, 2005
    (Nova Gorizia) – Pixxelpoint Festival 2001

    (Barcelona) – Sonar Festival – 2002 – Snow Blossom House, Cyber Poem Festival 2005, Loop Videofestival Barcelona 2010, Konvent Cet AV Festival barcelona 2015
    (Camargo) – Camargo Cybernetico Electronic Art Festival 2006
    (Cordoba) – Optica Videoart Festival 2009
    (Gijon) – Optica Video Festival 2008, 2007
    (Girona) – VAD – Video and digital Art Festival 2005
    (Gran Canaria) – Canarias Media Fest 2008, 2006, 2002
    (Huelva) – Confluencias Electronic Art Festival 2006
    (Huerta) – Optica Videoart Festival 2009
    (Oviedo) – Galería Texu Oviedo (Spain) Optica Video Art
    (Madrid) – MAD 2003, MAEM Mostoles 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, Optica Videoart Festival 2009, 2008, Electrocuciones Festival 2010, Festival Proyector 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, Madatac 2010
    (Sevilla) – Zemos98 – Audiovisual Festival 2007, 2006, 2005
    (Valencia) – Incubarte – Art Festival 2012, Hybridart Festival 2012
    (Vitoria-Gasteiz) – D-NEFF – European Experimental Film Festival 2007, 2006

    South Korea
    (Seoul) – Mediahexa Festival 2002, SENEF – Seoul Film Festival 2007, 2005, 2004
    (Malmoe) – Art in Your Face Festival 2005
    (Västeras/Orebro) – Art Video Screening 2008, 2007
    (Orebro) – Art Video Screening 2010, 2009, International Videoart Festival 2008, 2010, 2012

    (Basel) – Viper Media Art Festival 2001, Shift – Electronic Art Festival 2009
    (Aarau) – One Minute Film Festival 2010, 2009, 2008

    (Damascus) – 3rd New Media Art Festival 2010

    (Chiangmai) – 1st New Media Art Festival 2003
    (Bangkok) – MAF – Media Art Festival 2006, 2005, 2004, BEFF 06 – Bangkok Expwerimental Film festival 2012

    (Ankara) – Metu Video Festival 2006
    (Bursa) – 2nd Bursa International Film Festival 2007
    (Istanbul) – ENTER Caravansarai 2007, WebBiennial 2007, 2003, Obsession – Videoart Festival 2005

    (Ayr) – Maclaurin Art Gallery
    (Bristol) – unCraftivism Arnolfini 2009
    (Gainsborough)- Festival x24 2016
    (Lancaster) – Film and New Media Festival 2003
    (London) – Visions in the Nunnery 2007, Signals 5 Festival 2007

    (Lviv) – Kinolevchyk Videoart Festival 2008
    (Kiev) – Linoleum – International Animation and Media Art Festival 2015
    (Kharkiv) – Municipal Art Gallery 2011, 2018, National Karazin University 2011, 2017; 2018

    (Montevideo) – National Academy of Art 2006

    (Boston) – Cyber Art Festival – Lite Show Fest 2001
    (Chicago) – Select Festival 2005, Version Festival 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003
    (Detroit) – VidFest – Museum of New Art 2007, 2005
    (Iowa City) – THAW 02 Festival 2002
    (Ithaca) – The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2006
    (New York/NY) – Visions in New York Festival 2009, Peace and Human Security Media Festival 2002, August Art Festival 2002, Free Biennial 2002
    (Los Angeles) – Torrance Art Museum 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022; MaIDEN LA 2020, Mis-en-scene Festival 2020
    (Maracaibo) – Salon de Arte Digital 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
    (Valencia) – Cyborg Festival 2002



    25 Years – Agricola de Cologne
    25 Years – The New Museum of Neworked Art


    The Anthropocene Project
    Vacations in the Subconscious


    Athens/Greece – ADAF – Athens Digital Arts Festival – 16 / 26 May 2024
    Cologne (Germany) – Alphabet Art Centre – The Anthropocene Project 1 – 17 May – 13 June 2024
    Cologne (Germany) – Alphabet Art Centre – The Anthropocene Project 2 – 17 June- 30 August 2024
    Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) – AVAF – Addis Video Art Festical – 26 December 2024-01 January 2025


    Vacations in the Subconscious
    The 3 Surrealists
    The Violence Project


    Los Angeles (USA) – TRYST – Alternative Art Fair – 27-29 October 2023
    Quito (Ecuador) – Cinemateca Nacional – 25/26 AUgust 2023
    Los Angeles (USA) – Torrance Art Museum – 22 July -9 September 2023
    Madrid (Spain) – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 6-8 September 2023
    Cologne (Germany) – Alphabet Art Centre – Vacations in the Subconscious – 22 July – 9 September 2023
    Ottersberg/Bremen (Germany) – Performance + Media Festival HSK Ottersberg 2023
    Berlin (Germany) – Institute für Alles Mögliche 17/18 June 2023


    The 3 Francesca's
    Peace Letters to Ukraine
    Retrospective Oksana Chepelyk
    Memory of the Future
    The Climate Change Memorial - Film Collection
    Alphabet Art Centre 2022


    Los Angeles (USA) – LA Art Show – Torrance Art Museum 19-23 January 2022

    Cologne (D) – Alphabet Art Centre 27 January – 31 March 2022

    Cologne (D) – Alphabet Art Centre 14 February – 30 April 2022


    WOWretro Museum
    The New AIDS Memorial
    Alphabet Art Centre 2021

    The WOWretro Museum

    Time Quarantined

    The New AIDS Memorial

    Alphabet Art Centre 2021


    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 1-31 January 2021

    Alphabet Art Centre

    1.April-21 May 2021


    NewMediaFest 2020
    Corona! Shutdown? Film Collection
    Alphabet Art Centre
    Gandhi - PPNRCD

    NewMediaFest 2020

    Corona! Shutdown? Film Collection

    Gandhi – PPBRCD

    Alphabet Art Centre

    starts operating on occasion of the collaboration with Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles, hosting the Corona screenings online. After 20 September 2020, Alphabet Art Centre start its independent programming

    ADAF – Athen Digital Art Festival 2020


    WOW Jubilee 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Cologne
    @ Halle Zollstock 1 March 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Berlin
    @ Institute für Alles Mögliche 12 July – 26 August 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Los Angeles
    @ TAM Torrance Art Museum – 18 July – 20 September 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Athens
    @ ADAF – Athens Digital Art Festival 12 July – 5 August 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Lucca
    @ Over The Real Videoart Festival – 30 September – 04 October 2020

    WOW Jubilee 2020 Kolkata
    @ Birla Academy of Art & Culture Kolkata – 15 October – 22 November 2020


    The WOW 2019
    The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival 2019
    ColognOFF 2019
    Contaminated Progress

    WOW 2019

    Towards a plastic free environment

    Contaminated Progress

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    The private and industrial use of plastic is contaminating meanwhile the living environment on Earth so profoundly, that microplastic can be proven in nearly all living resources for animals, plants and not to forget the human individual. It is no question of an idiological view any more, but a survival necessity to ban plastic in any form from the cycle of life. Who will win the race? Ecology or economy?

    In September 2019, The New Museum of Networked Art – was supporting the initiative for a plastic free Kolkata (India) by launching the video art screening program “Contaminated Progress” – which became part of “The 1 Minute Before 12 Memorial @ The Wake Up! Memorial,


    WOW.22 / Russia
    @ Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 17 April – 12 May 2019

    WOW.23 / Latvia
    @ 6th International Holocaust Conference Riga/Latvia – 21-22 May 2019

    WOW.24 / Malta
    @ 12th Video Vortex Conference – K-Spazju Kreattiv- Valletta – 26-28 September 2019

    WOW.25 / Ethiopia
    @ Addis VideoArt Festival Addis Ababa /Ethiopia – 26 December 2019-1 January 2020

    WOW.26 / India
    @ Alliance Francaise du Bengal Kolkata/India – 12 September 2019

    WOW.27 / Tunisia
    @ 8th MasterPeace Monastir (Tunisia) – 7-11 October 2019


    The 7 Memorials for Humanity
    The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival 2018
    CologneOFF 2018
    Thw WOW 2018

    The 7 Memorials for Humanity

    WOW 2018


    WOW.12 / India 5.0
    @ TransArt ” Kolkata/India -21 January 2018

    WOW.13 / Russia
    @ Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 7-16 February 2018

    WOW.14 / Ukraine
    @ National University Kharkiv/Ukraine 10-12 April 2018
    National House of Cinema/Say By Body Art Festival – Kiev/Ukraine 13-15 April 2018

    WOW.15 / Greece 2.0
    @ ADAF – Athens Digital Art Festival – 24-27 May 2018

    WOW.16 / Finland
    @ VAFT – Videoart Festival Turku/Finland – 23 – 27 May 2018

    WOW.17 / Greece 3.0
    @ Eyes Walk Digital Festivakl syros/Greece – 27-29 July 2018

    WOW.18 / USA
    @ Torrence Art Museum (Los Angeles/CA) – 21 July – 14 December 2018

    WOW.19 / Bulgaria
    @ Quarantine Film Festival Varna/Bulgaria – 12-14 July 2018

    WOW.20 / Mexico
    @ Codec International Video Art Festival Mexico City – September 2018

    WOW.21. /India 6.0
    @ Alliance Francaise du Bengale Kolkata/India – 10 November 2018


    The W:OW Project - We Are One World 2017
    The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival 2017
    CologneOFF 2017

    The W:OW Project – We Are One World
    The project was running between 2017 and 2020, finaloued on 31.12.2020, including 28 individual edition, each one an curatorial challenge – featuring new video projects/programs, new participating curators (20) and artists – a global networking project – creating new kinds of networked art via networked curating & programming.



    WOW.01 – India
    @ Video Vortex XI @ Kochi Muziris Biennial 2016/2017
    23-26 February 2017 – Kochi/Kerala/ India

    WOW.02 / Brazil
    @ TimeLine Video Art Festival
    5-7 May 2017 – Belo Horizonte/Brazil

    WOW.03 / India
    @ Alliance Francaise du Bengal
    28 April 2017 – Kolkata/India
    5-7 May 2017 – Dharmasala/India

    WOW.04 / Greece
    @ TWIXTlab Athens – 6-7 May 2017 – Athens/Greece

    WOW.05 / Cyprus
    @ 4th International Motion Festival Cyprus 2017 11-14 May 2017 – Nicosia/Cyprus

    WOW.06 / Ecuador
    @ MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte
    @ Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Quito/Ecuador – 23-25 August 2017

    WOW.07 / India
    23 September – Kolkata/India

    WOW.08 / Venezuela
    @ 3rd NodoCCS – Videoart Festival Caracas 21 & 26 October 2017

    WOW.09 / Ethiopia
    @ Addis Video Art Festival – Addis Ababa/Ethiopia – 24 Dec 2017 – 4 Jan 2018

    WOW.10 / India 4.0
    @ 4th TENT Little Cinema International Festival – 8-10 December 2017 – Kolkata/India

    WOW.11 / Ukraine
    @ @ International BarCamp – KARAZIN MEDIA SYMPOSIUM – December 16, 2017
    V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


    artvideoKOELN - audio-visual experience 02 + 03

    CologneOFF2016 – videoart in a global context

    artvideoKOELN – audio-visual experiences 02

    artvideoKOELN – audio-visual experiences 03


    Never More! Hiroshima-Fukushima


    events in Argentina, UK, Russia, India (2), Chile, USA, Germany, Austria, Mexico)

    CologneOFF 2016 Italy
    @ Syracuse International Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy – December 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 Mexico
    @ Codec Videoart Festival 2016 – Mexico City /MX – 1-3 December 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 Argentina
    @ FIVA – Festival Internacional de Videoarte – Buenos Aires/Argentina – 2-4 December 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 Russia
    @ Now & After 2016 – International Videoart Festival Moscow – @ State Darwin Museum Moscow – 27 October – 9 November 2016

    artvideoKOELN 2016 UK
    @ Festival x 24 – Gainsborough/UK – 16-17 July 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 Chile
    @ “Proceso de Error” – 3rd International Experimental Video Festival – Valparaiso/Chile – 31 May – 4 June 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 India II
    @ Momentum – Experimental Art Festival – @ Range Art Gallery Kolkata/India – 1-3 April 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 USA
    @ Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/CA – 2 April – 28 May 2016 –

    CologneOFF 2016 Germany
    artvideoKOEN – audio-visual experiences 2 – @ Novo artspace Cologne/Germany – 1 April 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 Austria
    @ Danube Videoart Festival – Grein/Austria – 18-21 February 2016

    CologneOFF 2016 India
    @ CeC – Carnival of eCreativity – Shillong/Meghalaya/India – 26-28 February 2016


    artvideoKOELN - audiovisual experiences 01
    PARIS 2015 Memorial
    The Refugee Memorial

    CologneOFF2015 – videoart in a global context

    artvideoKOELN – audiovisual experiences 01

    Wake Up! – ://self~imaging

    artists show face against Intolerance, Racism, Xenophobia & Antisemitism

    PARIS 2015 Memorial – The iTerror Film Collection

    The “REFUGEE!”Memorial Film Collection


    events in France, Russia, India, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Ecuador, Ukraine, Spain, Costa Rica, Argentina, Peru, Ethiopia, Italy

    CologneOFF 2015 France
    @ Parachute Light Zero II Paris – 21 & 22 March 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Russia
    @ Now & After Videoart Festival Moscow
    @ Schusev State Museum of Architecture Moscow – 21 April – 21 June 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 India
    @ CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity
    North-Eastern Hill University Shillong/India – 01-03 May 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Germany I
    @ TENRI – German-Japanese Cultural Center Cologne – 16 May 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Portugal
    @ FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT – @ Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra – 15 May 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Greece
    @ 11th Athens Digital Arts Festival – 21-24 May 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Russia II
    @ Now & After Videoart festival Moscow – @ Museum of Moscow – 1-23 August 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Ecuador
    @ MIVA International Videoart Festival – Casa de la Cultura Ecuadoriana Quito – 20 August 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Ukraine
    @ Linoleum – Internation Festival of Animation and Media Art – 3-6 September 2015

    CologneOFF Spain I
    @ Zona de Morana Avila (spain)
    11-13 September 2015

    CologneOFF Spain II
    @ Konvent Festival Cel-AV – Barcelona – 18-19 September 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Ecuador II
    @ MIVA _ Centro de las Artes – La Ronda – Quito/Ecuador – 2 October – 8 Nov 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Costa Rica
    @ VIII Muestra Cortos de la Polis Joven UNED 2015 San Josè / Costa Rica – 30 October 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Portugal II
    @ InShadow Festival Lisbon – 26 Nov -6. Dec 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Argentina
    @ FIVA _ Festival Internacional de Videoarte – Buenos Aires – 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Peru
    @ VideoBabel – International Audio-Visual Festival Cuzco/Peru – 30 Nov – 3 Dec 2015

    CologneOFF 2015 Ethiopia
    @ Addis Videoart Festival Addis Abeba – 23 DEec 2015 – 3 January 2016

    CologneOFF 2015 Italy
    @ Siracusa International Film & Media Festival – 18-30 December 2015


    A Virtual Memorial 2014 Jaffa - Timsoara - Milan - Moscow

    CologneOFF2014 – videoart in a global context

    CologneOFF X – 10th Cologne International Videoart Festival

    A Virtual Memorial 2014

    A Virtual Memorial Jaffa 2014
    A Virtual Memorial Timisoara 2014

    A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014
    under the Patronage of the European Parliament

    A Virtual Memorial Moscow 2014




    2014 – 10 Years Cologne International Videoart Festival
    CologneOFF 2014 Greece I 1 Florina School of Visual Art (Greece – 19 January 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Italy I
    A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014 – @ [BOX] – videoart Project Space Miland – 25-27 January 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Israel I
    A Virtual Memorial Jaffa 2014 – @ Muza Plus – a space for art Tel-Aviv/Israel – 25 January 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Romania
    A Virtual Memorial Timisoara 2014 – @ German Cultural Center – 27 January 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Poland – 1st International Festival of Artistic Film Lublin/Poland – 27 March – 2 April

    CologneOFF 2014 Russia – A Virtual Memorial Moscow 2014 @ State Museum of Gulag Moscow @ Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 2-30 April 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 India – @ The Research & Innovation Ashram, Guwahati/india – 19 April 2014

    CologneOFF2014 Portugal I – @ FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal 17 May 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany I – @ Direct Action Festival Berlin 23-25 May 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Portugal II – @ Fonlad Digital Art Festival 21 June 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Greece II – @ Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece 3-5 July 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Italy II – @ ARES International Film and Media Arts Festival Siracusa/Italy August 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Latvia – @ Waterpieces Video &Art Festival Riga/Latvia -15-17 August 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Ecuador @ MIVA – International Videoart Festival Quito/Ecuador 23 August – 14 September 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany II @ Institut fuer Alle Moegliche Berlin 4 September 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Israel II – @ Muza Pluz – a space for art Tel-Aviv (Israel) 13 September 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany III – @ Onomato e.v. Düsseldorf/Germany – 25 September 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Greece III – @ 10th Athens International Videoart Festival 3-5 October 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany IV – @ Damen & Herren – Düsseldorf/Germany -10 October 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Spain – @ Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid 25 October – 14 November 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 USA – @ Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles – 6 Nov – 6 December 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Poland I -@ Wuro Shprts Gdansk – 26 November 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Poland II – Euro Shorts Warsaw – 26 November 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 France – Paris 21 November 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 Peru – @ VideoBabel Festival Cuzco 24-27 November 2014

    CologneOFF 2014 India – @ RIA Guwahai/India 28 November 2014


    A Virtual Memorial 2013 WArsAW - Vilnius
    Collective Trauma Film Collection

    A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013

    under the Patronage of European Parliament 25-31 October 2013

    A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013

    under the Patronage of European Parliament
    23 Sept – 27 oct 2013

    CologneOFF2013 – videoart in a global context

    CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections



    01 – CologneOFF 2013 India I @ ArtFilm Guwahati/India – 26 January 2012

    02 – CologneOFF 2013 Iceland @ Nordic House Reykjavik/Iceland – 7-10 February 2012

    03 – CologneOFF 2013 USA – @ Aferro Gallery Newark/NJ – USA – 23 Feb – 30 March 2013

    04 – CologneOFF 2013 India II – @ CeC- Carnival of eCreativity – Sattal/India – 22-24 February 2012

    05 – CologneoFF 2013 Cyprus – @ 2nd International Motion Festival Nicosia/Cyprus – 22-24 March 2013

    06 – CologneoFF 2013 Greece I @ Be There! – Corfu Animation Festival- 4-7 April 2013

    07 – CologneOFF 2013 Russia @ Now & After – Videoart Festival Moskow – 22 April – 5 May 2013

    08 – CologneOFF 2013 Georgia @ Contemporary Art Centre Tbilisi – 16-18 May 2013

    09 – CologneOFF 2013 Portugal I @ FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 25 May 2013

    10 – CologneOFF 2013 Portugal II – @ Mudas Fest Madeira – 24-26 May 2013

    11 – CologneOFF 2013 Germany @ Detmold International Shortfilm Festival – 31 May- 9 June 2013

    12 – CologneOFF 2013 Greece II – @ Athens International Videoart Festival – 7-9 June 2013

    13 – CologneOFF Greece III @ Videoart Festival Miden /Kalamata/Greece – 4-7 July 2013

    14 – CologneOFF Italy I – @ Ares Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy – 11-14 July 2013

    15 – CologneOFF 2013 Poland @ Quest Europe Film festival Zielona Gora/Poland – 17 July -25 Aug 2013

    16 – CologneOFF Finland @ Strata Foundation Finland- 24 August 2013

    17 – CologneOFF 2013 Sweden @ Vetlanda Museum/art:screen Sweden – August/September 2013

    18 – CologneOFF 2013 Lithuania I – @ JICC Vilnius – 23 Sept – 27 Oct 2013

    19 – CologneOFF 2013 Lithuania II – @ Regional Museum Kedianiai/Lithuania – 02-29 October 2013

    20 – CologneOFF 2013 Italy II – @ The Scientist Videoart Festival Ferrara/Italy – 11-13 October 2013

    21 – CologneOFF 2013 Greece IV – @ Ionian International Digital Film Festival Levkas- 9-12 October 2013

    22 – CologneOFF 2013 Poland – @ The Museum of the History of Polish Jews Warsaw – 25-31 Oct 2013

    23 – CologneOFF 2013 Romania – @ Alternative Film Festival Tirgu Mures – 6-10 November 2013

    24 – CologneOFF 2013 Peru I – @ VideoBabel – Videoart festival Cuzco/Peru – 25 Nov-19 Dec 2013

    25 – CologneOFF 2013 Greece V – @ Florina School of Visual art – Florina/Greece – 3 Dexcember 2013


    CologneOFF 2012
    A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012
    Forever - the Ball

    The d/i/light Memorial
    SFC – Shoah Film Collection

    A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 – Commemorative Interventions

    featuring SFC – Shoah Film Collection
    in partnership between Riga Ghetto & Latvian Holocaust Museum, the association “SHAMIR” – Jewish Community of Latvia, Culture & Arts Projects NOASS Riga and artvideoKOELN – the curatorial initiative “art & moving images” Cologne/Germany

    The A Team – artists for change

    the realisation of “A Virtual Memorial 2012 in Riga as an artist-in-residence project

    A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012

    A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 – videoart in a global context
    1 January – 31 December 2012

    animateCologne – Cologne Art & Animation Festival


    1- CologneOFF 2012 Belarus – @ Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Minsk – 16-18 January 2012

    2 – CologneOFF 2012 Thailand – @ Bangkok Experimental Film Festival – @ Goethe Institute Bangkok – 1 February 2012

    3 – CologneOFF 2012 India @ CeC – Carnival of eCreativity – 24-26 Februray 2012

    4 – CologneOFF 2012 Philippines I – @ Generation Loss Festival Manila – 14-30 March 2012

    5 – CologneOFF 2012 Serbia – @ International Short Film Festival Prokuplje/Serbia – 13 March 2012

    6 – CologneOFF 2012 Czech Republik – @ Anemic: Festival of Independent Film and New Media Prague – 20 March 2012 @ Alliance Francaise Prague

    7 – CologneOFF 2012 Portugal @ FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 14-28 April 2012

    8 – CologneOFF 2012 Colombia @ 8th Festival Internacional de la Imagen Manizales/Colombia- 16-20 April 2012

    9 – >CologneOFF 2012 France @ ARTchSo Video Festival Rennes – 26 April – 9 May 2012

    10 – CologneOFF 2012 Greece I @ Athens International Video Art Festival – May 2012


    CologneOFF 2012 Belarus II

    @ Urban Culture and Fire Festival Minsk
    18-20 May 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Armenia
    @ One Shot – International Film Festival – May 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Latvia I
    @ A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 @ Culture and Arts project NOASS
    1-30 JUne 2012

    CologneOFF2012 Russia I
    @ Now & After Festival Moscow – Museum of Contemporary Art
    3 June 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Spain I
    @ CologneOFF @ Polytechnical University Valencia – 21-26 June 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Spain II
    @ Fundacion FIART @ Electrocuciones Madrid/Spain – 1#minuteCologne – 5 July 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Greece II
    @ Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata – 5-7 July 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Cambodia
    @ A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012 @ Meta House Phnom Penh – 12-15 July 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Peru
    @ VideoBabel Festival Cusco/Peru
    18 July 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Russia II
    @ Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow
    10 July – 09 September 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Italy
    @ Ares Film & Media Festival Siracusa/Italy
    July/August 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Ecuador
    @ National Cinematheque Quito
    24 August 2012


    CologneOFF 2012 Russia III

    @ XI International Kansk Video Festival
    17-25 August 2012

    CologneOFF Latvia II
    @ Waterpieces Contemporary Art and Video Festival 2012
    16- 19 August 2012


    CologneOFF 2012 Hungary I

    @ Busho – Budapest Short Film Festival – 4-9 September 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Greece III
    @ Ionian International Digital Film Festival – September 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Sweden
    @ art:screen Festival Orebro/Sweden – 4-7 October 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Hungary II
    @ Fine Arts Film Festival Szolnok
    Szolnok/Hungary – 11-14 OctoberOctober 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Poland I
    @ Warsaw Jewish Film Festival – Shoah Film Collection
    25-30 October October 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Mexico I
    @ ExTeresa Art Actual Mexico City/MX – 18 & 19 October 2012


    CologneOFF 2012 Bosnia

    @ Anima – International Animation Festival Banja Luka /Bosnia-Herzegovina -23-28 October 2012

    CologneOFF 2012 Argentina
    @ FIVA – Videoart Festival Buenos Aires -5-7 November 2012
    @ Biblioteca Nacional Buenos Aires

    CologneOFF Poland II
    @ EuroShorts Film Festival Gdansk/Poland – 21-25 November 2012
    @ Laznia – Contemporary Art Centre Gdansk

    CologneOFF 2012 Morocco
    @ Digital Marrakesh Festival – December

    CologneOFF 2012 Spain III
    @ Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid – 14-23 December


    CologneOFF 2011

    CologneOFF 2011 – videoart in a global context
    networked art via networked curating
    1 January – 31 December 2011

    CologneOFF VII – Art / the City



    CologneOFF 2011 Netherlands
    @ Rotterdam Film Festival – 26 Jan – 6 Feb

    CologneOFF 2011 Finland I
    @ Arctic Film Festival Jyväskylä – 10 February

    CologneOFF 2011 Finland II
    @ Keuruu Art Museum11 Feb – 31 March

    CologneOFF 2011 India
    @ CeC – Carnival of eCreativity Sattal – 19-21 Feb

    CologneOFF 2011 UKRAINE I
    @ Goethe Institute Ukraine – 14 March

    CologneOFF 2011 UKRAINE II
    @ Institute for Contmeporary Art Kiev – 15 March

    CologneOFF 2011 UKRAINE III
    @ Kharkiv City Art Gallery – 16-20 March

    CologneOFF 2011 France
    @ ArtChSo Festival Rennes/France – 18 March – 1 April

    CologneOFF 2011 Romania I
    @ Arad Art Museum30 March – 2 AprilCologne

    CologneOFF 2011 Romania II
    @ Cafecultour 2011 Festival Timisoara – 11-17 April

    CologneOFF 2011 Romania III
    @ Timisoara Shortfilm Festiva – l4-8 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Laos
    @ Vientianale – Vientiane Short Film Festival – 12-15 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Poland I
    @ Cultural Observatory Szczecin – 2016 – Baltic Sea I -Szczecin12-14 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Russia I
    @ Smolny UniversityBaltic Sea II- St. Petersburg I – 19- May

    CologneOFF 2011 Russia II
    @ Pro Arte – Baltic Sea II- St. Petersburg II – 20 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Russia III
    @ NCCA -National Centre for Contemporary Art – Baltic Sea II- St. Petersburg III – 21 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Armenia
    @ One Shot – International Film Festival Yerevan – 17-24 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Finland III
    @Arteles – Baltic Sea III- Tampere/Fi – 26-27-28 May 2011

    CologneOFF 2011 Finland IIII
    @Galerija Rajatila – Baltic Sea III- Tampere/Fi – 28 May 2011

    CologneOFF 2011 Greece I
    @ Athens Video Art Festival – 20-22 May

    CologneOFF 2011 Estonia
    @ Estonian Academy of Arts – Baltic Sea IV- Tallinn (Estonia) – 1-2 June 2011

    CologneOFF 2011 Greece II
    @ Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata – 7-9 July

    CologneOFF 2011 Spain
    @ Proyector Festival 2011 Madrid – 11-17 July 2011

    CologneOFF 2011 Beirut/Lebanon
    @ Shams The Sunflower Art Centre Beirut – 30 August- 3 September

    CologneOFF 2ß11 Hungary
    @ BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival (Hu) – 1-5 September

    CologneOFF 2011 Baltic Sea V – Riga (Lat)
    @ Waterpieces Contemporary Art & Video Festival -8-10 September –

    CologneOFF 2011 Rome
    @ Arte Video Rome Festival 2011 – 21-23 October

    CologneOFF 2011 Poland II
    @ InOut Festival – Laznia – Contemporary Art Centre Gdansk/Pl – 22-23 October

    CologneOFF 2011 Mexico I
    @ ExTeresa Arte Actual – 10-11 November

    CologneOFF 2011 Mexico II
    @ Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana – 14-18 November

    CologneOFF 2011 Cuba
    @ International Videoart Festival Camaguey – 25 Nov – 2 Dec

    CologneOFF 2011 Mexico III
    @ Centro de las Artes San Luis Potosi – 8 December

    CologneOFF 2011 Morocco
    @ Digital Marrakech 2011 – 13-15 Dec


    NewMediaFest 2010
    CologneOFF 2010
    SoundLAB 7

    SoundLAB 7

    Celebrate! – netart features on JavaMuseum

    Flash & Thunder – Flash as a tool & medium for artistic creations on Cinemathque



    One Minute Film Collection 2 on VideoChannel

    [self]~imaging on VideoChannel

    French Videoart on VideoChannel

    CologneOFF 2010 – videoart in a global context

    ColognOFF Vi – 6th Cologne International Videoart Festival

    A Virtual Memorial

    SFC – Shoah Film Collection – (in 2017 basis of The d/i/light Memorial)

    Delhi International Arts Festival – Edhelogue – CologneOFF 2011 preview – 12-13 December 2010
    Simultan Festival Timisoara/Ro – 29 Sept- 2 Oct 2010- CologneOFF VI
    BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival 1-5 September 2010 – CologneoFF VI
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 5-7 July 2010 – VideoChannel/Cinematheque
    4th Gaza International Videoart Festival – Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia – Bethlehem- 19-24 June 2010 – CologneOFF V
    AllArtNow Intern. New Media Art Festival Damascus/Syria – 25-30 May 2010
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival- 15-28 May Coimbra/PT
    One Shot – Intern. Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 17-24 May 2010
    Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
    Manipulated Images@The Complex Santa Fe USA – 12 March 2010
    Oslo Screen Festival 12-14 March 2010 – CologneOFF V – 14 March
    CeC- Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal/India – 19-21 February 2010 – CologneOFF V

    Simultan Festival Timisoara/Ro – 30 Sept – 2 Oct 2010 – CologneOFF VI
    [BOX] – space for videoart Milan – artvideoKOELN “Phantoms of Perception – 14 Sept-7 Oct 2010
    Galería Texu Oviedo (Spain) Optica Video Art – 5-31 July 2010 – Silent Cry
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 8-10 July 2010 – VideoChannel/Cinematheque
    AllArtNow International New Media Art Festival Damascus/Syria – 25-30 May 2010
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival- 15-28 May Coimbra/PT
    One Shot – International Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 17-24 May 2010
    The International Video Art Activity Canakkale-Turkey – 14-15 May 2010
    Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
    Advertsing Life – Azyl One Minute Festival Bratislava/SK 31 March – 1 April 2010
    Oslo Screen Festival – 14 March 2010 – Oslo/Norway CologneOFF V presentation
    Manipulated Image in cooperation with VideoChannel @ the Santa Fe Complex . USA – curated by Alysse Stepanian & Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – Friday, 10 March
    CeC- Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal/ India – 19-21 Feb 2010 – CologneOFF V


    CologneOFF 2009
    SoundLAB 6

  • CologneOFF V – 5th Cologne Online Film Festival

    CologneOFF – Comedy – special selection for
    OK Video Festival – National Gallery Jakarta/Indonesia – 28 Juli – 9 August 2009

    SoundLAB 6


    Found Footage! on VideoChannel

    German Videoart on VideoChannel

    German Video Art- Johanna Reich Solo on VideoChannel

    Videoart from Taiwan

    Videoart from Italy

    “Body and Soul”

    One Minute Film Collection on VideoChannel

  • Venues*
    Art Video Exchange Norway – Rauland Kunstforeningen (Norway) – 30 December – CologneOFF IV
    unCraftivism Arnolfini Bristol/UK – 12-13 Dec’2009 – CologneOFF V – CologneOFF – One Minute
    FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Guarda/PT – 14 Nov ’09 – 03 Jan 2010 – CologneOFF V & VideoChannel
    Microwave – New Media Arts Festival Honkong – 13-30 November 2009 – VideoChannel & CologneOFF V
    OK Video Festival Jakarta/Indonesia – 28 July -6 August 2009 – CologneOFF – several selections
    VideoArt Festival Miden/Kalamata-Greece – July 2009 – CologneOFF IV – VideoChannel-WDC 13:13:13
    Video Festival Celje/Slovenia – 2-5 July 2009 – “CologneOFF invites…”
    Image Contre Nature – Experimental Film Festival – Marseille/F – 7-11 July 2009- CologneOFF IV
    Crosstalks Videoart Festival Budapest/Hu – 23-27 June 2009 – Women Directors Cut- 13:13:13
    MUV – Music and Digital Art Festival – 9-14 June 2009 – CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
    7th Intenational Film Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 17-24 May 2009 – CologneOFF IV
    ColognOFF IV selection on ” Nothing Than Images” Goethe Institute Rabat/Morocco – 1-4 April 2009
    CologneOFF IV – selection on 700IS Reindeerland Film Festival Iceland 27-28 March 2009
    CologneOFF – 2 selections on Videoformes Festival Clermont-Ferrand/F – 11 – 27 March 2009
    VideoChannel – 4 Videos by Unnur A. Einarsdottir – Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/F – 11-28 March 2009
    CeC – Carnival if e-Creativity Sattal/India – 27 Feb – 1 March 2009

    Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival #05 – 11 – 20 dec 2009
    Fonlad – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT – Nov 2009 – One Day on Mars, VideoChannel, CologneOFF
    ShootOFF – Experimental Videoart Festival Paris – 17-23 October 2009
    Art Video Screening – Orebro/SWE – Bio Roxy – 17 October 2009
    FILE – Hipersonica Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 27 July – 30 August 2009 – SoundLAB – soundPOOL
    Image Contre Nature – experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7 July 2009 – CologneOFF
    VideoFestival Celje/Slovenia – 2-5 july 2009 – “CologneOFF invites…”
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 12 July 2009 – ColognOFF
    “Bivouac Project – The Big Switch: New Media, Film and Video” – Sumter County Gallery of Art (USA) – 2 April- 22 May 2009
    FILE Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 10-19 April 2009
    Oi Futuro Cultural Centre Rio de Janeiro/Br


    CologneOFF 2008


    exhibition of sound objects
    curated for Int. Digital Art Show La Nau Valencia/Spain – 17 April – 13 May 2008

    CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!

    4th edition of Cologne Online Film Festival
    World premiere on Salon de Arte Digital at Museum of Contemporary Art Zulia MACZUL Maracaibo/VE 2-9 Oct 2008



    – videoart on the theme “Mother”
    special program of CologneOFF IV – Here we Are!

    Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela – 2-9 October 2008

    Women Directors Cut – 13:13:13

    for VideoChannel
    AZA – Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-28 Sept 2008
    Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela 2-9 October 2008

    Identity of Time – video selection for
    1st Orebro Videoart festival Orebro/SWE – 24-26 Oct 2008

    CologneOFF IV OFF, CologneOFF IV LAB – 24 Hours of Nuremberg Filmfestival – 11/12 Nov 2008
    The Best of CologneOFF I-III – OPTICA Video Festival Gijon/ES – 8 November 2008
    Identity of Time – 1st Intern. Videoart Festival Orebro/Swe – 24-26 Oct 2008
    Women Directors Cut – 13:13:13 – 2nd AZA Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-27 Sept’08
    CologneOFF IV OFF, CologneOFF IV LAB & CologneOFF IV Mother
    CologneOFF III – Art Cartoon & Animates Narratives
    CologneOFF III – Feature Nick Fox-Gieg
    Cinematheque – Slowtime/Dreamtime
    VideoChannel – Videoart from Ukraine
    6th Salon de Arte Digital – Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/Ve – 1-8 October 2008
    VIII World Meeting of Intellectuals & Artists Caracas/Ve – 13-18 October 2008
    The Best of Cologne (I-III) – Busho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival 5-7 September 2008
    CologneOFF II – Yeosu Art Festival (Yeosu/South Korea) – 30 August – 20 September 2008
    The Best of CologneOFF Video Festival Celje/Slovenia – 2-6 July 2008
    The Best of CologneOFF – Athens Video Art Festival 2009 – 11-13 April 2008
    Slowtime/Dreamtime & “The Best of CologneOFF” – French Cultural Centre André Maraux Sarajevo/Bosnia-Hercegovina – 8-21 March
    Slowtime/Dreamtime & CologneOFF III – 3rd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India -11-13 Feb
    CologneOFF I Les Inattendus – Film Festival Lyon/France – 21-27 January
    The Best of Cologne OFF Videoart on Kinolevchuk Lviv/Ukraine – 12 January

    Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain
    24 Hours of Nuremberg Shortfilm Festival – Nuremberg/GER – 7 & 8 Nov 2008
    Sound: Space 2008 at MediaLAB South Hill Park Bracknell/UK – 1 November 2008
    13th Canariasmediafest 2008 Gran Canaria (Spain) – 28 Oct – 1 Nov 2008
    CAM_Casoria – Casoria (Napoli) – 5-30 October
    6th Salon de Arte Digital – Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/Venezuela – 1-8 October 2008
    Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October
    FONLAD 4 – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal – 1 September – 30 November 2008
    Yeosu Art Festival Yeosu/S.Korea – 29 Aug-20 Sept 2008
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 3-31 August 2008
    FILE 2008 – Hipersonica Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil 3-31 August 2008
    ISEA 2008 Singapore – 25 – 30 July 2008
    Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 4-6
    Experimental Film Festival Images contre Nature Marseille/F – 2-5 July 2008
    Video Art Screenings Orebro/Sweden 17-18 April 2008
    Athens International Video Art Festival 2008 (Greece) – 11-12-13 April 2008
    Videoformes – Int. Festival of Video & New Media Clermont-Ferrand (F) – 11-15 March 2008
    Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France – 11-15March
    FILE – Electronic language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 26 February – 29 March 2008
    CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India – 15-17 February 2008
    Kinolevchyk Videoart Festival Lviv/Ukraine – 23 Dec 2007 – 21 Jan 2008


    NewMediaFest 2007
    CologneOFF 2007
    JavaMuseum 2007
    SoundLAB 5

    NewMediaFest 2007

    launch on 1 November in cooperation with 3rd Int. Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina

    a + b = ba ? – art + blog = blogart ?
    JavaMuseum – launch on 1 November 2007 in the framework of NewMediaFest2007

    Slowtime 2007 ? – Quicktime as an artistic medium
    Cinemathque – launch on 1 November 2007 in the framework of NewMediaFest2007

    CologneOFF III – Toon! Toon! – art cartoons & animated narratives
    Cologne Online Film Festival launch on 1 November 2007 in the framework of NewMediaFest2007

    soundSTORY – sound as a tool for storytelling
    SoundLAB Edition V launch on 1 November 2007 in the framework of NewMediaFest2007

    Slowtime/Dream Time & Cologne OFF III – 3rd Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina – 15-17 November 2008
    CologneOFF I & II – 6th Digital Art Festival Maracaibo/Venezuela – 7-17 Oct
    CologneOFF I & II – 1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca/Argentina 13-14 Sept
    CologneOFF I – VIP Art Gallery Belgrade/Serbia – 19 Nov
    CologneOFF I – Mobile Institute Brussels/Belgium – 24 AUg
    CologneOFF I & II – ENTER Caravansarai Festival Istanbul/Turkey 29/30 June
    CologneOFF I & II – Dutch Electronic Art Festival – unDEAF – Rotterdam/NL 15 April
    CologneOFF I & II – 2nd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India 11/12 Feb

    3rd Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina – 15, 16, 17 November –
    DigiFestival Florence/Italy – 25-28 October 2007
    1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca/Argentina – 13-14 October 2007 –
    FILE Hipersonic Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 13 August – 9 September 2007
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil 13 August – 9 September 2007
    Mobile Institute – Cinema Styx Bruxelles/Belgium – 24 August 2007
    ENTER Caravansarai Istanbul/Turkey – 27-30 June 2007
    Visions in the Nunnery – The Nunnery Gallery London/UK – 19 & 20 May 2007
    Version07 Festival – The Insurrection Internationale – – April 19 – May 6, 2007 – Chicago, USA
    Webbiennial 2007 – Istanbul Museum – – running through 2007 – 138 sec of Peace?
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro – 01 Futuro Cultural Center – 19 March -24 April


    selfportrait-a show for peace
    RRF 3.0
    SoundLAB 4
    CologneOFF 2006

    selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem


    SoundLAB edition IV – “memoryscapes”

    Cologne II – 2nd Cologne Online Film Festival
    image vs music” – launch 16 October


    “violence inc.”
    special VideoChannel selection for
    Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela – 1-9 October 2006

    Unexpectedly Real – *“selection for CUBA”
    special VideoChannel selection for

  • 8th Digital Art Festival Havanna/Cuba – 17-24 June
    presentation at Cuban Film Institute 22 June

  • JIP – JavaMuseum Interview Projectfor JavaMuseum

    *gender identity – selection for VideoChannel - – 3 April

    *On totalitarism – selection for VideoChannel – – 3 April

    *Identity of colour – selection for VideoChannel – – 3 April

    CologneOFF I – 2nd Festival International Arte Digital Rosario/Argentina – 16-18 Nov
    CologneOFF I – Chroma – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajara/Mexico – 11-17 Nov
    CologneOFF I – PI 5 InterMedia Festival National Museum Szczecin/Poland – 20-22 Oct
    Unexpectedly Real – VideoChannel – *Play VideoFestival Junin/Buenos Aires/Argentina – 24-27 August
    violence inc – VideoChannel – Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela – 1-9 October 2006
    VideoChannel – selection for CUBA – 8th Digital Art Festival Havanna/Cuba – presentation at Cuban Film Institute 22 June
    Selection03 – CeC & CaC – India International Center New Dehli/India – 27-29 January
    Selection 01 – MAF’06 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th – 02/05-04/05 2006
    VideoChannel – complete collection – Art Gallery of Knoxville (USA) 1 January – 30 Janaury 2006

    8th CHROMA – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajara/Mexico -11-17 November
    5th Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela 1-8 October – net: Violence Online Festival; special VideoChannel selections
    Canariasmediafest ‘06 – Gran Canaria/Spain31 October – 04 November
    PLAY IV Video Art Festival Buenos Aires/Argentina 24-27 August 2006
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE Poetry 15 August – 03 September 2006
    Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine 06 -30 July 2006 – ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem
    VIII SALON Y COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE DIGITAL digital art festival in Havanna/Cuba – 19 June – 16 July
    MAF’06 – Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 02-04 May 2006
    Unauthorized Access Festival St. Petersburg – Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg/Russia 7-21 April
    FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro – Cultural Center Telemar – 20 March -20 April
    Japan Media Arts Festival Tokyo/Japan – 24 February – 5 March
    The Art Gallery of Knoxville/USA “Global Groove” – 01 – 25 January


    CologneOFF 2005
    RRF 2005
    Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
    Soundlab 3
    JavaMuseum 2005


    Extasy – Final Show of 1st phase


    VideoChannel – curated for MAF’05 presentation Bangkok/Thailand

    Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina

    Tsunami – the inevitable

    Project Features- by [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne

    CologneOFF I – Cologne Online Film Festival

    VideoChannel 2005

    Selection01- VideoChannel – curated for MAF’05 presentation Bangkok/Thailand
    Selection 02 – curated for- for Israeli Digital Art Lab Holon/Israel 16 April-16 July
    Selection03 curated for´>CeC & CaC – Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave – 27-29 January India International Center New Dehli
    Hic et Nunc”- San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy 11/06 – 17/07, prog:me New Media Art Festival Rio de Janeiro – July/August
    Selection04 curated for EAST’05 – Norwich Gallery Norwich/UK 02 July – 20 August

    VideoChannel – complete collection – Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago/Chile November 2005
    VideoChannel – complete collection – Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon – University Pittsburgh/USA – 14 October – 10 Decembe 2005
    VideoChannel – Secret Memories – Select Media 4 Festival Chicago/USA – 20 October – 13 November 2005
    VideoChannel – Rhythms of Memory – PI five – short video and film festival National Museum Szczecin/Poland, Swinoujcie/Poland and Berlin/Germany 7-17 October 2005
    Selection’07 – Body Image – curated by Carrie Ruckel at The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art.Chicago/USA 21 October 2005
    VideoChannel – Selection’06 – That Uncomfortable Place Between Beginning and Ending. Curated by Lee Wells – CINEMAscopeHamptons New York/NY – 15-17 July 2005
    VideoChannel – Selection 01 – MAF’05 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th – 02/05-04/05 2005
    VideoChannel- Selection2 – Israeli Digital Art Lab Holon/Israel 16April-16 July
    VideoChannel – Selection03 – Hic et Nunc”- San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy 11/06 – 17/07
    VideoChannel – Selection03 – prog:me New Media Art Festival Rio de Janeiro – July/August
    VideoChannel – Selection 04 -EAST’05 – Norwich Gallery Norwich/UK 02 July – 20 August –
    VideoChannel – complete collection – Al Kahf Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine – 17 February -15 April2005
    VideoChannel – Selection01 – CeC & CaC – Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave – 27-29 January India International Center New Dehli

    *Videoformes 20th International Video & New Media Art Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    *Musée du Ranquet Clermont-Ferrand (France) – 14 – 19 March
    *MAF’05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok 2005 – 28 February
    *ZKM Karlsruhe/G – MAKING THINGS PUBLIC —>Fair Assembly curated by Steve Dietz – March-August 2005
    *Images Festival Toronto – 7 – 16 April –
    *Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA- 25 April – 1 May –
    *Israeli Digital Art Lab Holon/Israel – Hilchot Shchenim Chapter C – 16 April – 16 July
    *Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del ZULIA, MACZUL – Salón de Arte Digital – IV Edition – Maracaibo/VE 2005 – 20 June-2 July
    *MAF’05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok 2005 – 2nd edition – – 25 – 29 June
    *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05 – Making Things Better – Norwich/UK – 02 July – 20 August
    *prog:ME – Electronic Art Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 18 July – 28 August
    *2nd Media Art Festival Yerewan/Armenia – 9-30 August –
    *3rd 0110 Digital Film Festival New Dehli/India – 05-08 September
    *Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina – Orilla#05 – International Show of Digital Art – 8-11 September
    *National Museum Szczecin/Poland – PI – five – Video Festival 9-16 October
    *Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburg/USA – “Groundworks” – 14 October – 11 December
    *FONLAD – Festival for Digital Art Coimbra/Portugal 22 Oct – 30 Nov
    *FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 31 October – 05 November 2005
    *SELECT Media 4 Festival Chicago/USA – 3-13 November
    *FILE – Hipersonica 5 November –
    *MAEM – Electronic Art Festival Madrid/Mostoles 17-19 November
    *VAD – Festival for Video and Digital Art – 9-12 November Girona/Spain –
    *MICROPOLIS – International contest for Digital Film & Video Athens/Greece- 30 November -20 January 2006
    *Museum of Contemporary Art – Biennale of New Media Art Santiago de Chile – 18-28 November

    48. Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago/Chile 18/11-28/11
    47. Univercidade -IAV – Rio de Janeiro/Brazil lecture 7/11
    46. State University Rio de Janeiro/Brasil lecture 7/11
    45. FILE – Electronic Language Festival & Symposion 31/10-05/11
    44. SELECT Media4 Festival Chicago/USA 20/10-13/11
    43. National Academy of Fine Arts Montevideo/Ur – 28/10 -/lect/pres
    42. Finis Terrae University Santiago/Chile lecture 25/10
    41. Museum of Contemporary Art Santa fe/Ar – 21/10 – lect/pres
    40. University of Rosario/Ar – 18/10 – lectures/present
    39. Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario/Ar – 17/10 – presentation
    38. Recolleta Cultural Centre Buenos Aires 12/10 – lecture/pres
    37. National Library Buenos Aires/Ar – 11/10 lectures/pres
    36. Interferencias – University of Noroeste/Ar 13/10-16/10
    35. PI five Video Festival Szczecin/Poland 9/10 -13/11
    34. “Groundworks” Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon
    University Pittsburg/USA 14/10 – 11/10
    33. Prog::ME – Electronic Art Festival Rio de Janeiro/Br 17/07-28/08
    32. V SALON INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE DIGITAL Maracaibo/Venezuela 20/03-02/07
    31. EAST’05 – Making Things Better – Norwich/UK 02/07- 20/08
    30. MAF’05 June edition – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand
    28. Hic et Nunc San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy – Selection’03 11/07-17/07
    27. Israeli Digital ArtLab Holon/Israel 16/04- 16/07
    26. Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA 22/04- 01/05
    25. Images Festival Toronto/Canada – 7/04 – 13/04
    24. ZKM Karlsruhe/G – Making Things Public – 20/03- 08/03
    23. Camera Obscura Academy Tel-Aviv/Israel – lecture – 02/03
    22. MAF05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 25/02-29/02
    21. Musrara Media Art Academy Jerusalem/Israel – lect/pres 22/02
    20. Bethlehem International Center – lect/pres – 19/02
    19. Bethlehem University – lect/pres- 17/02
    18. CAVE Gallery at ICB Bethlehem/Palestine- solo show 17/02- 14/03


    Videochannel 2004
    RRF 2004
    Soundlab 1 +2


    Netart from Great Britain and Ireland

    Netart from all Asia and Pacific area
    launch on 20 March [R][R][F] 2004–>XP –>New Media Festival Bangkok 2004

    Witch Craft – netart features

    Netart from Spain
    launch on 8 May [R][R][F] 2004–>XP on occasion of Basics Festival Salzburg/Austria

    Netart from the Nordic countries
    launch on 19 May on [R][R][F] 2004–>XP on occasion of Electronic Art Meeting Pesacra/Italy

    Violence Online Festival 2004
    @ The RRF Project 2004

    [R][R][F] 2004–>XP

    *Rainforest Memorial
    launch on [R][R][F] 2004–>XP at National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucaresti/Romania

    SoundLab Channel
    launch on Biennale for Electronic Art Perth/Biennale

    launch on Biennale for Electronic Art Perth/Biennale

    VideoChannel – complete collection – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia 1 September – 10 November 2004

    New Media Festival Bangkok 2004 20 -28 March –
    *Globalization – online showcase on –
    *Version>04 Festival Chicago (USA) – 16 April – 01 May 2004
    *Basics Festival Salzburg/Austria – 8-16 May –
    *Electronic Art Meeting – PEAM 2004 Pescara/Italy – 23-26 May –
    * Festival of New Film and Media Split/Croatia (26 June-2 July)
    *public_space_festival Yerewan/Armenia –- 23 July -03 August
    *Westcoast Numusic & Electronic Art Festival Stavanger/Norway -23 – 30 August
    *Ars Electronica – Linz/Austria –
    *24 hours Film Festival Nuremberg/Germany – [Meeting] video – 15/16 October –
    *Orilla’04 -International Exhibition of Digtal Art – Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe (Argentina)
    *FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil
    *404 New Media Art Festival Rosario/Argentina -7 -15 December
    *Stunned Net Art Open – IMMA – Irish Museum of Modern Art
    *University of Bremen/Germany – Internet Live Streaming “EndlosFilm” by [R][R][F] group Bremen/Germany – 18 December



    RRF 2003
    JavaMuseum 2003
    Cinematheque 2003
    Violence Online Festival 2003


    Perspectives_’03 the annual competition
    + Computer Space Festival 2003 Sofia/Bulgaria – Netart from Spain, Portugal and Latin American countries

    I-highway – Netart from Canada

    Netart from German speaking countries

    Le Musee di-visioniste

    Winter Streams
    part I+II- artists working with streaming media

    Who are the pioneers?- for A Virtual Memorial –

    Featured artists Edition 06 – le Musee di-visioniste


    Violence Online Festival


    Versions 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8.0
    +Version 4.0 New Media Nation – Festival of Festivals Bratislava (Slovakia)
    +Version 4.1 Spotlight on Turbulence
    +Version 5.0 Videoformes – 18th International Video and Multimedia Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    +Version 6.0 1st New Media art Festival Chiang Mai (Thailand)
    +Version 6.1 Net Art Open 2003 – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) Dublin
    +Version 7.0 PEAM 2003 – Pescara Electonic Art Festival
    +Version 7.1 Web Biennial 2003 Istanbul Museum (Turkey)
    +Version 7.2 Fibreculture Conference – Digital Literacies – Brisbane/Australia (11-13 July)
    +Version 8.0 Open-air at Royal Gardens (Copenhagen/Demark) curated by Pio Diaz and Eva Sjuveby
    FILE 2003 – Electronic Language Festival – Sao Paulo (Brazil) –
    Nonetart Festival – Arte Digital Rosario 2003(Argentina)

    [R]-[R]-[F] – Festival – A Virtual Memorial

    Version 1.0 – InteractivA’03 – Biennale of New Media Art at Museum of Contemporary Art Merida (Yucatan/Mexico)
    *Co-curator of InteractivA’03 – Biennale of New Media Art at Museum of Contemporary Art Merida (Yucatan/Mexico)


    “Slowtime?….. Quicktime (.mov) as an artistic medium

    *MAD03 – Electronic Art Festival Madrid
    *Computer Space Festival – Netart from German speaking countries by JavaMuseum
    *MAEM 2003 – Electronic Art Mostoles -Madrid (Spain)
    *Next5 Minutes Festival – Media Library
    50th Venice Biennale – Venice (Italy) – Wandering Library Project curated by Doron Polak
    *File 2003 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *8th International Festival of New Film – Split/Croatia
    *Pula off – 50th Pula Filmfestival – Cinemania(c) – Pula (Croatia)
    *New Forms Festival Vancouver (Canada)
    *Fibreculture Conference 2003 – Brisbane/Australia :: Digital Literacies :: New Media Arts Exhibition
    *Interactiva’03 – Biennale for New Media Art – Museum of Contemporary Art Merida/Mexico
    *PEAM 2003 – Electronic Art Festival 2003 Pescara/Italy
    *NetArt Open 2003 – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) Dublin
    *Web Biennial 2003 – Istanbul Museum Istanbul (Turkey)
    *Chiang Mai 1st New Media Art Festival – Chiang Mai (Thailand)
    *Videoformes – 18th Video and Multimedia Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    *(6th) Media Arts Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography 27 Feb to 9 March
    *New Media Nation – Festival of Festivals, Bratislava/Slovakia –


    JavaMuseum 2002
    Le Musee di-visioniste 2002
    Violence Online Festival 2002
    A Virtual Memorial 2002

    JavaMuseum 2002
    Fundamental Patterns – Peripheral Basics

    Actual Positions of Italian Netart

    Actual Positions of French NetArt

    Solo Show MEZ – Mary Anne Breeze (Australia) – solo exhibition

    ‘Visions up and down’ – six net artists

    Violence Online Festival

    Le Musee di-visioniste

    5 editions of – ‘Featured Artists

    Mirror at the Bottom – artists portraying themselves

    LMD MediaCentre Summer Festival

    Focus:x {self}_presentation

    A Virtual Memorial
    Just positive! – for A Virtual Memorial

    10th Canarias Media Fest – Las Palas de Gran Canaria
    *File 2002 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    *Mediahexa Festival Seoul (Korea)
    *X Canarias International Festival of Video & Multimedia
    *e-magic – cybermedia events – 43th International Filmfestival Thessaloniki (Greece)
    Condition of the Cube – Art Festival Klodzko Art Centre (Poland)
    *Computer Space Festival 2002 Sofia (Bulgaria) 18 – 20 October
    *Liberarti – Liverpool Biennial (UK)
    *//Reload// – NetArt Open 2002 – Istanbul Museum Istanbul (Turkey)
    *Cinemania(c) – exhibition at 49th Pula Filmfestival – Pula (Croatia)
    *Version02 – Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (USA)
    *17th Videoformes Festival – Clermont Ferrand (F)
    *Violens Festival Tábor – Violence Online Festival (Czech Republic)
    *12-12 -Time Based Web Cast – 18 May – Cardiff School of Art & Design
    *Free Manifesta/Manifesta 4 – Kunstverein Frankfurt (Germany)
    *Free Biennial New York (USA)
    *The Open Museum – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)
    *Prix Ars Electronica Linz (Austria)


    JavaMuseum 2001
    A Virtual Memorial 2001
    Le Musee di-visioniste 2001

    A Virtual Memorial 2001

    ‘Memorial for the Victims of Terror’

    ‘Memorial for the Victims of AIDS

    Day without Art

    ‘Fields of Identity’

    ‘The Artist’s Studio’

    Le Musee divisioniste

    ‘Featured Artists’ – series on Le Musee di-visioniste


    ‘Perspectives on New Media’

    Solo Show of Jody Zellen (USA)

    Solo Show Tiia Johannson (Estonia)


    *16th Videoformes Festival Clermont Ferrand (F)
    *Condominium – Webart at – HICETNUNC 10 – San Vito a/T (Italy)
    *File – Electronic Language Festival 2001 Sao Paulo and Curitiba City (Brazil)
    *Circus 2001 Conference Glasgow (UK)
    *ARCO WebArt Award
    *Prix Ars Electronica – A Virtual Memorial
    *Computer Space 2001 Sofia (Bulgaria)
    *DMF2001 – Digital Media Festival 2001 Manila (Philippines)
    *Viper Media Festival Online Competition (Switzerland)
    *Art on the Net – Postcagian Interactive Sounds (Japan)
    *Net_working – Exhibition at Watershed Media Centre Bristol (UK) and
    *4th International Conference on Modern Technology and Processes for Art, Media and Design, Bangkok (Thailand)
    *Trash Project – Experimenta (Australia)
    *Torino Digital Clip Festival (Italy)



    A Virtual Memorial 2000
    Le Musee di-visioniste

    A Virtual Memorial 2000

    JavaMuseum 2000

    Le Musee di-visioniste

    Exchange 2000 Bristol (UK) – Watershead Media Center


    ARCHA Society Projects

    Agricola de Cologne, curator and organizer of different art related conferences and exhibitions in the framework of ARCHA Society

    Via this project, Agricola became actively involved in the German re-unification and experienced the transformation of two countries based on different political and cultural structures from day zero. Much more relevant than his curatorial activities as a President of ARCHA, was that they were directing him to a new type of artistic activities as they manifested themselves in the mobile memorial project “A Living Memorial – Memorial project against the Foregetting, Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism – changing the meaning and position of an artist profoundly.
    When an essential part of this comprehensive project was destroyed in an act of vandalism by Neo-Nazis on 12 September 1998, it was not only the end of this project, but also the end of Agricola’s artistic career and the death of the artist after he fell short time afterwards into a several months lasting coma.

    ARCHA Society – Archives & Research for Contemporary Humanism & Art – 1989-1998
    Gesellschaft zur Förderung humanistischen Gedankenguts in der zeitgenössischen Kunst e.V.

    1991 – International ARCHA Conference Görlitz/Germany – 2-5 May 1991



    Stadtgalle Görlitz – Municipal Conference Centre

    archa02 International ARCHA Conference Goerlitz 1991 2- 5 May 1991
    in collaboration with the City of Goerlitz, City of Halbersadt and City of Zittau
    and the municipal museums

    Prof.Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf, prime Minister of The Free State of Saxony
    Matthias Lechner, Mayor of the City of Goerlitz

    Conference topic:
    The new cultural situation after the Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989

    archa01-01Thursday, 2 May 1991
    International Artists Meeting
    Alistair McLennan, Belfast
    Stig Danielson , Sweden
    Margaret Hunter (UK)
    Ms. Waltraut Starke, Oberlausitzer Kunstverein
    Maria Zilla, Museum leipzig
    Tomasz Pierczak, (Poland)
    Roman Wiedlowski (Poland)
    Detlef Dammann, Municipal Gallery Zwickau
    Herbert Reich, ARCHA Society

    archa03Friday, 3 May 1991

    10h City tour for the participants
    11h reception at the Mayor of the City of Goerlitz
    13h common dinner
    14h Opening speech by Wilfried Agricola, President of ARCHA Society

    Lectures: Cultural Politics

    15h Example: Saxony
    Dr. Reiner Zimmermann, Department “rt” @ Ministery for Art & Science of the Freestate of Saxony, Dresden

    15.20 East-West: Example: Berlin
    Peter Sauerbaum, Head of Cultural Department of Berlin

    15.40 Example: Community East: Goerlitz
    Ulf Großmann, Head of Cultural Department of the City of Goerlitz

    16-17h Discussion

    19.30 Charity concert @ Goerlitz City Hall
    Introducing words
    Herber Reich, Board of Archa Society
    Prof.Dr. Nollau – State Secretary Ministery of Culture & Science Dresden
    on behalf of the Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf
    Matthias Lechner, Mayor of the City of Goelitz
    Sabina Moczko, Head of Cultural Department of the City of Halberstadt
    Mr. Zimmermann, Head of Cultural Department of the City of Zittau

    Ensemble State Opera Dresden
    performs songs by Mussorsky, Kurzbach, Schumann, Tchaikowski & Brahms

    Performance by
    Barbara Heinisch, painting – Chris Parker, dancer – Frank Köllges, drums

    4 May 1991

    International Contributions

    9:00h Stig Danielson, Swedish artist presents his project “Exile” about the Afghan war
    9.30h Anu Litvak, Deputy Director of State estonian Art Museum – estonian Avantgarde 1960-1985
    10.00 Mari Nommela, director of Tartu Art Museum – Recent Estonian Art since 1985
    10.30 Marketta Mäkinnen, Deputy Director Alvar Aalto Museum Jyväskylä – Recent Finnish Art
    11.00 Miczislaw Lapanowski, Director of BWA Gallery Zielon Gora – Biennale of Contemporary Polish Art

    Lectures on: Art Funding

    13.30 Prof Chaper Pult, Zurich – Swiss Cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia
    14.00 Prof. Dr.- Peter Gerlach, Cologne art historian . Private Art Funding
    14.30 Walter Smerling, Journalist Bonn – Art & Sponsoring
    15.00 Prof. Jörn Merkert, director of Berlinische Galerie Berlin – Public Art Support: Berlin
    15.30 Dr.Hartmut Vogel, Ministery of the Interior – Art Funding: Example Fedral State

    until 17h – Discussions

    17.00 Uwe Gellner, art historian – Development of the Collection of sculpture at Museum of magdeburg
    17.30 Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schulze, University of Halle – the Artist: Johannes Wüsten
    18.00 Dr. Vogt, directior of Zittau City Art Museum – Max Langer – the poetic painter of Oberlausitz

    5 May 1991

    10.00 Goelitz City Art Museum – Opening of the exhibition: The divisionsitic Principle by W.O.F. Agricola

    12.30 official end of the conference

    Internationale ARCHA Konferenz/ International ARCHA Conference Görlitz 2.-5 Mai 1991
    Thema: Die kulturelle Situation in Europa nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer
    Topic: The Cultural Situation in Europe after the Fall of then Berlin WAll

    Prof.Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf, Ministerpräsident des Freistaates Sachsen/Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony
    Matthias Lechner, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Görlitz/Mayor of the City of Görlitz
    Gefördert durch das Bundesinnenministerium, Kultusministerium Sachsen/
    funded by the Federal Ministery of the Interior, Ministery of Culture of Saxony

    a collaboration with the municipalities of Görlitz, Zittau, Halberstadt

    Realisation von 6 Ausstellungsprojekten in den neuen Bundesländern und Polen
    Realisation of 6 curatorial exhibition projects in the new states of Germany and Poland

    1. Fundamental Patterns – Margaret Hunter (Schottland)
    Halberstadt Municipal Art Museum

    2. Exile – Stig Danielsson (Schweden) – Zeichnungen aus Afghanistan
    Halberstadt City Art Museum (Germany)
    Museum Schloss Merseburg (Germany)
    Municipal Museum Zittau (Germany)
    Municipal Museum Ceska Lipa (Czech Republik)

    3. Josef Presser (polnisch/jüdischer Künstler) – Retrospective
    Castle Museum Lublin (Poland)
    Muzeum Gornoslaskie Bytom (Poland)
    Museum of Contemporary Art Radom (Poland)
    Galerie Am Domhof Zwickau (Germany)
    City Museum Bautzen (Germany)
    City Museum Aschersleben (Germany)
    Municipal Museum Halberstadt (Germany)

    4. George Soppelsa (USA)
    Galerie Am Domhof Zwickau (Germany)

    5. TRIAD – drei Europäer
    Provinciaal Museum Pierre van Humbeeck – Maria Piron – Leuven (Belgium)

    6. Projekt
    A Living Memorial Kunsträume – 1995 – 1998
    1000 Jahre, 50 Jahre und noch stets so schrecklich jung

    more details on

    Projekt – Ignatz Bubis, Präsident des Zentralrates der Juden in Deutschland
    Präsentation Thüringen – Dr. Frank Michael Pietzsch, Landtagspräsident Thüringen
    Präsentation Leipzig – W.Ch. Steinbach – Regierungspräsident Leipzig
    Präsentation NRW (Northrhine-Westfalia) – Ulrich Schmid Landtagspräsident NRW

    43 Ausstellungsorte/venues in Polen, Tschechische Republik, Belgien und Deutschland

    Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln , State Museum Majdanek Lublin, Muzeum Okregowe Bialystok, Muzeum Okregowe Siedlce, Staatl Museum Stutthof, Museum Okregowe Sandomierz , Staatl. Museum Auschwitz, Historisches Museum Krakau, Städtische Galerie Czestochowa, Schlesisches Museum Katowice, Städt. Galerie Zgorgelec, Landtag Thüringen Erfurt, Gedenkstätte Wöbbelin, Dokumentationszentrum des Bürgerkomittees Magdeburg, Schalomhaus Schönebeck, VHS Hannover, Schlossmuseum Sondershausen, Synagoge Affaltrach, Synagoge Michelbach/Lücke, Städt. Museum Salzwedel, Auschwitz Foundation Brüssel, Altes Rathaus Potsdam, Universitätsmuseum Halle/S, HATIKVA Dresden, Stadtarchiv Leipzig, Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig, Historisches Museum Leipzig, Alte Nikolai Schule Leipzig, Galerie im Hörsaalbau Universität Leipzig, Gedenkstätte Dachau, Gedenkstätte Theresienstadt, Gedenkstätte Breitenau, Antoniterkirche Köln, Medienbibliothek Köln, Gedenkstätte Neuengamme Hamburg, Gedenkstätte Köpenicker Blutwoche Berlin, Synagoge Wittlich, Städt. Galerie Gladbeck, Salvatorkirche Duisburg, Synagoge Urspringen, Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen, Auschwitz Foundatuion Brussels

    Projekt Polen
    Austragungsorte in Polen 1991-1996

    Städt. Galerie Zgorgelec, Städt. Galerie Boleslaviec, Oberschlesisches Museum Bytom, Katowice Art Centre, Schlesisches Museum Katowice, Historisches Museum Krakow, Staatliches Museum Auschwitz, Museum Lublin, Kunstverein Lublin, Staatliches Museum Majdanek Lublin, Bezirksmuseum Chelm, Bezirksmuseum Sandomierz, Bezirksmuseum Zamoscz, Bezirksmuseum Bialystok, Bezirksmuseum Siedlce, Staatliches Museum Stutthof, Städt. Galerie Jelenia Gora, Staatliche Galerie Jelenia Gora, Bezirksmuseum Walbrzych, Städt. Galerie Czestochowa

    Projekt : neue Bundesländer
    Austragungsorte in den neuen Bundesländern 1991-1998

    Städt. Museum Halberstadt, Städt. Museum Quedlinburg, Michaelstein Quedlinburg, Kreisgalerie Oschersleben, Städt. Galerie Dessau, Landtag Sachsen-Anhalt Magdeburg, Dokumentationszentrum des Bürgerkomittees Magdeburg, Kreismuseum Aschersleben, Museum Schloß Bernburg, Museum Schloß Merseburg, Städt. Kunstsammlungen Görlitz, Stadtmuseum Zittau, Stadtmuseum Bautzen, Städt. Galerie Zwickau, Städt. Galerie Glauchau, Hatikva Dresden, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig, Galerie im Hörsaalbau Universität Leipzig, Stadtarchiv Leipzig, Alte Nikolai Schule Leipzig, Städt. Galerie Fürstenwalde, Gedenkstätte Wöbbelin Schwerin, Kunsthalle Bad Kösen, Landtag Thüringen Erfurt, Schlossmuseum Sondershausen, Universitätsmuseum Halle/S, Städt. Museum Salzwedel, Altes Kulturhaus Potsdam, Schalom Haus Schönebeck (Magdeburg)